Template:Teltonika Data Sending Parameters ID

Document updated according firmware FMB.Ver.03.18.18.Rev.50 and newer.

FMB AVL ID's consist of these parameters groups:

Permanent I/O elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
239 Ignition 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – Ignition Off
1 – Ignition On

Permanent I/O Elements
240 Movement 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – Movement Off
1 – Movement On

Permanent I/O elements
80 Data Mode 1 Unsigned 0 5 - -

0 – Home On Stop
1 – Home On Moving
2 – Roaming On Stop
3 – Roaming On Moving
4 – Unknown On Stop
5 – Unknown On Moving

Permanent I/O Elements
21 GSM Signal 1 Unsigned 0 5 - -

Value in range 1-5

Permanent I/O Elements
200 Sleep Mode 1 Unsigned 0 4 - -

0 - No Sleep
1 – GPS Sleep
2 – Deep Sleep
3 – Online Sleep
4 - Ultra Sleep

Permanent I/O Elements
69 GNSS Status 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

1 – GNSS ON with fix
2 - GNSS ON without fix
3 - GNSS sleep

Permanent I/O Elements
181 GNSS PDOP 2 Unsigned 0 500 0.1 Coefficient, calculation formula Permanent I/O Elements
182 GNSS HDOP 2 Unsigned 0 500 0.1 Coefficient, calculation formula Permanent I/O Elements
66 External Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements
24 Speed 2 Unsigned 0 350 - km/h

GNSS Speed

Permanent I/O elements
205 GSM Cell ID 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - -

GSM base station ID

Permanent I/O elements
206 GSM Area Code 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - -

Location Area code (LAC), it depends on GSM operator. It provides unique number which assigned to a set of base GSM stations.

Permanent I/O elements
67 Battery Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements
68 Battery Current 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 A


Permanent I/O elements
241 Active GSM Operator 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - -

Currently used GSM Operator code

Permanent I/O elements
199 Trip Odometer 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - m

Trip Odometer value

Permanent I/O elements
16 Total Odometer 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - -

Total Odometer value in meters

Permanent I/O elements
1 Digital Input 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Permanent I/O elements
9 Analog Input 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements

179 Digital Output 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Permanent I/O elements
12 Fuel Used GPS 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 0.001 l

Fuel Used

Permanent I/O elements
13 Fuel Rate GPS 2 Unsigned 0 32767 0.01 l/100km

Average Fuel Use

Permanent I/O elements
17 Axis X 2 Signed -8000 8000 - mG

X axis value

Permanent I/O elements
18 Axis Y 2 Signed -8000 8000 - mG

Y axis value

Permanent I/O elements
19 Axis Z 2 Signed -8000 8000 - mG

Z axis value

Permanent I/O elements
11 ICCID1 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - -


Permanent I/O elements
10 SD Status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - not present 1 - present

Permanent I/O elements
2 Digital Input 2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Permanent I/O elements
3 Digital Input 3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Permanent I/O elements
6 Analog Input 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements
180 Digital Output 2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Logic 0/1 Permanent I/O elements
72 Dallas Temperature 1 4 Signed -550 1150 0.1 °C Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115,

if 850 – Sensor not ready
if 2000 – Value read error
if 3000 – Not connected
if 4000 – ID failed
if 5000 – same as 850

Permanent I/O elements
73 Dallas Temperature 2 4 Signed -550 1150 0.1 °C Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115,

if 850 – Sensor not ready
if 2000 – Value read error
if 3000 – Not connected
if 4000 – ID failed
if 5000 – same as 850

Permanent I/O elements
74 Dallas Temperature 3 4 Signed -550 1150 0.1 °C Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115,

if 850 – Sensor not ready
if 2000 – Value read error
if 3000 – Not connected
if 4000 – ID failed
if 5000 – same as 850

Permanent I/O elements
75 Dallas Temperature 4 4 Signed -550 1150 0.1 °C Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115,

if 850 – Sensor not ready
if 2000 – Value read error
if 3000 – Not connected
if 4000 – ID failed
if 5000 – same as 850

Permanent I/O elements
76 Dallas Temperature ID 1 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Dallas sensor ID Permanent I/O elements
77 Dallas Temperature ID 2 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Dallas sensor ID Permanent I/O elements
79 Dallas Temperature ID 3 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Dallas sensor ID Permanent I/O elements
71 Dallas Temperature ID 4 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Dallas sensor ID Permanent I/O elements
78 iButton 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - iButton ID Permanent I/O elements
207 RFID 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - RFID ID


Permanent I/O elements
201 LLS 1 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants or ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232/RS485


Permanent I/O elements
202 LLS 1 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232/RS485


Permanent I/O elements
203 LLS 2 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants or ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
204 LLS 2 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
210 LLS 3 Fuel Level 2 Unsigned -4 32767 - kvants or ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
211 LLS 3 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
212 LLS 4 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants or ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
213 LLS 4 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
214 LLS 5 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants or ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
215 LLS 5 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS485


Permanent I/O elements
15 Eco Score 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 - Average amount of events on some distance Permanent I/O elements
113 Battery Level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery capacity level Permanent I/O elements
238 User ID 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - MAC address of NMEA receiver device connected via Bluetooth Permanent I/O elements
237 Network Type 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - 3G

1 - GSM
2 - 4G
3 - LTE CAT M1
99 - Unknown


Permanent I/O elements
4 Pulse Counter Din1 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Counts pulses, count is reset when records are saved Permanent I/O elements
5 Pulse Counter Din2 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Counts pulses, count is reset when records are saved Permanent I/O elements
263 BT Status 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 - BT is disabled

1 - BT Enabled, not device connected 2 - Device connected, BTv3 Only 3 - Device connected, BLE only 4 - Device connected, BLE + BT

Permanent I/O elements
264 Barcode ID Variable ASCII 0 32 - - Barcode ID
303 Instant Movement 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Logic: 0/1 returns movement value Permanent I/O elements
327 UL202-02 Sensor Fuel level 2 Signed -150 32767 0.1 mm UL202-02 Sensor Fuel level


Permanent I/O elements
483 UL202-02 Sensor Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - UL202-02 sensor status codes


Permanent I/O elements
380 Digital output 3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Logic: 0/1 Permanent I/O elements
381 Ground Sense 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Logic: 0/1 FMB130


Permanent I/O elements
387 ISO6709 Coordinates 34 HEX 0 0x7fffffffffffffff - - ISO6709 Coordinates

Latitude, Longitude (in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds) and Altitude:


Permanent I/O elements
636 UMTS/LTE Cell ID 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - Permanent I/O elements
403 Driver Name 35 Unsigned - - - - Driver name extracted from card, displayed without delimiters ($ signs)


Permanent I/O elements
404 Driver card license type 1 Unsigned 0 8 - -

None - 0
B.1 license type - 1
B.2 license type - 2
B.3 license type - 3
B.4 license type - 4
T.1 license type - 5
T.2 license type - 6
T.3 license type - 7
T.4 license type - 8


Permanent I/O elements
405 Driver Gender 1 Unsigned 0 2 - -

None - 0
Male - 1
Female - 2


Permanent I/O elements
406 Driver Card ID 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - -

None - 0
Male - 1
Female - 2


Permanent I/O elements
407 Driver card expiration date 1 Unsigned 0 9999 - -


Permanent I/O elements
408 Driver Card place of issue 4 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Extracted from card


Permanent I/O Elements
409 Driver Status Event 1 Unsigned 0 2 - -

Registered - 0
Deregistered - 1
Swapping - 2


Permanent I/O elements
329 AIN Speed 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - MSP500 Permanent I/O elements
500 MSP500 vendor name 40 ASCII 0 40 - - Name of the integrator who installed the device MSP500 Permanent I/O elements
501 MSP500 vehicle number 40 ASCII 0 40 - - Vehicle number on which the device is installed MSP500 Permanent I/O elements
502 MSP500 speed sensor 1 unsigned 0 1 - - Status of the speed sensor MSP500 Permanent I/O elements
637 Wake Reason 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

