Template:FTX8XX/9XX Device Status

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Configuration > Template:FTX8XX/9XX Device Status

Device Status displays information about the device. It also provides an option to update the device firmware version. firmware errata

Device information

Device name — Device Hardware name/model

IMEI — Device International Mobile Equipment Identity number.

Firmware version— current device firmware version.

Last start time - Time when the device was turned on.

RTC time - Device internal time GMT+0.

Device uptime - Displays how long the device has been turned on.

Power voltage - Voltage level of the external power supply connected to the device.

Ext storage (used / total) - Indicates how much memory the devices has left to store records.

Battery voltage -

internal battery status - Display the internal battery level in percentage, as well as the current charging state of the battery.

Cellular information

cellular status

Modem version - Connectivity module modem version

Modem status - Displays the status of the modem (ON/OFF/Sleep)

Network status - Displays the GPRS status of the device

Sent data - Specifies the amount of data that was sent from the device to the server, in Bytes.

Received data - Specified the amount of data that was received from the server to the device, in Bytes.

Total traffic - Specifies the total data traffic, in Bytes.

Socket 1

Type - Shows the socket type. RecSend (primary server)

Socket 2

Type - Displays the socket type. RecSendBackup (backup server)


Sent records count - displays how many records have been sent since device power up

Last record send - specifies when the latest record was sent to the server

Last server response time - Specifies the time when the latest server acknowledgement was received by the device


Sent SMS - SMS sent by the device count

Received SMS - SMS received by the device count

SMS count - Total inbound/outbound SMS count by the device since device power up

SIM security

Displays the status of the SIM Card.

GNSS information