Teltonika DualCam is connected to FMB125,FMC125 and FMB225, FMC225 devices using the RS232 interface.

Certifications & Approvals

Other camera related functionality

Camera is configured if all of these conditions are met:

  1. RS232 mode is selected (DualCam)
  2. Camera was not configured since startup or one of the related parameters were changed (compression, framerate or OSD)
  3. Camera file transfer is not active

Active camera reconfiguration is accompanied by two consecutive camera shutter clicks. If camera is disconnected and later reconnected, a device will detect it by periodic camera ping packet. Once camera is detected, the device will reissue the reconfiguration procedure.

DualCam update procedure

NOTE: This update procedure is for the DualCam which has 1.9.3 firmware version, if you already have DualCam firmware version 2.2.1, 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 skip to step 10.

Firmware download for FMX125 and DualCam:


Password: 3RpOAf96

DualCam firmware video update

Before the update, FMx125 has to be updated first. The latest camera firmware requires 03.27.13.Rev.362 or newer firmware. After FMx125 update, update of the camera can start:

1 Connect the camera to the FMx125. Power up, wait for the configuration finish (about 30 seconds after power up).

2 Ensure, that power supply at all times has stable 14V and not less that 2.5A output. If update is performed with the camera, that is installed in the vehicle, it is strongly recommended to have the engine running for stable alternator power supply.

3 Make sure that the camera works and responds (for example, try getting an image or try sending “camgetver” and check whether for both front and rear camera firmware versions are returned).

4 Format the SD cards of both cameras using SMS command "camget_sdformat:<cam id>". Cam id is the same as in “camreq”: 1 - Front Camera, 2 - Rear Camera. For example:



Our device will return success if the format goes well. The result returned of a successful SD card format: Camera front/rear SD Card format success

5 After the cards are formatted, power off everything, disconnect the camera from FMx125 and take out the SD cards. If disconnecting FMx125 from the DualCam is not possible, disable external UART mode from the configuration:


6 After taking out SD cards, write the firmware file of V2.2.0 to the root of both (front/rear) SD cards. Do not rename the firmware file, it has to be as it is, "JPEG_IPC_APP".

7 Put the cards back in, power the camera on. Do not reconnect the camera to the FMx125 or configure RS232 mode back yet.

8 Wait 60-90s for 2.2.0 version (for 2.2.3 version wait 120s). You should hear a click from the rear camera after the update succeeds. That click sound indicates restart of the rear camera which happens after successful firmware update.

9 Even if you don't hear the clicking sound, reconnect the camera to the FMx125 (or reconfigure RS232 mode back to DualCam) after few minutes anyway and send SMS “camgetver” command to check the versions.

At this point the command should return “Front/Rear camera camgetver failed.” If it does, it does not mean a problem, because V2.2.0 is a transitional firmware and it does not return version. Therefore, if the camera was returning V1.9.3/1.9.2 or other 1.9.X version, this means it has updated to the V2.2.0 successfully and update procedure can continue.

10 Format SD cards again as it is in step 4 and disconnect from the camera the FMx125. After that go with step 11.

11 Take the cards out and write the firmware files of V2.2.1 V2.2.2 and V2.2.3 to the root of both SD cards. The file name is“ALL221_IPC_BIN”, “ALL222_IPC_BIN” and “ALL223_IPC_BIN”. Again, do not rename it. (You must write 3 files to the SD card)

12 Repeat steps 7, and 8. After that go with step 13.

Note: Only for 2.2.3 version wait 120 second

13 Now, if all went successfully, return to the “camgetver” should return this: Front camera V2.2.3. Rear camera V2.2.3.

If it does, that means the camera is updated to V2.2.3 successfully.

14 After the update, it would be advisable to format SD cards again.

Potential issues and solutions

Update is pretty straightforward most of the time. However, sometimes the update does not trigger. In case it doesn’t and the camera does not update, check whether it is really disconnected from FMx125 device. If it is, do not power off the camera at first. Keep it powered on and take out and put back in both SD cards. After this, wait 60-90s again and check the firmware version using “camgetver”.

If it still is not updated, disconnect from FMx125, power the camera off for at least 20 seconds and power it back on. Wait for a few minutes and then re-insert the cards again. Reconnect and check the firmware version using “camgetver”.

Can also note that if just one camera updates, only front or only rear, all mentioned solutions and steps could be done to only camera.

Reminder, that the rear camera is with IR LEDs and light sensor and the front one is without them.


DualCam Checks

  • Check RS232 configuration, baud rate, etc. Default values should be set for the DualCam.
  • See if both cameras are working. Try sending separate picture requests and check the result. “camreq:1:1” for the front camera and “camreq:1;2” for the rear camera. Possible responses to "camreq" command - Camera request command

Check camera IO values in the configurator.

  • See if the camera is physically enabled, gets power, and re-check the RS232 connections. You can also test if the camera is physically enabled by covering the light sensor on the rear camera (marked green in the picture below). The rear camera’s IR LEDs should turn on by doing so in a dark environment.


  • If the camera seems to be enabled, check the SD card content. See if there are any files and review the footage using TF CardVideoPlayer v1.14. If there is some footage from the time the camera was turned on. The actual time in the camera might differ, therefore check older dates to see if there are any videos.
  • If some recent video files were found, it means that the camera is working, but not responding to RS232 commands. Otherwise, the camera is either not working or not responding to commands and does not detect SD card.

Possible solutions

  • Camera might have a problem detecting SD card. Format microSD card using FAT32 file system. Try different cards. Try re-inserting the cards while the camera is turned on. Also, keep in mind that the smallest supported card is 16 GB.
  • Physical camera restart. Disconnect the camera’s power supply and disconnect from the FMX125 device. Leave the camera for a few minutes like that and power it on but do not connect to the FMX125 for a few minutes. After some time, reconnect the device and check if the camera responds.
  • Try firmware update:
    • Upload firmware to both SD cards. The firmware file has to be the exact name “JPEG_IPC_APP” name without any extensions.
    • Disconnect the camera from the FMX125 device.
    • Power the camera off.
    • Put the SD cards in.
    • Turn the power on but do not connect to the FMX125.
    • Wait for 3-5 minutes.
    • Turn off the power and reconnect to the FMX125 device.
    • Power on the camera with the FMX125 device.
    • Check whether Codec8 Extended is enabled. Without Codec8 Extended, parameters of AVL ID 497, 498, 499 WILL not be sent.


If nothing helps and the camera is still not working or working incorrectly, log data using 2;3;9;1 filter and collect the log files.