FMB getinfo

From Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

"RTC:2017/6/16 7:13 Init:2017/6/16 5:44 UpTime:4744s PWR:PwrVoltage RST:0 GPS:1 SAT:0 TTFF:0 TTLF:0 NOGPS: 1:18 SR:0 FG:200 FL:0 SMS:3 REC:42 MD:1 DB:0"

Response details Description
RTC RTC time.
Init Device initialization time.
UpTime Total up time (in seconds).
PWR Last restart reason.
RST Total restarts count.
GPS GPS receiver state. GPS receiver state. 0 – OFF, 2 – ON without fix, 3 – ON with fix, 4 – Sleep mode.
SAT Average satellites.
TTFF Time To First Fix.
TTLF Time To Last Fix.
NOGPS How much time no GPS fix (h:min).
SR Number of Sent Records.
FG Failed GPRS counter.
FL Failed link counter.
SMS Sent SMS counter.
REC Records Found – number of records in the memory.
MD Data Mode state. 0 – Home and Stop, 1 – Home and Moving, 2 – Roaming and Stop, 3 – Roaming and Moving, 4 – Unknown and Stop, 5 – Unknown and Moving.
DB DB Values:

0 – SD Card used for records 1 – RAM Drive used for records