This will describe functionalities when they were added and their flow.


Connecting to the device

Step No. 1 2 3
Step desc. Tap the selected device to connect to it Enter PIN Connected
Successful attempt at functionality visual

PIN Code.png Overview - with an update (beacon).png
Step desc. Tap the selected device to connect to it Enter PIN incorrectly Fail to enter PIN correctly 4 more times
Failed attempt at functionality visual Device blocked
Suppoted versions EYE APP: 1.2.0-60+

Firmware: 1.2.1.R.0 to 1.2.8.R.2

PUK code unlock:

Step No. 1 2 3
Step desc. Tap the selected device to connect to it Enter PIN Connected
Successful attempt at functionality visual

PIN Code.png Overview - with an update (beacon).png
Step desc. Tap the selected device to connect to it Enter PIN incorrectly Fail to enter PIN correctly 4 more times Wait for 5 min timeout and enter PIN incorrectly Fail to enter PIN correctly 4 more times
Failed attempt at functionality visual Device blocked Device blocked
Suppoted versions EYE APP: 1.2.0-60+

Firmware: 1.2.9.R.8+