True if device was woken by RTC alarm


Permanent I/O elements
8 Authorized iButton 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - If ID is shown in this I/O that means that attached iButton is in iButton List Permanent I/O elements
116 Charger Connected 1 Unsigned 0 1 - 0 – charger is not connected
1 – charger is connected
Permanent I/O elements
117 Driving Direction 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - 0 – Unknown
1 – Forward
2 – Backward
Permanent I/O elements
262 Digital Input 4 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Logic: 0/1 Permanent I/O elements
269 Eskort LLS Temperature #1 1 Signed -128 127 °C Fuel Temperature Permanent I/O elements
271 Eskort LLS Battery Voltage #1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 V Battery Voltage Permanent I/O elements
272 Eskort LLS Temperature #2 1 Signed -128 127 °C Fuel Temperature Permanent I/O elements
274 Eskort LLS Battery Voltage #2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 V Battery Voltage Permanent I/O elements
275 Eskort LLS Temperature #3 1 Signed -128 127 °C Fuel Temperature Permanent I/O elements
277 Eskort LLS Battery Voltage #3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 V Battery Voltage Permanent I/O elements
278 Eskort LLS Temperature #4 1 Signed -128 127 °C Fuel Temperature Permanent I/O elements
280 Eskort LLS Battery Voltage #4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 V Battery Voltage Permanent I/O elements
286 Neigh Signal 0 1 Unsigned 0 255 Permanent I/O elements
287 Neigh Lac 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
288 Neigh Cell ID 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
289 Neigh Signal 1 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - Pedestrian in danger zone. Permanent I/O elements
290 Neigh Lac 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 - Forward collision warning. Permanent I/O elements
291 Neigh Cell ID 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
292 Neigh Signal 2 1 Unsigned 0 255 Permanent I/O elements
293 Neigh Lac 3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
294 Neigh Cell ID 3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
295 Neigh Signal 3 1 Unsigned 0 255 Permanent I/O elements
296 Neigh Lac 4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
297 Neigh Cell ID 4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 Permanent I/O elements
298 Neigh Signal 4 1 Unsigned 0 255 Permanent I/O elements
299 DIN2 Minutes 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Permanent I/O elements
300 DIN3 Minutes 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Permanent I/O elements
301 DIN4 Minutes 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Permanent I/O elements
302 Pulse Counter 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Permanent I/O elements
311 Battery Switch 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Permanent I/O elements
312 Machine State 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Permanent I/O elements
313 Life State 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Permanent I/O elements
314 Beacon 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - List of Beacon Ids (Implementation on FMB.Ver.03.21.04.Rev.50). More details provided in FMBXX Bluetooth Description.doc Permanent I/O elements
326 Trip Odometer GNSS 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Permanent I/O elements
328 UL202-02 Sensor Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - UL202-02 Sensor Status codes Permanent I/O elements
382 Time Frame 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Permanent I/O elements
383 AXL Calibration Status 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Shows calibration status: 0- no calibration, 1- calibrated, 2- not configured, 3- fully calibrated Permanent I/O elements
384 Pulse Counter Din4 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Counts pulses, count is reset when record is saved. Permanent I/O elements
386 Time From Last FIX 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - sec Permanent I/O elements
451 BLE RFID #1 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - BLE NBL-T RFID ID for Connetionless mode #1 slot Permanent I/O elements
452 BLE RFID #2 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - BLE NBL-T RFID ID for Connetionless mode #2 slot Permanent I/O elements
453 BLE RFID #3 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - BLE NBL-T RFID ID for Connetionless mode #3 slot Permanent I/O elements
454 BLE RFID #4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - BLE NBL-T RFID ID for Connetionless mode #4 slot Permanent I/O elements
455 BLE Button 1 state #1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 1 status for Connetionless mode #1 slot Permanent I/O elements
456 BLE Button 1 state #2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 1 status for Connetionless mode #2 slot Permanent I/O elements
457 BLE Button 1 state #3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 1 status for Connetionless mode #3 slot Permanent I/O elements
458 BLE Button 1 state #4 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 1 status for Connetionless mode #4 slot Permanent I/O elements
459 BLE Button 2 state #1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 2 status for Connetionless mode #1 slot Permanent I/O elements
460 BLE Button 2 state #2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 2 status for Connetionless mode #2 slot Permanent I/O elements
461 BLE Button 2 state #3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 2 status for Connetionless mode #3 slot Permanent I/O elements
462 BLE Button 2 state #4 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 2 status for Connetionless mode #4 slot Permanent I/O elements
482 Visible Satellites 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Currenlty visible satellites, from all navigation systems (different from 'Used Satellites') Permanent I/O elements
484 BT scanned devices 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Number of scanned bluetooth device Permanent I/O elements
485 BLE scanned devices 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Number of scanned bluetooth low energy devices Permanent I/O elements
486 Kerala motion mode 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Kerala spec motion mode:
0 - motion
1 - halt
2 - sleep
Permanent I/O elements
489 Used FS Space percentage 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Used file system space in percentage Permanent I/O elements
490 Kerala frame number 4 Unsigned 1 999999 - - Incremented on each Kerala Full packet generated Permanent I/O elements
491 Kerala tilt angle 2 Unsigned 0 180 - Degrees Device tilt angle Used in Kerala spec, calculated from accelerometer Permanent I/O elements
495 Trip Counter 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - Counter that is used to count the number of trips Permanent I/O elements
496 MapMyIndia Frame number 4 Unsigned 1 99999 - - MapMyIndia spec 1st/3rd server record counter. Permanent I/O elements
503 Kimax2 Axle1 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle1 load, t Permanent I/O elements
504 Kimax2 Axle2 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle2 load, t Permanent I/O elements
505 Kimax2 Axle3 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle3 load, t Permanent I/O elements
506 Kimax2 Axle4 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle4 load, t Permanent I/O elements
507 Kimax2 Axle5 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle5 load, t Permanent I/O elements
508 Kimax2 Axle6 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle6 load, t Permanent I/O elements
509 Kimax2 Axle7 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle7 load, t Permanent I/O elements
510 Kimax2 Axle8 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Axle8 load, t Permanent I/O elements
511 Kimax2 Load Truck 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Load truck, t Permanent I/O elements
512 Kimax2 Load Trailer 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Load trailer, t Permanent I/O elements
513 Kimax2 Total Truck 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Total truck, t Permanent I/O elements
514 Kimax2 Total Trailer 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Total trailer, t Permanent I/O elements
515 Kimax2 Load 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Load (load truck + load trailer), t Permanent I/O elements
516 Kimax2 Total 2 Unsigned 0 999 0.1 t Total (total truck + total trailer), t Permanent I/O elements
523 BLE 5 Battery Voltage 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery voltage of sensor #5 Permanent I/O elements
524 BLE 5 Temperature 2 Signed -400 1250 0.1 °C Degrees ( °C ), -40 - +125; Error codes:
4000 - abnormal sensor state
3000 - sensor not found
2000 - failed sensor data parsing
Permanent I/O elements
525 BLE 5 Humidity 2 Unsigned 0 1000 0.1 %RH Humidity % Permanent I/O elements
526 BLE Fuel Frequency #5 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - Frequency value of BLE fuel sensor #5 Permanent I/O elements
527 BLE Luminosity 5 2 Unsigned 0 0xffff - lx Luminosity value of a BLE sensor Permanent I/O elements
528 BLE RFID #5 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - BLE NBL-T RFID ID for Connetionless mode #5 slot Permanent I/O elements
529 BLE Button 1 state #5 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 1 status for Connetionless mode #5 slot Permanent I/O elements
530 BLE Button 2 state #5 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - BLE NBL-T Button 2 status for Connetionless mode #5 slot Permanent I/O elements
531 BLE 5 Custom 1 256 HEX 0 256 - - Raw data of 5th BLE sensor Permanent I/O elements
532 BLE 5 Custom 2 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Permanent I/O elements
533 BLE 5 Custom 3 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Permanent I/O elements
534 BLE 5 Custom 4 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Permanent I/O elements
535 BLE 5 Custom 5 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Permanent I/O elements
536 Eskort LLS Temperature #4 2 Signed -128 127 °C Fuel Temperature Permanent I/O elements
537 Eskort LLS Fuel Level #4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - Fuel Level Permanent I/O elements
538 Eskort LLS Battery Voltage #4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 V Battery Voltage Permanent I/O elements
539 RS232 Data 256 HEX 0 256 - - RS232 data in ASCII or binery mode Permanent I/O elements
545 Geotracer Minute Counter 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - minutes Geotracer spec minute counter Permanent I/O elements
547 CSQ Level 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Internal Use Only! Permanent I/O elements
622 Frequency DIN1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 Hz Frequency of input signal present on DIN1 Permanent I/O elements
623 Frequency DIN2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 Hz Frequency of input signal present on DIN2 Permanent I/O elements
624 Frequency DIN4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 Hz Frequency of input signal present on DIN4 Permanent I/O elements
635 Open Door Count 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Open Door Count Permanent I/O elements
638 Active Alarms 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - Active Alarms set using bitmask Permanent I/O elements
639 Secondary Sleep Mode 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 – Normal mode(No Sleep)
1 – GPS Sleep
2 – Deep Sleep
3 – Online Sleep
4 – Ultra Sleep
Permanent I/O elements
641 ICCID 22 ASCII 0 22 - - Value of SIM ICCID Permanent I/O elements
642 Elstat EMD data 800 HEX 0 800 - - Data from Elstat device Permanent I/O elements
