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(Created page with "{{Template:FMB_Features_settings|model = FMB910 Basic |ibutton_feature = |FMT100_eco = |txt_advanced = |dout = Digital output 1 can be activated for a period of time to warn...")
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|dout_control_via_ignition_feature =
|dout_control_via_ignition_feature =
|gnss_fuel =
|gnss_fuel =
[[Category:FMB910 Basic Configuration]]
[[Category:FMB910 Basic Configuration]]

Revision as of 15:17, 3 November 2020

FMB910 Basic > FMB910 Basic Configuration > FMB910 Basic Features settings

Eco/Green Driving


When vehicle parameters exceed the values of Max Acceleration, Max Braking or Max Cornering parameters, the scenario is activated: a record is generated. You can configure all three parameters in m/s2 units. The scenario is activated until the current Acceleration, Braking, or Cornering value decreases below the set parameter value.
Parameters used with Eco/Green Driving functionality are given in a table below.

Parameter name Description
Scenario Settings Enable/Disable Green driving functionality
Max Acceleration Value which can be reached while accelerating without triggering harsh acceleration event.
Max Braking Acceleration Value which can be reached while braking without triggering harsh braking event.
Max Cornering Acceleration Value which can be reached while cornering without triggering harsh cornering event.
Source Which source (GPS or accelerometer) data will be collected from.
Eco/Green Driving Duration If enabled, additional record with Eco/Green Driving event duration (ms) will be saved and send to server. When GPS is selected as the data source duration accuracy will be in seconds.
Output Control Which FMB910 Basic Digital Output will be used for accesory (buzzer, LED and etc.) activation/deactivation.

Data output

Data from accelerometer/GPS are continuously monitored and processed and are used to decide whether a harsh event has occurred. If either of three cases is satisfied, an event is generated and a record is saved and sent to the server (FMB910 Basic must be properly configured in order to send the record). Event value is multiplied by 100 before sending/saving records to get more precision when displaying data.

Auto calibration

The auto-calibration process is as follows:

  1. The vehicle is stopped.
  2. There is a straight road ahead.
  3. Send SMS "auto_calibrate:set" to the FMB device.
  4. Accelerate to >30 km/h for 5 sec.
  5. FMB will send a response when calibration is completed successfully.

Calibration is saved to internal flash memory, which means it will stay after a reset. To check auto-calibration status send a following short text message to the FMB device: "auto_calibrate:get".

Over Speeding

When vehicle speed exceeds configured maximum speed value the scenario is activated, and an event record is generated and digital output status is changed to 1 when configured.
Detected speed has to be greater than configured max speed +3% of configured max speed for the overspeeding event to start. To stop overspeeding event detected speed has to be lower than configured max speed -3% of configured max speed. Configurable parameters:


  • Scenario settings – defines the priority of overspeeding scenario: 0 – disabled, 1 – low, 2 – high, 3 – panic.
  • Max speed – it is the maximum allowed speed that can be reached. If the speed exceeded configured value, then the event will occur.
  • Send SMS to – the GSM number to which the SMS event will be sent.
  • SMS text – SMS text.

GNSS Jamming


GNSS Jamming is the transmission of radio signals that disrupts communications between tracker and satellites by decreasing the signal to noise ratio. When a device detects GNSS signal jamming, it activates the GNSS Jamming scenario. The device then generates and sends a record to the server, depending on hardware model activates Digital Output and optionally sends SMS notification to configured GSM number. After device regains GNSS signal, Digital Output is immediately deactivated and a new record is sent to the server. This Digital Output activation can be used to trigger measures to disrupt potential thieves using GNSS signal jamming to steal your vehicle. GNSS Jamming record is stored in AVL ID 318 parameter and has 3 possible values:

  • 0 - No Jamming,
  • 1 - Jamming warning status, which means that signal and accuracy is disrupted but device is able to hold GPS fix for at least 5 seconds.
  • 2 - Jamming critical status, which means that device is not able to acquire GPS fix.

Worth mentioning, that Jamming Detection can go from any state to any other in 1 second intervals. It is completely dependent on received NMEA data by GNSS receiver. Therefore, it is possible in repeated jamming scenario for the state to rapidly go from 0 to 2 and backwards. Also, GNSS Jamming functionality is capable to separate indoor areas (e.g. underground parking) from events when jamming is actually happening. This is possible because in-band jamming will affect internal PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) degrade, as a result, CNR (Carrier-to-noise ratio) will degrade as well. On the other hand, if CNR degrade is degraded only because of underground or signal covered, internal PGA gain will keep almost the same.

Eventual Records parameter can be configured: when it is disabled scenario status value will appear in each AVL record, otherwise, it will be appended only to eventual records.

Note: GNSS Jamming is only available since 03.28.03.Rev.03 or newer firmware version.

Note: GNSS Jamming is not available on 3.80, 3.82 but available on 5.10, 5.1.5, 5.1.8 or newer GNSS module firmware versions. GNSS module version can be checked by SMS\GPRS command - getver

Note that this scenario will not work with Deep Sleep, Ultra Deep Sleep and Online Deep Sleep modes, since they disable the device's GNSS module to save power.



If DOUT Control is disabled, the scenario will only generate events without digital output activation. If DOUT Control is enabled DOUT1/DOUT2 turns ON if ignition turns ON (Ignition Source is configured to 1). After any iButton ID (or RFID card) is attached, DOUT1/DOUT2 turns OFF. After iButton identification configured Ignition Source can be turned OFF (Ignition Source is configured to 0) for no longer than 30 seconds, otherwise, the immobilizer must be repeated. If the iButton List Check parameter is enabled, the authorization will be successful only if the attached iButton is specified in the iButton list.

The ignition off timeout parameter is used to set the duration after which authorization is activated when the ignition is turned off. For example, if the Ignition off timeout is set to 30 seconds when the driver turns the ignition off, he has 30 seconds until the immobilizer security check turns on again. In other words, if the driver turns off the ignition and turns it back on in less than 30 seconds, then he will not have to attach the iButton to the reader again.

From the firmware version Basic_firmware_errata 03.25.14 iBeacon authentication was introduced. iBeacon authentication works in the same way as iButton authentication. To use authorized iBeacons, the iBeacon list should be filled in the device configurator. Instructions how to list iBeacons in FMB devices can be found Basic_Beacon_List here.

By using iBeacon authorization, the immobilizer feature can be used with devices that don't have a 1-wire data connection available.

Ignition ON Counter

Ignition on.gif

Ignition ON Counter scenario counts the time spent with the ignition in the resolution of seconds.
It is possible to configure a starting value of the counter. Maximum value: 2147483647 seconds or 596523.235 hours NOTE THAT, when entering a starting value, the value must be in seconds!

Example of Ignition On Counter I/O element:

Ingintion On counter.gif

DOUT 1 Output Type

Dout1 output type.gif

DOUT 1 Output Type functionality sets the initial DOUT1 state. If functionality is configured in Normal mode digital output inactive state is low and when it is controlled by any scenario digital output is set to high state. Whenever functionality is configured in Inverted mode digital output inactive state is high and when it is controlled by any scenario digital output is set to low state.

DOUT1 in Normal state:


DOUT1 in Inverted state:


  • Notice! Digital output type control functionality will not affect SMS/GPRS command setdigout execution.

Alert.png Available from Firmware version: 03.27.07.Rev.00