Template:FTXXXX Device Family Parameter list

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System parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
138 Uint8 0 0 8 1 – Ignition Movement source
2 – Accelerometer
4 – GNSS
8 - CAN Speed
133 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – GNSS Speed Source
1 – OBD / CAN
106 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Static navigation
1 – Enable
112 Uint8 1 0 3 1 – Movement Static navigation source
2 – Ignition
3 – Movement and Ignition
107 Uint8 2 0 2 0 – After Position Fix Send/Save records without TS
1 – Always
2 – After Time Sync
108 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable LED Indication
1 – Enable
109 Uint8 10 1 15 0 – Undefined GNSS source
1 – Beidou only
2 – Glonass only
3 – Glonass and Beidou not allowed
4 – Galileo only
5 – Galileo and Beidou
6 – Galileo and Glonass
7 – Galileo, Glonass and Beidou not allowed
8 – Gps only
9 – Gps and Beidou
10 – Gps and Glonass
11 – Gps, Glonass and Beidou not allowed
12 – Gps and Galileo
13 – Gps, Galileo and Beidou
14 – Gps, Galileo and Glonass
15 – Gps, Galileo, Glonass and Beidou and not allowed
110 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – On need Battery charge mode
1 – After ignition on
113 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Codec 8 Data Protocol
1 – Codec 8 Extended
135 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – DIN2/AIN1 Input mode
1 – Ground Sense
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
102 Uint8 2 0 4 0 – Disable Sleep settings
1 – GPS sleep
2 – Deep sleep
3 – Online Deep sleep
4 – Ultra Deep sleep
6 – Power Off sleep (only for FMB965)
103 Uint16 1 1 3000 Minutes Timeout

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
101 Uint8 4 1 14 1 – DIN 1 Ignition settings
2 – Accelerometer
3 – Digital Input or Accelerometer
4 - Power Voltage
5 - Digital Input or Power Voltage
6 - Accelerometer or Power Voltage
7 – Digital Input, Accelerometer, or Power Voltage
8 - Engine RPM
9 - Digital Input or Engine RPM
10 - Accelerometer or Engine RPM
11 - Digital Input, Accelerometer or Engine RPM
12 - Power Voltage or Engine RPM
13 - Digital Input, Power Voltage or Engine RPM
14 - Accelerometer, Power Voltage or Engine RPM
104 Uint16 30000 0 30000 mV High voltage
105 Uint16 13200 0 29999 mV Low voltage
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
19001 Uint16 5 1 60 Seconds Movement Start Delay
19002 Uint16 60 5 300 Seconds Movement Stop Delay
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
900 Uint8 1 0 3 0 – Gps only Synchronization settings
1 – NITZ and NTP
2 – NTP
3 – NITZ
901 Uint8 0 0 24 Hours NTP Resync
902 Char "avl1.teltonika.lt" 0 55 String NTP server 1
903 Char "pool.ntp.org" 0 55 String NTP server 2
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
169 Uint8 2 0 2 0 – Disabled Accelerometer Auto Calibration
1 – Once
2 – Continuous
170 Uint8 1 0 1 0 Disabled Gravity Filter
1 Enabled

GPRS parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
1000 Uint32 300 30 259200 Seconds Open link timeout
1001 Uint16 30 5 300 Seconds Response timeout
1002 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Newest Sort by
1 – Oldest
1003 Uint16 0 0 300 Seconds Network ping timeout
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
2000 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable GPRS context
1 – Enable
2001 Char "" 0 32 String APN
2002 Char "" 0 32 String APN username
2003 Char "" 0 32 String APN password
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
2004 Char "" 0 55 String Domain
2005 Uint16 0 0 65535 Number Port
2006 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – TCP Protocol
1 – UDP
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
2010 Uint8 0 0 3 0 - Disable Backup Server Mode
1 - Backup
2 - Duplicate
3 - EGTS
2007 Char "" 0 55 String Backup Server Domain
2008 Uint16 0 0 65535 Number Backup Server Port
2009 Uint8 0 0 1 0 - TCP Backup Server Protocol
1 - UDP
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
13003 Uint8 1 0 1 0 - Disable FOTA WEB Status
1 – Enable
13000 Char fm.teltonika.lt 0 55 String FOTA WEB Domain
13001 Uint16 5000 0 65535 Number FOTA WEB Port
13002 Uint16 720 30 65535 Number FOTA WEB Period