647 Effera Alaas 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - DIN state from configured Effera alcotester Permanent I/O elements
648 Effera Alaas Override 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Override alcotester measurement state Permanent I/O elements
649 Effera Competence 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Current Effera competence value for immobilizer Permanent I/O elements
650 Record Sending 1 Signed 0 1 - - Record Sending Mode Permanent I/O elements
750 GPRS Open Status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - 0 - Closed 1 - Open Permanent I/O elements
751 GRPS Open Fail Count 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - Count of failed attempts to open the GPRS connection Permanent I/O elements
752 Link Open Status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - 0 - Closed 1 - Open Permanent I/O elements
753 Link Open Fail Count 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - Count of failed attempts Link open Permanent I/O elements
754 Visible Neighbour Cells 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - Count of neighbour cells visible Permanent I/O elements
841 DOUT 1 Overcurrent 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - DOUT 1 Overcurrent IO element is used to indicate overcurrent on Digital Output 1. When Digital Output 1 overcurrent happens, it means that current level is > 300 mA, value is set to 1. Value 1 holds until 5 min timeout runs out. After timeout value is set to 0 if current level is < 300 mA. If current level is still > 300 mA value remains 1. Permanent I/O elements
842 DOUT 2 Overcurrent 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - DOUT 2 Overcurrent IO element is used to indicate overcurrent on Digital Output 2. When Digital Output 2 overcurrent happens, it means that current level is > 300 mA, value is set to 1. Value 1 holds until 5 min timeout runs out. After timeout value is set to 0 if current level is < 300 mA. If current level is still > 300 mA value remains 1. Permanent I/O elements
1105 Frotcom Acceleration 2 Signed -32768 32767 - m/s^2 Current Acceleration Permanent I/O elements
1106 Frotcom Lateral Acceleration 2 Signed -32768 32767 - m/s^2 Current Lateral Acceleration Permanent I/O elements
1108 MethaneGASTankSensor1 4 Signed 0 0x7fffffff 0.001 m^3 Methane Gas Volume in Tank in m^3 Permanent I/O elements
1109 MethaneGASTankSensor2 4 Signed 0 0x7fffffff 0.001 m^3 Methane Gas Volume in Tank in m^3 Permanent I/O elements
1148 Connectivity Quality 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - LTE (RSSI only), eMTC (CAT-Mx) and NBIoT DetailedSignal Strenght:
byte0 - RSSI: 0 - 255 in dBm (negative values)
byte1 - RSRP: 0 - 255 in dBm (negative values)
byte2 - SINR: 0 -250 which translates to -20dB to +30dB (1/5th of dB)
byte3 - RSRQ: - 0-255 in dB (negative values)
Permanent I/O elements
1149 Current LTE Band 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - LTE, eMTC (CAT-Mx) and NBIoT current LTE band selected:
0 : No Band
1 - 85 : LTE BAND 1 - LTE BAND 85
Permanent I/O elements
1150 Driver card issue year 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Buddhist year Permanent I/O elements
1166 Trip ID 4 Signed 0 2147483647 - - Trip ID increment with each ignition ON Permanent I/O elements
1167 Key on timestamp 4 Signed 0 2147483647 - - Timestamp when the device detects the ignition Permanent I/O elements
1173 Crash count (not eventual) 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - - Total crash count Permanent I/O elements
1204 GNSS VDOP 2 Unsigned 0 500 0.1 m Vertical dilution of precision in meters Permanent I/O elements
1210 Clevertrack CAN Status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - CAN Status is always 1, EXCEPT: when Ignition is ON and CAN module is in sleep mode OR Ignition is ON, CAN module is not in sleep mode but either LVCAN is disconnected or CAN data is not present. Then CAN Status is 0. Permanent I/O elements
1400 Batch ID 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Batch ID incremented every 60s while ignition is ON. Resets on new "Viasat Trip ID" Permanent I/O elements
10487 TSH Humidity 1 2 Unsigned 0 3000 - %RH TSH202 Sensor Humidity % Permanent I/O elements
10488 TSH Humidity 2 2 Unsigned 0 3000 - %RH TSH202 Sensor Humidity % Permanent I/O elements
10489 TSH Humidity 3 2 Unsigned 0 3000 - %RH TSH202 Sensor Humidity % Permanent I/O elements
10490 TSH Humidity 4 2 Unsigned 0 3000 - %RH TSH202 Sensor Humidity % Permanent I/O elements
10609 LLS 6 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10610 LLS 6 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10611 LLS 7 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10612 LLS 7 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10613 LLS 8 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10614 LLS 8 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10615 LLS 9 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10616 LLS 9 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10617 LLS 10 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10618 LLS 10 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10619 LLS 11 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10620 LLS 11 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10621 LLS 12 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10622 LLS 12 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10623 LLS 13 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10624 LLS 13 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10625 LLS 14 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10626 LLS 14 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10627 LLS 15 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10628 LLS 15 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10629 LLS 16 Fuel Level 2 Signed -4 32767 - kvants|ltr Fuel level measured by LLS sensor via RS232 in kvants or liters Permanent I/O elements
10630 LLS 16 Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C Fuel temperature measured by LLS via RS232 in degrees Celsius Permanent I/O elements
10800 EYE Temperature 1 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.01 °C Temperature measured by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10801 EYE Temperature 2 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.01 °C Temperature measured by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10802 EYE Temperature 3 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.01 °C Temperature measured by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10803 EYE Temperature 4 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.01 °C Temperature measured by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10804 EYE Humidity 1 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Humidity measured by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10805 EYE Humidity 2 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Humidity measured by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10806 EYE Humidity 3 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Humidity measured by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10807 EYE Humidity 4 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Humidity measured by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10808 EYE Magnet 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Magnet measured by EYE Sensor by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10809 EYE Magnet 2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Magnet measured by EYE Sensor by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10810 EYE Magnet 3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Magnet measured by EYE Sensor by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10811 EYE Magnet 4 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Magnet measured by EYE Sensor by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10812 EYE Movement 1 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - - Movement state measure by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10813 EYE Movement 2 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - - Movement state measure by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10814 EYE Movement 3 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - - Movement state measure by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10815 EYE Movement 4 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - - Movement state measure by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10816 EYE Pitch 1 1 Signed -90 90 - - Pitch angle measured by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10817 EYE Pitch 2 1 Signed -90 90 - - Pitch angle measured by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10818 EYE Pitch 3 1 Signed -90 90 - - Pitch angle measured by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10819 EYE Pitch 4 1 Signed -90 90 - - Pitch angle measured by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10820 EYE Low Battery 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Low Battery indication for EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10821 EYE Low Battery 2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Low Battery indication for EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10822 EYE Low Battery 3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Low Battery indication for EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10823 EYE Low Battery 4 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Low Battery indication for EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10824 EYE Battery Voltage 1 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - - Battery Voltage of EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10825 EYE Battery Voltage 2 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - - Battery Voltage of EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10826 EYE Battery Voltage 3 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - - Battery Voltage of EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10827 EYE Battery Voltage 4 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - - Battery Voltage of EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10832 EYE Roll 1 2 Signed -180 180 - - Roll angle measured by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10833 EYE Roll 2 2 Signed -180 180 - - Roll angle measured by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10834 EYE Roll 3 2 Signed -180 180 - - Roll angle measured by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10835 EYE Roll 4 2 Signed -180 180 - - Roll angle measured by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10836 EYE Movement count 1 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - - Movement count measure by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10837 EYE Movement count 2 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - - Movement count measure by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10838 EYE Movement count 3 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - - Movement count measure by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10839 EYE Movement count 4 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - - Movement count measure by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements
10840 EYE Magnet count 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Magnet trigger count measure by EYE Sensor 1 Permanent I/O elements
10841 EYE Magnet count 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Magnet trigger count measure by EYE Sensor 2 Permanent I/O elements
10842 EYE Magnet count 3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Magnet trigger count measure by EYE Sensor 3 Permanent I/O elements
10843 EYE Magnet count 4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Magnet trigger count measure by EYE Sensor 4 Permanent I/O elements

