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==GPS Fuel Counter==
==GPS Fuel Counter==
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Configuration of fuel consumption:
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# To configure this parameters use fuel consumption norm which are presented in your car technical documentation. By default speeds for this fuel consumption norms are: City – 30 km/h, Average - 60km/h, Highway - 90 km/h. If you want, you can change it.
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# When speed are higher than highway fuel consumption speed, we add for highway fuel consumption x % of highway fuel consumption every y km/h, by default FMB1YX add 20% every 50 km/h. It means that fuel consumption is (1.2 * Highway Fuel Consumption) on 140 km/h speed, (1.4 * Highway Fuel Consumption) on 190 km/h speed.
# Correction coefficient is use for correction every value of fuel consumption which is send to server (Used Fuel * Correction coefficient). By default it is 1, min 0.01 and max 2. For
example when correction coefficient is 1 and FMB1YX calculate that used fuel of 35 m distance is 20 ml, to server will be sent value: 20 ml, if correction coefficient is 1.2 to server will be sent value: 20 * 1.2 = 24 ml.
# Fuel consumption on idling used to calculate fuel consumption when ignition is on, but vehicle speed is 0 km/h. By default it is 1 l/h, min 0 and max 5 l/h. Almost in all diesel cars this parameter is less than 1.0 l/h. In gasoline cars this parameter is about 1.5 – 2.0 l/h.

Revision as of 08:58, 11 April 2018

Green Driving

Fmb120 green driving.png

When vehicle exceeds on of Max Acceleration, Max Braking or Max Cornering parameters value, scenario is activated, record will be generated and digital output status will be changed to 1 (if configured). You can configure all three parameters in m/s2 (meter per second squared) units. Scenario is activated until current Acceleration, Braking or Cornering value decreases below parameter value.
Parameters used with Green Driving functionality are given in a table below.

Parameter name Description
Scenario Settings Enable/Disable Green driving functionality.
Max Acceleration Value which can be reached while accelerating without triggering harsh acceleration event.
Max Braking Acceleration Value which can be reached while braking without triggering harsh braking event.
Max Cornering Acceleration Value which can be reached while cornering without triggering harsh cornering event.
Source Which source (GPS or accelerometer) data will be collected from.

Data output

Green driving functionality generates events on three cases. If vehicles:

  • Acceleration exceeds defined parameter value.
  • Deceleration (braking) exceeds defined value.
  • Cornering force exceeds defined value.

Program continously monitors and process data from accelerometer/GPS than decides whether harsh event is detected or not. If any of three cases are satisfied event is generated. Record is saved and sent to server (FMB120 must be configured properly). Event value is multiplied by 10 before sending/saving record to get more precision when displaying data*. Digital output 1 or digital output 2 can be activated for a period of time to warn driver. Output on-time should/can be configured separately for each feature case.

Auto calibration

  1. Vehicle is stopped.
  2. Road is straight.
  3. Send SMS auto_calibrate:set.
  4. Accelerate to > 30 km/h for 5 sec.
  5. FMB will send response when calibration is success.

Calibration is saved to Internal Flash, after restart should be the same. To check autocalibration status send: auto_calibrate:get.

Over Speeding

Fmb120 over speeding.png

When vecicle speed exeeds configured max speed value scenario is activated, record will be generated and digital output status will be changed to 1 (if configured).
Scenario is activated until current speed decreases below parameter value.


Fmb120 jamming.png

When jamming is detected scenario is activated, record will be generated and digital output status will be changed to 1 (if configured).
Jamming timeout time can be configures. After Jamming trigger count configured timeout (in seconds), digital output control and jamming event will be generated after this timeout. If Jamming ends during timeout counting no event will be generated and output will not be controlled.
You can configure eventual records parameter: when he is disabled scenario status value will be appeared in each AVL record, and when he is enabled scenario status value will be appended only to eventual records.

DOUT Control Via Call

Fmb120 dout via call.png

Scenario is activated and digital output is ON, when call is received from number which is in authorized numbers list.
Call control functionality:

  • When FMB120 is configured to control DOUT1/DOUT2 device waits incoming call from configured secure number. If call is received FMB120 turns on DOUT1/DOUT2 for user defined Duration timeout (s). If Duration timeout set to „0“(s), DOUT1/DOUT2 will be OFF.
  • DOUT1/DOUT2 can be turned off by Duration timeout (s) or by digital input 1, digital input 2 or digital input 3 (DOUT deactivation settings).
  • DOUT1/DOUT2 can be turned off before Duration timeout (s) by selected DIN (DOUT deactivation settings).
  • DOUT1/DOUT2 always will be ON, if DOUT deactivation set to DIN1 for example,

but DIN1 will be never turned ON or set Duration timeout to Max value (2147483647) it is about 68 years.


Fmb120 immobilizer.png

If Dout Control is disabled, scenario will only generate events without digital output activation. If Dout Control is enabled DOUT1/DOUT2 (optional) turns ON if Ignition turns ON (configured Ignition Source =1). After iButton ID is read (any iButton is attached), DOUT1/DOUT2 turns OFF. After iButton identification, Ignition (configured Ignition Source) can be turned OFF (configured Ignition Source = 0) for no longer than 30 seconds3, otherwise immobilizer must be repeated. If iButton list checking parameter is enabled, authorization will be successful only if attached iButton is specified in the iButton list.

iButton Read Notification

Fmb120 iButton read.png

This functionality allows user to see when iButton is being readed. Selected DOUT1 turns on for configured duration, after DOUT ON duration ends configured DOUT don’t turns on, even if iButton is left attached.

GPS Fuel Counter

Fmb120 gps fuel counter.png

Configuration of fuel consumption:

  1. To configure this parameters use fuel consumption norm which are presented in your car technical documentation. By default speeds for this fuel consumption norms are: City – 30 km/h, Average - 60km/h, Highway - 90 km/h. If you want, you can change it.
  2. When speed are higher than highway fuel consumption speed, we add for highway fuel consumption x % of highway fuel consumption every y km/h, by default FMB1YX add 20% every 50 km/h. It means that fuel consumption is (1.2 * Highway Fuel Consumption) on 140 km/h speed, (1.4 * Highway Fuel Consumption) on 190 km/h speed.
  3. Correction coefficient is use for correction every value of fuel consumption which is send to server (Used Fuel * Correction coefficient). By default it is 1, min 0.01 and max 2. For

example when correction coefficient is 1 and FMB1YX calculate that used fuel of 35 m distance is 20 ml, to server will be sent value: 20 ml, if correction coefficient is 1.2 to server will be sent value: 20 * 1.2 = 24 ml.

  1. Fuel consumption on idling used to calculate fuel consumption when ignition is on, but vehicle speed is 0 km/h. By default it is 1 l/h, min 0 and max 5 l/h. Almost in all diesel cars this parameter is less than 1.0 l/h. In gasoline cars this parameter is about 1.5 – 2.0 l/h.