SMS/Call settings

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
3000 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Disable Allow SMS data sending
1 – Enable
3001 Char "" 0 16 String Data Send Number
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
3003 Char "" 0 5 String Login
3004 Char "" 0 5 String Password
3006 Uint16 UTC+00:00 UTC-12:00 UTC+13:00 Time zone SMS event Time Zone
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
3005 Uint8 0 0 4 0 – Do nothing Incoming call action
1 – Hangup
2 – Report position
3 – Spy call
4 – Auto answer
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
3007 Uint8 0 0 7 (3 for FMB125) 0 – Disable Outgoing call trigger
1 – DIN1
2 – Crash event
3 – DIN1 and Crash event
4 – DIN2
5 – DIN1 and DIN2
6 – DIN2 and Crash event
7 – DIN1, DIN2 and Crash event
3008 Uint8 0 0 10 GSM number GSM number index
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
4000-4199 Char "" 0 16 String Authorized number
Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
6000-6009 Char "" 0 16 String Predefined number

GSM operators

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
5000-5049 Uint32 0 0 999999 Number SIM1 roaming operator list
9500-9549 Uint32 0 0 999999 Number SIM2 roaming/home operator list
5500-5549 Uint32 0 0 999999 Number Operator blacklist

Data acquisition mode parameters

Home Network GSM operator code "Vehicle on STOP" parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Parameter name
Min Max
10000 Uint16 3600 0 65535 Min Period
10004 Uint8 1 1 255 Min Saved Records
10005 Uint16 120 0 65535 Send Period

Home Network GSM operator code "Vehicle MOVING" parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Parameter name
Min Max
10050 Uint16 300 0 65535 Min Period
10051 Uint16 100 0 65535 Min Distance
10052 Uint8 10 0 180 Min Angle
10053 Uint8 10 0 100 Min Speed Delta
10054 Uint8 1 1 255 Min Saved Records
10055 Uint16 120 0 65535 Send Period

Roaming Network GSM operator code "Vehicle on STOP" parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Parameter name
Min Max
10100 Uint16 3600 0 65535 Min Period
10104 Uint8 1 1 255 Min Saved Records
10105 Uint16 0 0 65535 Send Period

Roaming Network GSM operator code "Vehicle MOVING" parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Parameter name
Min Max
10150 Uint16 300 0 65535 Min Period
10151 Uint16 100 0 65535 Min Distance
10152 Uint8 10 0 180 Min Angle
10153 Uint8 10 0 100 Min Speed Delta
10154 Uint8 1 1 255 Min Saved Records
10155 Uint16 0 0 65535 Send Period

Unknown Network GSM operator code "Vehicle on STOP" parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Parameter name
Min Max
10200 Uint16 3600 0 65535 Min Period
10204 Uint8 1 1 255 Min Saved Records
10205 Uint16 120 0 65535 Send Period

Unknown Network GSM operator code "Vehicle MOVING" parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Parameter name
Min Max
10250 Uint16 300 0 65535 Min Period
10251 Uint16 100 0 65535 Min Distance
10252 Uint8 10 0 180 Min Angle
10253 Uint8 10 0 100 Min Speed Delta
10254 Uint8 1 1 255 Min Saved Records
10255 Uint16 0 0 65535 Send Period

Features parameters

Green driving parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11000 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11004 Uint8 2.5 0.5 10 m/s2 Max acceleration
11005 Uint8 2.7 0.5 10 m/s2 Max braking
11006 Uint8 3.4 0.5 10 m/s2 Max cornering
11007 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – GPS Source
1 – Accelerometer
11008 uint8 0 0 1 Enable/Disable Duration
11003 Uint8 0 0 2 (1 for FMB125) 0 – None Output control
1 – DOUT 1
2 – DOUT 2
11001 Int32 200 100 5000 Milliseconds DOUT ON duration
11002 Int32 200 0 5000 Milliseconds DOUT OFF duration
7034 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8034 String "Green Driving" 0 160 Text Sms text

