Dual cam test time

FMC125 4G test time
Image resolution Image compression (%) Video duration (s) Size of image/video time interval (s) from trigger to files received on server
640x480 0 - 130KB 21s
640x480 50 - 22KB 5s
640x480 100 - 7KB 3s
1280x720 0 - 333KB 53s
1280x720 50 - 53KB 10s
1280x720 100 - 17KB 5s
1920x1080 0 - 754KB 121s
1920x1080 50 - 97KB 17s
1920x1080 100 - 97KB 7s
1280x720 - 30 (front or rear) Front mp4 - 3420KB, h265-2970KB 453s
1280x720 - 30+30 (both) Rear mp4 - 3277KB, h265-1331KB Front mp4 - 3096KB, h265 - 2342KB 733s
FMB125 2G test time
Image resolution Image compression (%) Video duration (s) Size of image/video time interval (s) from trigger to files received on server
640x480 0 - 144KB 48s
640x480 50 - 24KB 24s
640x480 100 - 7KB 16s
1280x720 0 - 363KB 90s
1280x720 50 - 53KB 33s
1280x720 100 - 17KB 17s
1920x1080 0 - 779KB 179s
1920x1080 50 - 106KB 39s
1920x1080 100 - 37KB 28s
1280x720 - 30 (front or rear) Front mp4 - 3190KB, h265-2499KB 613s
1280x720 - 30+30 (both) Rear mp4 - 2817KB, h265-2134KB Front mp4 - 3402KB, h265 - 2712KB 1133s