Eventual I/O elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
155 Geofence zone 01 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
156 Geofence zone 02 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
157 Geofence zone 03 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
158 Geofence zone 04 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
159 Geofence zone 05 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
61 Geofence zone 06 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
62 Geofence zone 07 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
63 Geofence zone 08 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
64 Geofence zone 09 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
65 Geofence zone 10 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
70 Geofence zone 11 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
88 Geofence zone 12 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
91 Geofence zone 13 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
92 Geofence zone 14 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
93 Geofence zone 15 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
94 Geofence zone 16 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
95 Geofence zone 17 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
96 Geofence zone 18 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
97 Geofence zone 19 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
98 Geofence zone 20 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
99 Geofence zone 21 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
153 Geofence zone 22 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
154 Geofence zone 23 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
190 Geofence zone 24 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
191 Geofence zone 25 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
192 Geofence zone 26 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
193 Geofence zone 27 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
194 Geofence zone 28 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
195 Geofence zone 29 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
196 Geofence zone 30 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
197 Geofence zone 31 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
198 Geofence zone 32 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
208 Geofence zone 33 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
209 Geofence zone 34 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
216 Geofence zone 35 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
217 Geofence zone 36 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
218 Geofence zone 37 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
219 Geofence zone 38 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
220 Geofence zone 39 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
221 Geofence zone 40 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
222 Geofence zone 41 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
223 Geofence zone 42 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
224 Geofence zone 43 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
225 Geofence zone 44 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
226 Geofence zone 45 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
227 Geofence zone 46 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
228 Geofence zone 47 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
229 Geofence zone 48 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
230 Geofence zone 49 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
231 Geofence zone 50 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start

Eventual I/O elements
175 Auto Geofence 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone

Eventual I/O elements
250 Trip 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – trip stop
1 – trip start
From 01.00.24 fw version available with BT app new values:
2 – Business Status
3 – Private Status
4-9 – Custom Statuses

Eventual I/O elements
255 Over Speeding 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h

At over speeding start km/h, at over speeding end km/h

Eventual I/O elements
257 Crash trace data Variable HEX 0 1200 - - Crash trace data Eventual I/O elements
285 Blood alcohol content 2 Unsigned 0 9999 - - Alcohol content in blood in perlims and mode. First 14 bits from MSB are perlims multiplied by 1000 and last to bits are 0 - Passive test, 1 Active test, 2 and 3 are reserved. FMB125 Eventual I/O elements
251 Idling 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – moving
1 – idling

Eventual I/O elements
253 Green driving type 1 Unsigned 1 3 - -

1 – harsh acceleration
2 – harsh braking
3 – harsh cornering

Eventual I/O elements
246 Towing 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – steady
1 – towing

Eventual I/O elements
252 Unplug 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – battery present
1 – battery unplugged

Eventual I/O elements
247 Crash detection 1 Unsigned 1 6 - -

1 – real crash detected (device is calibrated)
2 – limited crash trace (device not calibrated)
3 - limited crash trace (device is calibrated)
4 - full crash trace (device not calibrated)
5 - full crash trace (device is calibrated)
6 - real crash detected (device not calibrated)

Eventual I/O elements
248 Immobilizer 1 Unsigned 0 2 - -

0 – iButton not connected
1 – iButton connected (Immobilizer)
2 – iButton connected (Authorized Driving)

Eventual I/O elements
254 Green Driving Value 1 Unsigned 0 255 acc and braking: 0.01 G
Depending on green driving type: if harsh acceleration or braking – g*100 (value 123 -> 1.23g). If Green driving source is „GPS“ – harsh cornering value is rad/s*100. If source is „Accelerometer“ – g*100. Eventual I/O elements
249 Jamming 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – jamming stop
1 – jamming start

Eventual I/O elements
14 ICCID2 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - -


Eventual I/O elements
243 Green driving event duration 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - ms

Duration of event that did generate Green driving

Eventual I/O elements
236 Alarm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – Reserved
1 – Alarm event occured

Eventual I/O elements
258 EcoMaximum 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - -

Element stores maximum accelerometer values in mg on all axis during Eco driving event
8 Bytes:
2B Zeros 2B - X axis 2B - Y axis 2B - Z axis


Eventual I/O elements
259 EcoAverage 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - -

Element stores average accelerometer values in mg on all axis during Eco driving event
8 Bytes:
2B Zeros 2B - X axis 2B - Y axis 2B - Z axis


Eventual I/O elements
260 EcoDuration 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - ms

Duration of Eco driving event in miliseconds


Eventual I/O elements
283 Driving State 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

1 - Ignition ON
2 - Driving
3 - Ignition OFF


Eventual I/O elements
284 Driving Records 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - -

Number of Records between Ignition ON and Ignition OFF


Eventual I/O elements
391 Private mode 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Private mode state

0 - Private mode off 1 - Private mode on

Eventual I/O elements
317 Crash event counter 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Connects trace with specific eventual crash record Eventual I/O elements
449 Ignition On Counter 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - s