Overspeeding scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11100 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11104 Uint16 90 0 260 km/h Max speed
11103 Uint8 0 0 2 (1 for FMB125) 0 – None Output control
1 – DOUT 1
2 – DOUT 2
11101 Int32 200 100 5000 Milliseconds DOUT ON duration
11102 Int32 200 0 5000 Milliseconds DOUT OFF duration
7032 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8032 String "Overspeeding" 0 160 Text Sms text

Jamming scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11300 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11303 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
11304 Uint8 0 0 2 (1 for FMB125) 0 – None Output control
1 – DOUT1
2 – DOUT2
11301 Int32 200 100 5000 Milliseconds DOUT ON duration
11302 Int32 200 0 5000 Milliseconds DOUT OFF duration
11305 Uint16 60 0 65535 Seconds Timeout

Immobilizer scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11700 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11701 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
11702 Uint8 0 0 2 (1 for FMB125) 0 - Disable Output control
1 - Enable (DOUT 1)
2 - Enable (DOUT 2)
11703 Uint8 0 0 1 0 - Disable iButton list check
1 - Enable
7140 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8140 String "Immobilizer" 0 160 Text Sms text
60068 Uint16 30 1 65535 Seconds Ignition Off timeout
60076 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Disable Alcotester Check
1 – Enable
60077 Double 0.4 0 4 BAC Threshold
11708 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Blood Alcohol Content Event
1 – Enable
7268 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8268 String "Blood" Alcohol Content" 0 160 Text Sms text

DOUT control via call scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
12000 Uint8 0 0 2 (1 for FMB125) 0 – None Digital Output control
1 – DOUT 1
2 – DOUT 2
12001 Uint8 0 0 3 (1 for FMB125) 0 – None DOUT deactivation
1 – DIN 1
2 – DIN 2
3 – DIN 3
12002 Int32 5 0 2147483647 Seconds Duration timeout

DOUT 1 Output type

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
60067 Uint8 0 0 1 0 - Normal Digital Output control
1 - Inverted

iButton read notification

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11704 Uint8_t 0 0 3 0 - Disabled Digital Output control
1 - DOUT 1
2 – DOUT 2 (FMB120)
3 – DOUT 3 (only for FMB130)
11705 Uint16_t 200 100 50000 Milliseconds DOUT duration
11706 Uint8_t 0 0 1 0 - Disabled iButton notification list
1 - Enabled
11707 Uint8_t 0 0 1 0 - Disabled Depend on ignition
1 - Enabled


Trip scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11800 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11801 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
11802 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Continuous Mode
1 – Between records
11803 Uint8 5 0 255 km/h Start speed
11804 Uint16 60 0 65535 Seconds Ignition off timeout
7031 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8031 String "Trip" 0 160 Text Sms text

Advanced trip scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
700 Uint16 100 0 65535 0 – Disable Eco score allowed events
11805 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Disable Remember iButton
1 – Enable

Odometer parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11806 Uint8 0 0 2 0 – GNSS Calculation source
1 – OBD
11807 Uint32 0 0 4294967 Kilometer Odometer Value

Private/Business mode scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11850 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Private/Business Mode
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11814 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
11811 Uint8 0 0 3 16 – BTApp Triggers
32 – NBL-1 Button1
64 – NBL-1 Button2
128 – FMP100 Button
255 – Enable All
11813 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Normal GPS Data Masking
1 – Data sent as Zero
2 – Last good known position
11815 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Disable Odometer calculation
1 – Enable
11816 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Deactivate by
1 – Towing detection
2 – Unplug detection
4 – Crash detection
8 – Autogeofence
15 – Enable All
11849 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – External Trigger Type
1 – Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11839 Uint16 0 -720 840 GMT+ Time Zone

