Dual cam test time

DualCam data transferring timing
Image resolution Image compression (%)* Video duration (s) Size of image

FMC125 4G / FMB125 2G

Time interval (s) from trigger to files received on server

FMC125 4G / FMB125 2G

Size of video

FMC125 4G / FMB125 2G

640x480 0 - 130KB / 144KB 21s / 48s -
640x480 50 - 22KB / 24KB 5s / 24s -
640x480 100 - 7KB / 7KB 3s / 16s -
1280x720 0 - 333KB / 363KB 53s / 90s -
1280x720 50 - 53KB / 53KB 10s / 33s -
1280x720 100 - 17KB / 17KB 5s/ 17s -
1920x1080 0 - 754KB / 779KB 121s / 179s -
1920x1080 50 - 97KB / 106KB 17s / 39s -
1920x1080 100 - 97KB / 37KB 7s / 28s -
1280x720 - 30 (front or rear) Front mp4 - 3420KB, h265-2970KB / Front mp4 - 3190KB, h265-2499KB 453s / 613s
1280x720 - 30+30 (both) Rear mp4 - 3277KB, h265-1331KB Front mp4 - 3096KB, h265 - 2342KB / Rear mp4 - 2817KB, h265-2134KB Front mp4 - 3402KB, h265 - 2712KB 733s / 1133s

* NOTE: This approximate time which we receive during testing in real cases can be different.

* NOTE Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images, to reduce their cost for storage or transmission. Algorithms may take advantage of visual perception and the statistical properties of image data to provide superior results compared with generic data compression methods which are used for other digital data.