Duration in seconds which is counted while Ignition state is On

Eventual I/O elements
7 Records In Flash 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Shows record count left in device memory. Eventual I/O elements
109 Delimiter 254 ASCII 0 254 - - Packet received on RS232 Eventual I/O elements
155 Geofence zone 01 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
242 ManDown/Fall Down 1 Unsigned 0 1 - 0 – ManDown diactivated
1 – ManDown is acive
Eventual I/O elements
244 DIN2/AIN2 spec event 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Generates after spec DIN2/AIN2 scenario Eventual I/O elements
245 Gryroscope axis 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffff00 - deg/s Gyroscope axis data 8 bytes
1st byte - Z axis,
2nd byte - Y axis,
3rd byte - X axis,
4th byte - empty (0x00)
records with gyro IO element will be made during crash event. Codec61 protocol required.
Eventual I/O elements
261 Max Speed 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - km/h Eventual I/O elements
265 Log In 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - iButton ID on Log In. Used only by specID 120 Eventual I/O elements
266 Log Out 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - iButton ID on Log Out. Used only by specID 120 Eventual I/O elements
267 Auto Log Out 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - iButton ID on Auto Log Out. Used only by specID 120 Eventual I/O elements
268 Drive Mode 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Business driving mode
1 - Private driving mode
Used only by specID 120
Eventual I/O elements
310 Movement Event 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Movement event occurred; 1 - No Movement event occured Eventual I/O elements
315 Dead Man 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Dead Man state returrend to normal; 1 - Man down is active and no movement for configured timeout. Eventual I/O elements
316 OBD Packet 10 HEX 0 10 Eventual I/O elements
318 GNSS Jamming 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - 0 - GPS jamming ended/healthy state
1 - GPS jamming warning state
2 - GPS jamming critical state
Eventual I/O elements
319 Reset reason 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Eventual I/O elements
320 MapMyIndia Alarm 1 Unsigned 0 0 - - MapMyIndia Spec alam. Sent periodically when device is in emergency state. Eventual I/O elements
321 MapMyIndia OTA 161 ASCII 0 161 - - MapMyIndia OTA parameter change response. Max size 160 ASCII symbols Eventual I/O elements
322 City Road 16 HEX 0 16 - - Eventual I/O elements
323 Mixed Road 16 HEX 0 16 - - Eventual I/O elements
324 Highway Road 16 HEX 0 16 - - Eventual I/O elements
330 Trip Trace Data 300 HEX 0 300 - - Trip Trace Data Eventual I/O elements
392 Button Click 1 HEX 0x01 0x43 - - Button ID and Action
Value 0xXY
X - button ID:
0 - alarm button
1 - power button
2 - button 1
3 - button 2
4 - button 3
Y - action:
1 - 1 click
2 - 2 clicks
3 - long click
Eventual I/O elements
393 Ground Vector 8 HEX 0x01 0xffffffffffffffff - - - Eventual I/O elements
394 Forward Vector 8 HEX 0x01 0xffffffffffffffff - - - Eventual I/O elements
395 Journeytech fake event 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Journeytech fake event for record Eventual I/O elements
396 SECO 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - 0 – SECO dout off
1 – SECO dout pulsing
2 – SECO dout on
Eventual I/O elements
479 Kerala Packet Type 1 HEX 0x00 0x08 - - Kerala special packet type:
0x00 - Normal Packet
0x01 - Emergency Packet (reserved)
0x02 - Critical Alert Packet (reserved)
0x03 - Alert Packet (reserved)
0x04 - OTA Parameter acknowledgement Packet (reserved)
0x05 - Batch Packet (reserved)
0x06 - Full Packet
0x07 - Health Monitoring Packet
0x08 - Login Packet
Eventual I/O elements
480 Kerala OTA Response 330 ASCII 0 330 - - Kerala OTA parameter set special response string: Key1:Value1, Key2:Value2,...,end character
e.g. MPU:,SL:060.00,OU:*
Eventual I/O elements
481 Kerala Emergency Packet 1 HEX 0x00 0x01 - - 0x00 - Emergency ON
0x01 - Emergency OFF
Eventual I/O elements
487 Crash trace ODR 2 Unsigned 0 400 - Hz Sample rate of Accelerometer data in crash trace Eventual I/O elements
488 Diagnostic information 64 HEX 0 0x7fffffffffffffff - - Diagnostic information. See Spec 127 documentation Eventual I/O elements
492 Kerala Login packet 16 ASCII 0 16 - - Kerala spec activation code received via SMS/GPRS Eventual I/O elements
493 Kerala HLM packet 0 HEX 0 0 - - Kerala spec Health monitoring packet event Eventual I/O elements
494 LVCAN Command 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Updated when LVCAN commands are executed using BT/BLE
0 - lvcansetprog
1 - lvcangetprog
2 - lvcansimpletacho
3 - lvcangetinfo
4 - lvcanclear
5 - allcanmode
6 - lvcanmode
7 - lvcanfaultcodes
8 - lvcanturninglightshorn
9 - lvcanturninglights
10 - lvcanhorn
11 - lvcanopenalldoors
12 - lvcanclosealldoors
13 - lvcanopendriverdoor
14 - lvcandriverdooropen
15 - lvcanwindowsopen
16 - lvcanwindowsclose
17 - lvcanopentrunk
18 - lvcanturnoffwebasto
19 - lvcanturnonwebasto
20 - lvcanturnoffengine
21 - lvcanturnonengine
Eventual I/O elements
499 SOS Trigger 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Camera trigger source Eventual I/O elements
546 Geotracer IDLE event 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Geotracer spec idle event (basically works the same way as aquisition mode) Eventual I/O elements
549 DigiMobi Beacon ID 20 HEX 0 1024 - - DigiMobi spec strongest detected filtered Beacon UUID + Major + Minor Eventual I/O elements
640 Starter Battery Saver 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 - Starter battery saver Off
1 - Starter battery saver Start
2 - Starter battery saver Stop
3 - In Starter battery saver Mode
4 - Starter battery saver Critical External Voltage
Eventual I/O elements
645 Elstat Imbera Records 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - Records data forwarded from Imbera device Eventual I/O elements
646 Elstat Imbera Events 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - Events data forwarded from Imbera device Eventual I/O elements
651 DriveRight SecuredVehicle 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - 0 - Scenario inactive
1 - Scenario active
2 - Scenario breach
Eventual I/O elements
663 Ctrack Driver ID Reminder 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - 0 - iButton not connected
1 - iButton connected
2 - iButton not connected, feature disabled by TMO
Eventual I/O elements
664 Alarm Status 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - - Used to store Alarm Events with their status Eventual I/O elements
895 Eco Driving Peak Force Value 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - mG Eco Driving peak force in mG (for Thinxnet SpecID 135) Eventual I/O elements
1077 Frotcom notification event 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Frotcom notification parameter (for frotcom SpecID 173) Eventual I/O elements
1078 Waykonect driverId 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Driver identification parameter (Waykonect SpecID 151) Eventual I/O elements
1107 IQ Data alarm event 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - IQ Data alarm parameter Eventual I/O elements
1153 Backup Tracker Alarm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Backup Tracker Alarm Eventual I/O elements
1160 Modbus registers flag 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Flag for the no modbus registers not being received Eventual I/O elements
1161 IMEI 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Device's IMEI Eventual I/O elements
1162 Firmware version 1 ASCII 0 1 - - Device's firmware version Eventual I/O elements
1163 Custom Scenario 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Custom Scenario Status 1 Eventual I/O elements
1164 Custom Scenario 2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Custom Scenario Status 2 Eventual I/O elements
1165 Custom Scenario 3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Custom Scenario Status 3 Eventual I/O elements
1168 AXL event X acceleration 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483648 0.0001 mG Average acceleration on X axis during Acceleration event Eventual I/O elements
1169 AXL event Y acceleration 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483648 0.0001 mG Average acceleration on Y axis during Acceleration event Eventual I/O elements
1170 Crash duration before 1 Unsigned 0 20 - s Configured time of crash traces before the event Eventual I/O elements
1171 Crash duration after 1 Unsigned 0 20 - s Configured time of crash traces after the event Eventual I/O elements
1172 GNSS duration 1 Unsigned 0 30 - s Configured time of GNSS traces on crash event Eventual I/O elements
1174 EN12830 measurement data 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - EN12830 Measurement data from eye sensor Eventual I/O elements
1175 Racing mode packet 1400 HEX 0 1400 - - Racing mode packets Eventual I/O elements
1330 Trip Trace ODR 2 Unsigned 1 50 - Hz Eventual I/O elements
1398 AXL event Z acceleration 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483648 0.0001 mG Average acceleration on Z axis during Acceleration event Eventual I/O elements
1399 AXL Acceleration evt Eco Type 1 Unsigned 0 5 - - 0 – harsh acceleration, 1 – harsh braking, 2 – harsh cornering left, 3 - harsh cornering right, 4 - harsh down, 5 - harsh up Eventual I/O elements
1401 Drive Style Maximum2 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Element stores maximum accelerometer values in mg on all axis during drive style event
8 Bytes:
2B Zeros 2B - X axis 2B - Y axis 2B - Z axis
Eventual I/O elements
1402 Drive Style Average2 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Element stores average accelerometer values in mg on all axis during drive style event
8 Bytes:
2B Zeros 2B - X axis 2B - Y axis 2B - Z axis
Eventual I/O elements
1403 Drive Style Duration2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Duration of drive style event in miliseconds Eventual I/O elements
1404 Drive Style Maximum3 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Element stores maximum accelerometer values in mg on all axis during drive style event
8 Bytes:
2B Zeros 2B - X axis 2B - Y axis 2B - Z axis
Eventual I/O elements
1405 Drive Style Average3 8 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Element stores average accelerometer values in mg on all axis during drive style event
8 Bytes:
2B Zeros 2B - X axis 2B - Y axis 2B - Z axis
Eventual I/O elements
1406 Drive Style Duration3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Duration of drive style event in miliseconds Eventual I/O elements
10236 Geofence zone 51 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10237 Geofence zone 52 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10238 Geofence zone 53 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10239 Geofence zone 54 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10240 Geofence zone 55 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10241 Geofence zone 56 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10242 Geofence zone 57 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10243 Geofence zone 58 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10244 Geofence zone 59 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10245 Geofence zone 60 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10246 Geofence zone 61 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10247 Geofence zone 62 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10248 Geofence zone 63 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10249 Geofence zone 64 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10250 Geofence zone 65 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10251 Geofence zone 66 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10252 Geofence zone 67 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10253 Geofence zone 68 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10254 Geofence zone 69 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10255 Geofence zone 70 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10256 Geofence zone 71 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10257 Geofence zone 72 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10258 Geofence zone 73 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10259 Geofence zone 74 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10260 Geofence zone 75 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10261 Geofence zone 76 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10262 Geofence zone 77 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10263 Geofence zone 78 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10264 Geofence zone 79 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10265 Geofence zone 80 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10266 Geofence zone 81 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10267 Geofence zone 82 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10268 Geofence zone 83 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10269 Geofence zone 84 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10270 Geofence zone 85 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10271 Geofence zone 86 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10272 Geofence zone 87 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10273 Geofence zone 88 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10274 Geofence zone 89 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10275 Geofence zone 90 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10276 Geofence zone 91 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10277 Geofence zone 92 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10278 Geofence zone 93 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10279 Geofence zone 94 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10280 Geofence zone 95 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10281 Geofence zone 96 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10282 Geofence zone 97 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10283 Geofence zone 98 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10284 Geofence zone 99 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10285 Geofence zone 100 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - 0 – target left zone
1 – target entered zone
2 – over speeding end
3 – over speeding start.
Eventual I/O elements
10457 RAC Crank Min ADC 2 Unsigned 0 65536 - - Cranking min voltage Eventual I/O elements
10458 RAC Crank Avg ADC 2 Unsigned 0 65536 - - Cranking avg voltage Eventual I/O elements
10459 Kmaster crash debug 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Kmaster debug Eventual I/O elements
10828 EYE Proximity Near 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - Beacon list in Near Proximity zone Eventual I/O elements
10829 EYE Proximity Away 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - Beacon list in Away Proximity zone Eventual I/O elements
10830 EYE Proximity Far Away 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - Beacon list in Away Far zone Eventual I/O elements
10831 EYE Proximity Lost 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - List of beacon which were lost from proximity zones Eventual I/O elements
11317 EYE_Sensor_List 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - List of EYE Sensor names and their data when EYE Sensor Name list is selected Eventual I/O elements
11320 Event_RAC_LongLog 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Indicate which Long Log sample is being sent Eventual I/O elements
11321 Event_RAC_EvtTimestamp 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - ms Indicates when event happened Eventual I/O elements
11400 Event_Clevertrack_AIN 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V Voltage, V Eventual I/O elements
11401 Event_Clevertrack_RPM 2 Unsigned 0 16384 - rpm Value in rounds per minute, rpm Eventual I/O elements
11402 Event_Clevertrack_EngineLoad 1 Unsigned 0 130 - % Engine load, % Eventual I/O elements
11403 Event_Clevertrack_DoutDelayRsn 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 – No GPS Fix
1 – CAN speed above 0km/h
2 – OBD speed above 0km/h
3 – GNSS speed above 0km/h
4 – Accelerometer
Eventual I/O elements
11404 Clevertrack_FirstActDoutCtrl 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 1 – function armed – sent with first ignition ON of the day (at 0 minutes and configured duration starts);
0 – function deactivated – sent after configured duration ends.
Eventual I/O elements
11500 Event_WeGo_Immobilizer 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 – Unauthorized (Immobilizer)
1 – Authorized (Immobilizer)
Eventual I/O elements
11540 GDP Scenario status 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - DOUT control scenario status Eventual I/O elements
11550 Event_PaymentWarnings_1PW 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 - Flag disabled/inactive
1 - Active
2 - Active and running DOUT routine
3 - Flag deactivated by command
4 - Flag changed by command
Eventual I/O elements
11551 Event_PaymentWarnings_2PW 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 - Flag disabled/inactive
1 - Active
2 - Active and running DOUT routine
3 - Flag deactivated by command
4 - Flag changed by command
Eventual I/O elements
11552 Event_PaymentWarnings_LK 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - 0 - Flag disabled/inactive
1 - Active
2 - Active and running DOUT routine
3 - Flag deactivated by command
4 - Flag changed by command
Eventual I/O elements
11560 OTP Beacon 20 HEX 0 20 - - UUID, Major, Minor of the OTP beacon that passed authorization Eventual I/O elements
11648 Set Rastreador ID Read Notify 1 Unsigned 1 2 - - Shows the reason. 1 - Beacon Lost TMO reached, 2 - Ignition off and Ignition TMO reached Eventual I/O elements
11649 DigiCore custom record 16 ASCII 0 16 - - Number of the user who sent the SMS Eventual I/O elements
12250 Event_AVS_PulseCounter_Stage_First 1 Signed 0 3 - - - Eventual I/O elements
12251 Event_AVS_PulseCounter_Stage_Second 1 Signed 0 3 - - - Eventual I/O elements
12252 Event_AVS_PulseCounter_Stage_Third 1 Signed 0 3 - - - Eventual I/O elements


Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
497 Rear Camera State 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - Rear (no IR led's) camera state Cameras/Video
498 Front Camera State 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - Front (with IR led's) camera state Cameras/Video
600 ADAS Speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h Speed taken from ADAS 0-255km/h Cameras/Video
601 ADAS Left turn signal 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Left turn signal indication:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Left turn signal On
602 ADAS Right turn signal 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Right turn signal indication:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Right turn signal On
603 ADAS Brake signal 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Break:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Break On
604 ADAS RPM 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - RPM taken from ADAS Cameras/Video
605 ADAS LDW Left 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Lane departure warning Left:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Recognised
0x02 - Left LDW event
0x03 - Function disabled
606 ADAS LDW Right 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Lane departure warning Right:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Recognised
0x02 - Right LDW event
0x03 - Function disabled
607 ADAS Left distance 2 Unsigned 0 255 - cm Lenght of left lane (cm) Cameras/Video
608 ADAS Right distance 2 Unsigned 0 255 - cm Lenght of right lane (cm) Cameras/Video
609 ADAS Time till collision 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 s Time till collision (e.g. 100->10s) Cameras/Video
610 ADAS Safety distance alert 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Safety distance alert:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Recognised (ahead vehicle)
0x02 - SDA event
0x03 - Function disabled
611 ADAS Front vehicle start alarm 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Front vehicle start alarm:
0x00 - None
0x02 - FVSA event
0x03 - Function disabled
612 ADAS Front proximity warning 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Front proximity warning:
0x00 - None
0x02 - FPW event
0x03 - Function disabled
613 ADAS Front collision warning 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Front collision warning:
0x00 - None
0x02 - FCW event
0x03 - Function disabled
614 ADAS PCW 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Pedestrian collision warning:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Recognized
0x02 - PCW event
0x03 - Function disabled
615 ADAS Record 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Recording state:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Recording (Mic Off)
0x02 - Recording (Mic On)
616 ADAS Error code 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - ADAS camera error code:
0x00 - None
0x01 - Low visibility
0x02 - Camera blocked
617 ADAS Ahead distance 2 Unsigned 0 150 - m Distance to ahead object 0-150m, 255 - None Cameras/Video
618 ADAS Ahead speed 2 Signed -128 126 - km/h Speed of object ahead Cameras/Video
619 ADAS SLR state 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Speed limit recognition state:
0x00 - None
0x02 - Over speed Event
0x03 - Function Disabled
620 ADAS SLR Recognise 1 Unsigned 0 120 - km/h Speed limit recognised: 0 - None Cameras/Video
621 ADAS SLR Sensitivity 1 Unsigned 0 255 - % Speed limit recognition sensitivity %, 255 - reserved for unknown Cameras/Video
665 ADAS SD card status 1 Unsigned 0 4 - - SD card status:
0x00 – SD inserted, normal operation
0x01 – SD card not detected / not mounted
0x02 – SD card not supported / faulty
0x03 – SD card needs formatting
0x04 – SD card inserted, not available / being formatted.
666 ADAS camera state 1 Unsigned 0 9 - - MDAS9 camera state:
0x00 – Unknown
0x01 – Not configured
0x02 – Ready
0x03 – No communication
0x04 – Updating FW
0x05 – Downloading snapshot
0x06 – Downloading video
0x07 – Uploading to server
0x08 – Rebooting
0x09 – Remounting SD
667 ADAS record data 16 HEX 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - uint32_t unix_ts;
uint32_t latitude;
uint32_t longitude;
uint8_t file_type;
uint8_t trigger;
uint8_t video_len;
uint8_t error;