Daylight saving scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11840 Uint8 0 0 1 0 – Disable Daylight Saving
1 – Enable
11841 Uint8 0 0 4 0 – First Start on DLS* week
1 – Second
2 – Third
3 – Fourth
4 – Fifth/Last
11842 Uint8 1 1 12 1 – January Start on DLS* Month
2 – February
3 – March
4 – April
5 – May
6 – June
7 – July
8 – August
9 – September
10 – October
11 – November
12 – December
11843 Uint8 0 0 6 0 – Monday Start on DLS* Day
1 – Tuesday
2 – Wednesday
3 – Thursday
4 – Friday
5 – Saturday
6 – Sunday
11844 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Start on DLS* Time
11845 Uint8 0 0 4 0 – First End on DLS* Week
1 – Second
2 – Third
3 – Fourth
4 – Fifth/Last
11846 Uint8 1 1 12 1 – January End on DLS* Month
2 – February
3 – March
4 – April
5 – May
6 – June
7 – July
8 – August
9 – September
10 – October
11 – November
12 – December
11847 Uint8 0 0 6 0 – Monday End on DLS* Day
1 – Tuesday
2 – Wednesday
3 – Thursday
4 – Friday
5 – Saturday
6 – Sunday
11848 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes End on DLS* Time

Weekly schedule scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11818 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Monday Status
1 – Enable
11819 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Monday Start Time
11820 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Monday End Time
11821 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Tuesday Status
1 – Enable
11822 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Tuesday Start Time
11823 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Tuesday End Time
11824 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Wednesday Status
1 – Enable
11825 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Wednesday Start Time
11826 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Wednesday End Time
11827 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Thursday Status
1 – Enable
11828 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Thursday Start Time
11829 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Thursday End Time
11830 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Friday Status
1 – Enable
11831 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Friday Start Time
11832 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Friday End Time
11833 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Saturday Status
1 – Enable
11834 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Saturday Start Time
11835 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Saturday End Time
11836 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Weekly Schedule Sunday Status
1 – Enable
11837 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Sunday Start Time
11838 Uint16 0 0 1140 Minutes Weekly Schedule Sunday End Time
  • - daylight saving

AutoGeofencing scenario parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
20000 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Priority
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
20002 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
20003 Uint16 60 0 65535 Seconds Activation timeout
20001 Uint8 0 0 2 0 - On exiting zone AutoGeofence event generating
1 - On entering zone
2 - On both
20005 Uint8 0 0 5 0 - Power voltage Deactivate by
1 - Digital input 1
2 - Engine RPM
3 - Digital input 2
4 - Digital input 3
5 - iButton
20004 Uint32 100 5 1000000 Value Radius
7030 Uint64 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8030 String "AutoGeofence" 0 160 Text Sms text

Manual Geofence

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
20100 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disabled Priority
1 – Low
2 – High
3 – Panic
20101 Uint8 0 0 3 0 - No event Operand
1 - On exiting zone
2 - On entering zone
3 - On both
20102 Uint8 1 0 1 0 - Disable Eventual records
1 - Enable
20103 Uint32 1 0 1000000 Border value Frame border
20104 Uint8 0 0 1 0 - Circle Shape type
1 - Rectangle
20105 Uint32 5 0 1000000 Metres Radius
20106 Double 0 -180 180 Coordinate X1
20107 Double 0 -90 90 Coordinate Y1
20108 Double 0 -180 180 Coordinate X2
20109 Double 0 -90 90 Coordinate Y2
20110 Uint8 0 0 1 0 - Disable Overspeeding
1 - Enable
20111 Uint16 90 0 1000 km/h Max allowed speed
7025 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8025 String "Geozone Zone #" 0 160 Text SMS text

Similarly to a group defined in the upper table:

Zone number Parameter
Priority Event generating Eventual records Frame border Shape type Radius X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Overspeeding Max allowed speed Send sms to SMS text
1 20100 20101 20102 20103 20104 20105 20106 20107 20108 20109 20110 20111 7025 8025
2 20120 20121 20122 20123 20124 20125 20126 20127 20128 20129 20130 20131 7026 8026
3 20140 20141 20142 20143 20144 20145 20146 20147 20148 20149 20150 20151 7027 8027
4 20160 20161 20162 20163 20164 20165 20166 20167 20168 20169 20170 20171 7028 8028
5 20180 20181 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20187 20188 20189 20190 20191 7029 8029
6 20200 20201 20202 20203 20204 20205 20206 20207 20208 20209 20210 20211 7071 8071
7 20220 20221 20222 20223 20224 20225 20226 20227 20228 20229 20230 20231 7072 8072
8 20240 20241 20242 20243 20244 20245 20246 20247 20248 20249 20250 20251 7073 8073
9 20260 20261 20262 20263 20264 20265 20266 20267 20268 20269 20270 20271 7074 8074
10 20280 20281 20282 20283 20284 20285 20286 20287 20288 20289 20290 20291 7075 8075
11 20300 20301 20302 20303 20304 20305 20306 20307 20308 20309 20310 20311 7076 8076
12 20320 20321 20322 20323 20324 20325 20326 20327 20328 20329 20330 20331 7077 8077
13 20340 20341 20342 20343 20344 20345 20346 20347 20348 20349 20350 20351 7078 8078
14 20360 20361 20362 20363 20364 20365 20366 20367 20368 20369 20370 20371 7079 8079
15 20380 20381 20382 20383 20384 20385 20386 20387 20388 20389 20390 20391 7080 8080
16 20400 20401 20402 20403 20404 20405 20406 20407 20408 20409 20410 20411 7081 8081
17 20420 20421 20422 20423 20424 20425 20426 20427 20428 20429 20430 20431 7082 8082
18 20440 20441 20442 20443 20444 20445 20446 20447 20448 20449 20450 20451 7083 8083
19 20460 20461 20462 20463 20464 20465 20466 20467 20468 20469 20470 20471 7084 8084
20 20480 20481 20482 20483 20484 20485 20486 20487 20488 20489 20490 20491 7085 8085
21 20500 20501 20502 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20509 20510 20511 7086 8086
22 20520 20521 20522 20523 20524 20525 20526 20527 20528 20529 20530 20531 7087 8087
23 20540 20541 20542 20543 20544 20545 20546 20547 20548 20549 20550 20551 7088 8088
24 20560 20561 20562 20563 20564 20565 20566 20567 20568 20569 20570 20571 7089 8089
25 20580 20581 20582 20583 20584 20585 20586 20587 20588 20589 20590 20591 7090 8090
26 20600 20601 20602 20603 20604 20605 20606 20607 20608 20609 20610 20611 7091 8091
27 20620 20621 20622 20623 20624 20625 20626 20627 20628 20629 20630 20631 7092 8092
28 20640 20641 20642 20643 20644 20645 20646 20647 20648 20649 20650 20651 7093 8093
29 20660 20661 20662 20663 20664 20665 20666 20667 20668 20669 20670 20671 7094 8094
30 20680 20681 20682 20683 20684 20685 20686 20687 20688 20689 20690 20691 7095 8095
31 20700 20701 20702 20703 20704 20705 20706 20707 20708 20709 20710 20711 7096 8096
32 20720 20721 20722 20723 20724 20725 20726 20727 20728 20729 20730 20731 7097 8097
33 20740 20741 20742 20743 20744 20745 20746 20747 20748 20749 20750 20751 7098 8098
34 20760 20761 20762 20763 20764 20765 20766 20767 20768 20769 20770 20771 7099 8099
35 20780 20781 20782 20783 20784 20785 20786 20787 20788 20789 20790 20791 7100 8100
36 20800 20801 20802 20803 20804 20805 20806 20807 20808 20809 20810 20811 7101 8101
37 20820 20821 20822 20823 20824 20825 20826 20827 20828 20829 20830 20831 7102 8102
38 20840 20841 20842 20843 20844 20845 20846 20847 20848 20849 20850 20851 7103 8103
39 20860 20861 20862 20863 20864 20865 20866 20867 20868 20869 20870 20871 7104 8104
40 20880 20881 20882 20883 20884 20885 20886 20887 20888 20889 20890 20891 7105 8105
41 20900 20901 20902 20903 20904 20905 20906 20907 20908 20909 20910 20911 7106 8106
42 20920 20921 20922 20923 20924 20925 20926 20927 20928 20929 20930 20931 7107 8107
43 20940 20941 20942 20943 20944 20945 20946 20947 20948 20949 20950 20951 7108 8108
44 20960 20961 20962 20963 20964 20965 20966 20967 20968 20969 20970 20971 7109 8109
45 20980 20981 20982 20983 20984 20985 20986 20987 20988 20989 20990 20991 7110 8110
46 21000 21001 21002 21003 21004 21005 21006 21007 21008 21009 21010 21011 7111 8111
47 21020 21021 21022 21023 21024 21025 21026 21027 21028 21029 21030 21031 7112 8112
48 21040 21041 21042 21043 21044 21045 21046 21047 21048 21049 21050 21051 7113 8113
49 21060 21061 21062 21063 21064 21065 21066 21067 21068 21069 21070 21071 7114 8114
50 21080 21081 21082 21083 21084 21085 21086 21087 21088 21089 21090 21091 7115 8115

