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In advanced mode device can detect any Beacon type, the device can be configured to capture data from Universal beacons as seen in the configured in table (The fields in the Beacons Capturing Configuration will be empty), for example this configuration is set to detect iBeacon and EddyStone Beacons, also with additional data(in this case whole packet).
In advanced mode device can detect any Beacon type, the device can be configured to capture data from Universal beacons as seen in the configured in table (The fields in the Beacons Capturing Configuration will be empty), for example this configuration is set to detect iBeacon and EddyStone Beacons, also with additional data(in this case whole packet).
* '''Name''' - particular parameter does not affect Beacon    capturing at all. You can name particular beacon capturing line as you    wish. Note that if "dot" symbol is placed prior to the name -    whole line in the table is disabled and beacons will not be captured;
* '''Manufacturer    ID''' - most crucial and important    part of the configuration. Device will look for provided ID and capture    beacons if ID matches. Manufacturer ID consists of 4 Bytes (8bits) and it    is required to write in the table full ID of 4 Bytes. Of course, in some    cases Manufacturer ID of some Beacons may be shorter - in such case    shorter ID can be configured but do not forget to add zeroes after the ID    inside configuration – otherwise configuration will not be valid. Actually    any numbers could be written because ID size in found Beacon advertising    packet can be configured with further parameters;
* '''Manufacturer    ID Offset''' - when    device finds advertising packet from a beacon, device will check for the    Manufacturer ID in specific part of the packet. Particular parameter    commands device from which byte in the advertised packet to look for the    ID;
* '''Manufacturer    ID Size''' -    maximum size is 4 Bytes (''same as maximum configurable parameter in    Manufacturer ID''). This parameter indicates how many bytes in found    advertising packet after offsetting to check. These bytes must match ID    configured in Manufacturer ID section. If bytes match - Beacon    advertisement packet is captured, if bytes do not match - packet is    neglected;
* '''Beacon    ID Offset''' -    parameter works the same way as Manufacturer ID Offset but main purpose is    to capture e.g. UUID of the beacon because Manufacturer ID never changes    on the same provider Beacons;
* '''Beacon    ID Size''' -    parameter works the same way as Manufacturer ID Size but purpose is to    capture specific part or whole e.g. UUID (major, minor);
* '''Additional    Data Offset''' and '''Additional    Data Size''' - allows to capture specific data of the Beacons advertised    packet e.g. battery voltage or status. These additional parameters depend    on Beacon type and advertisement packet. In order to capture full packet    of the Beacon - Offset can be left at 0 and Size matched by actual length    of the advertised packet.
* '''Beacon ID Source'''-