MODBUS IO elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
625 ModBus 21 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
626 ModBus 22 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
627 ModBus 23 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
628 ModBus 24 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
629 ModBus 25 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
630 ModBus 26 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
631 ModBus 27 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
632 ModBus 28 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
633 ModBus 29 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
634 ModBus 30 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1118 ModBus 31 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1119 ModBus 32 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1120 ModBus 33 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1121 ModBus 34 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1122 ModBus 35 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1123 ModBus 36 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1124 ModBus 37 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1125 ModBus 38 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1126 ModBus 39 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1127 ModBus 40 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1138 ModBus 41 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1139 ModBus 42 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1140 ModBus 43 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1141 ModBus 44 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1142 ModBus 45 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1143 ModBus 46 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1144 ModBus 47 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1145 ModBus 48 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1146 ModBus 49 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
1147 ModBus 50 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10408 ModBus 1 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10409 ModBus 2 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10410 ModBus 3 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10411 ModBus 4 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10412 ModBus 5 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10413 ModBus 6 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10414 ModBus 7 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10415 ModBus 8 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10416 ModBus 9 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10417 ModBus 10 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10418 ModBus 11 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10419 ModBus 12 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10420 ModBus 13 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10421 ModBus 14 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10422 ModBus 15 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10423 ModBus 16 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10424 ModBus 17 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10425 ModBus 18 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10426 ModBus 19 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements
10427 ModBus 20 4 Signed -2147483648 2147483647 - - Read data from ModBus register MODBUS IO elements

LVCAN elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
1079 Total Bale Count 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - Total Bale Count LVCAN elements
1080 Bale Count 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - Bale Count LVCAN elements
1081 Cut Bale Count 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - Cut Bale Count LVCAN elements
1082 Bale Slices 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - Bale Slices LVCAN elements
1104 FMB150 Fuel Consumption 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 10 L/100km Fuel consumption parameter LVCAN elements
1110 LVCAN Gear Engaged 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Gear Engaged LVCAN elements
1111 LVCAN HVBatteryRemainingWorkTime 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min HV battery remaining work time LVCAN elements
1112 LVCAN HVBatteryPackVoltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - V HV battery pack voltage LVCAN elements
1113 LVCAN HVBatteryPackCurrent 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - A HV battery pack current LVCAN elements
1114 LVCAN MinimumHVBatteryCellVoltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - mV Minimum HV battery cell voltage LVCAN elements
1115 LVCAN MaximumHVBatteryCellVoltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - mV Maximum HV battery cell voltage LVCAN elements
1116 LVCAN MaxRoadSpeed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h Maximum speed from road signs LVCAN elements
1117 LVCAN ExceededRoadSpeed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h Exceeded speed from road signs LVCAN elements
1136 FMCAN Control State Flags 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - FMCAN Control state flags LVCAN elements
1137 FMCAN Steering Wheel Angle 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 ° FMCAN Steering Wheel Angle LVCAN elements
1155 LVCAN HV batt consumed energy 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 100 kWh Energy consumed from the HV battery FMB150 LVCAN elements
1156 LVCAN HV batt recup energy 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 100 kWh Energy recuperated to the HV battery FMB150 LVCAN elements
1157 LVCAN HV batt power 2 Unsigned 0 65535 10 kW Power used from EV battery FMB150 LVCAN elements
1158 LVCAN engine oil pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa Engine oil pressure FMB150 LVCAN elements
1159 LVCAN engine oil level 1 Unsigned 0 100 1 % Engine oil level FMB150 LVCAN elements

OBD elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
256 VIN 17 ASCII 0 0xff - - VIN number OBD elements
30 Number of DTC 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Number of DTC OBD elements
31 Engine Load 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Calculated engine load value OBD elements
32 Coolant Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C

Engine coolant temperature

OBD elements
33 Short Fuel Trim 1 Signed -100 99 - %

Short term fuel trim 1

OBD elements
34 Fuel pressure 2 Unsigned 0 765 - kPa

Fuel pressure

OBD elements
35 Intake MAP 1 Unsigned 0 255 - kPa

Intake manifold absolute pressure

OBD elements
36 Engine RPM 2 Unsigned 0 16384 - rpm

Engine RPM

OBD elements
37 Vehicle Speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h

Vehicle speed

OBD elements
38 Timing Advance 1 Signed -64 64 - °

Timing advance

OBD elements
39 Intake Air Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C

Intake air temperature

OBD elements
40 MAF 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 g/sec

MAF air flow rate

OBD elements
41 Throttle Position 1 Unsigned 0 100 - %

Throttle position

OBD elements
42 Runtime since engine start 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s