GPS Fuel counter

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11900 Double 0 0 50 L/100km City consumption
11901 Double 0 0 50 L/100km Highway consumption
11902 Double 0 0 50 L/100km Average consumption
11903 Uint8 30 0 250 km/h City speed
11904 Uint8 90 0 250 km/h Highway speed
11905 Uint8 60 0 250 km/h Average speed
11906 Double 1 0.01 2 Coefficient Correction coefficient
11907 Double 1 0 5 L/h Fuel consumption on idling
11908 Uint8 20 0 250 % Higher speeds add
11909 Uint8 50 0 100 Value Highway consumption every km/h

Accelerometer features

Unplug Detection

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11500 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario setting
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11501 Uint8 1 0 1 0 - Disable Eventual records
1 - Enable
11502 Uint8 1 0 1 0 - Simple Detection mode
1 - Advanced
7036 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8036 String "Unplug" 0 160 Text Sms text

Towing Detection

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11600 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Priority
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11601 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
11602 Uint16 5 0 65535 Minutes Activation timeout
11603 Uint8 0 0 60 Seconds Event timeout
11604 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Make call to
11605 Double 0.22 0.1 5 mG Threshold
11606 Double 1 0.1 5 Degrees Angle
11607 Uint16 1000 1 5000 Milliseconds Duration
7035 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8035 String "Towing" 0 160 Text Sms text

Crash Detection

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11400 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario setting
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11401 Uint8 5 0 1000 Milliseconds Duration
11402 Uint16 1500 0 7900 mG Threshold
11406 Int8 0 0 1 0 - Disable Crash trace
1 - Enable
7037 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8037 String "Crash" 0 160 Text Sms text

Excessive Idling

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
11200 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
11203 Uint8 1 0 1 0 – Disable Eventual records
1 – Enable
11205 Uint8 5 0 3600 Seconds Time to stoped
11206 Uint8 2 0 3600 Seconds Time to moving
11204 Uint8 0 0 2 (1 for FMB125) 0 – None Output control
1 – DOUT 1
2 – DOUT 2
11201 Int32 200 0 2147483647 Milliseconds DOUT ON duration
11202 Int32 200 0 2147483647 Milliseconds DOUT OFF duration
7033 Uint8 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8033 String "Idling Event" 0 160 Text Sms text

Motorcycle Fall Detection

Parameter ID Parameter Type Default value Value range Value Parameter name
Min Max
13700 Uint8 0 0 3 0 – Disable Scenario settings
1 – Low priority
2 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
13701 Uint8 45 30 150 Degree Angle value
13702 Uint8 5 0 60 Seconds Alarm Delay
13703 Uint16 15 0 65500 Seconds Active Time
13704 Uint8 0 0 3 0 - Disabled Active Time
1 – DOUT 1
2 – DOUT 2
13705 Uint32 200 100 2147483647 Milliseconds DOUT ON Duration
13706 Uint32 200 0 2147483647 Milliseconds DOUT OFF Duration
7585 Byte 0 0 10 Phone number Send SMS to
8585 String MotorcycleFallDetection 0 160 Text SMS Text