FMA getstatus

Response details Description
Data Link Indicate module connection to server at the moment:
0 – Not connected, 1 – connected.
GPRS Indicate if GPRS is available at the moment.
Phone Voice Call status:
0 – ready, 1 – unavailable, 2 – unknown, 3 –ringing, 4 – call in progress, 5 – asleep.
SIM SIM Status:
0 - ready, 1 - PIN, 2 - PUK, 3 - PIN2, 4 - PUK2.
OP Connected to GSM Operator: numerical ID of operator.
Signal GSM Signal Quality [0-5].
NewSMS Indicate if new message received.
Roaming 0 – Home Network, 1 – roaming.
SMSFull SMS storage is full?
0 – OK, 1 – SMS storage full.
LAC GSM Tower Location Area Code.
Cell ID GSM Tower Cell ID Code.