FMC650 has electronically controllable CAN termination resistor on CAN1 and CAN2 lines.
This means that CAN line 120Ω resistance can be switched ON or OFF.
[[image:CAN Terminator.png]]
In most cases - devices in CAN communication lines have 120Ω between CAN LOW and CAN HIGH lines. When connecting two CAN devices in parallel - overall resistance becomes 60Ω which is suitable for correct CAN communication.
<br>By default FMC650CAN Termination resistor is enabled - therefore when connecting to only one external CAN device - overall resistance will be 60Ω.
<br>If FMC650 has to be connected to CAN line where there already are 2 main devices with 120Ω resistance - <b>CAN termination resistor has to be turned off </b>. Then overall resistance of CAN line is left unchanged at 60Ω - therefore CAN communication is uninterrupted.