Runtime since engine start

OBD elements
43 Distance Traveled MIL On 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - km

Distance ormattin MIL on

OBD elements
44 Relative Fuel Rail Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 5178 0.1 kPa

Relative fuel rail pressure

OBD elements
45 Direct Fuel Rail Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 10 kPa

Direct Fuel Rail Pressure

OBD elements
46 Commanded EGR 1 Unsigned 0 100 - %

Commanded EGR

OBD elements
47 EGR Error 1 Signed -100 100 - %

EGR error

OBD elements
48 Fuel Level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - %

Fuel level

OBD elements
49 Distance Since Codes Clear 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - km

Distance traveled since codes cleared

OBD elements
50 Barometic Pressure 1 Unsigned 0 255 - kPa

Barometic pressure

OBD elements
51 Control Module Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V

Control module voltage

OBD elements
52 Absolute Load Value 2 Unsigned 0 25700 - %

Absolute load value

OBD elements
759 Fuel Type 1 Unsigned 0 255 - -

0 Not available
1 Gasoline
2 Methanol
3 Ethanol
4 Diesel
7 Propane
8 Electric
9 Bifuel running Gasoline
10 Bifuel running Methanol
11 Bifuel running Ethanol
12 Bifuel running LPG
13 Bifuel running CNG
14 Bifuel running Propane
15 Bifuel running Electricity
16 Bifuel running electric and combustion engine
17 Hybrid gasoline
18 Hybrid Ethanol
19 Hybrid Diesel
20 Hybrid Electric
21 Hybrid running electric and combustion engine
22 Hybrid Regenerative
23 Bifuel running diesel

OBD elements
53 Ambient Air Temperature 1 Signed -128 127 - °C

Ambient air temperature

OBD elements
54 Time Run With MIL On 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min

Time run with MIL on

OBD elements
55 Time Since Codes Cleared 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min

Time since codes cleared

OBD elements
56 Absolute Fuel Rail Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kPa

Absolute fuel rail pressure

OBD elements
57 Hybrid battery pack life 1 Unsigned 0 100 - %

Hybrid battery pack remaining life

OBD elements
58 Engine Oil Temperature 1 Unsigned 0 215 - °C

Engine oil temperature

OBD elements
59 Fuel injection timing 2 Signed -21000 30200 0.01 °

Fuel injection timing

OBD elements
540 Throttle position group 1 Unsigned 0 100 % Throttle Position Value From PID Group FMB001 OBD elements
541 Commanded Equivalence R 1 Unsigned 0 200 0.01 - Fuel-Air Commanded Equivalence Ratio FMB001 OBD elements
542 Intake MAP 2 bytes 2 Unsigned 0 2048 - kPa Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure FMB001 OBD elements
543 Hybrid System Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 1024 - V

Hybrid vehicle system voltage

FMB001 OBD elements
544 Hybrid System Current 2 Signed -3277 3277 - A

Hybrid vehicle system current

FMB001 OBD elements
281 Fault Codes variable ASCII 0 128 - -

Fault Codes (values separated via ",")

OBD elements
60 Fuel Rate 2 Unsigned 0 32767 0.01 L/h

Engine fuel rate, L/h*100

OBD elements
401 OBD OEM Oil Level 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffff - mm Oil level received by requesting vehicle specific PID OBD
413 OBD oil ressure warning 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OFF 1 - ON OBD
414 OBD tyre pressure warning 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OFF 1 - ON OBD
415 OBD lamp indication request 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OFF 1 - ON OBD
416 OBD oil service request 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OFF 1 - ON OBD
417 OBD brake fluid status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OK 1 - FAULT OBD
418 OBD brake pedal status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - RELEASED 1 - APPLIED OBD
419 OBD door front driver status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
420 OBD door front left status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
421 OBD door passenger status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
422 OBD door front right status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
423 OBD door rear driver status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
424 OBD door read left status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
425 OBD door rear passanger status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
426 OBD door right status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - CLOSED 1 - OPEN OBD
427 OBD engine coolant level 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OK 1 - FAULT OBD
428 OBD engine temperature 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OK 1 - FAULT OBD
429 OBD ignition status 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OFF 1 - ON OBD
430 OBD parking brake 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - RELEASED 1 - APPLIED OBD
431 OBD seat belt driver 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - UNBUCKLED 1 - BUCKLED OBD
432 OBD seat belt passanger 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - UNBUCKLED 1 - BUCKLED OBD
433 OBD wiper fluid 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OK 1 - FAULT OBD
434 OBD break pad wear front 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OK 1 - FAULT OBD
435 OBD break pad wear rear 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - OK 1 - FAULT OBD
436 OBD seat occupant centre 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - NO 1 - YES OBD
437 OBD seat occupant driver 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - NO 1 - YES OBD
438 OBD seat occupant pasanger 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - NO 1 - YES OBD
439 OBD vehicle locked 4 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - UNLOCKED 1 - LOCKED OBD
440 OBD fuel consumption 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 10 L/100km OBD
441 OBD Adblue level 4 Unsigned 0 100 10 % OBD
442 OBD adblue level volume 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 10 Litres OBD
443 OBD odometer adjustment 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 10 Km OBD
444 OBD oil distance next change 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - Km OBD
445 OBD oil remaining life 4 Unsigned 0 100 10 % OBD
446 OBD oil days to next change 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - Km OBD
447 OBD distance next service 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 10 Km OBD
448 OBD days to next service 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - Days OBD
756 OEM Ignition 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Ignition status OBD
757 OEM Fuel tank capacity 1 Unsigned 0 255 - l Fuel tank, which is installed in vehicle, capacity OBD
758 OEM Fuel consumption 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - 0.1l/100km Fuel consumption of vehicle OBD
800 External Voltage 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - mV OBD
801 Park Brake 1 Unsigned 0 3 - OBD
802 Selected Charge Mode 1 Unsigned 0 3 - OBD
803 Charge State 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
804 Charger Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - mV OBD
805 Charger Current 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - mA OBD
806 Charger Control Mode 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
807 Charger BMS COM Timeout 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
808 Charger CRC Violation 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
809 Charger MC Violation 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
810 Charger Status 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
811 Charger Voltage Actual 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - mV OBD
812 Charger Internal Fault 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
813 Charger Energy 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - Wh OBD
814 Charger Current Actual 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - mA OBD
815 Throttle Position 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - % OBD
816 Brake Pressed 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
817 Charge Plug 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
818 Kill Switch Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
819 Kickstand Release 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
820 Powerstrain State 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
821 Malfunction Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
822 Current Range 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - OBD
823 SoH Battery 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - % OBD
824 SoC Battery 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - % OBD
825 Vehicle Available 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
826 Charging Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
827 Remaining Charging Time 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - OBD
828 Remaining Capacity 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - OBD
829 Full Charge Capacity 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - OBD
830 Driving Direction 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
831 Drive Mode 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
832 Park Brake Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - OBD
833 Total Distance 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - km OBD
834 Trip Distance 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - m OBD
835 Vehicle Speed 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - km/h OBD
836 Ignition Switch 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
837 Ignition Switch Fast 1 Unsigned 0 0xFF - OBD
838 Power Consumption cycle 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - Wh/km OBD
839 Extended AIN 1 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - mV OBD
840 Extended AIN 2 4 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFF - mV OBD
843 Helmet Status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if Helmet is in or not. 0 – not in, 1 – in. OBD
844 Top Case Sensor 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if Top Case is open or closed. 0 – closed, 1 – open. OBD
845 Central Stand Up 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if central stand is up or down. 0 – down, 1 – up. OBD
846 Emergency 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if there is emergency or not. 0 – no emergency, 1 - emergency OBD
847 Over-Under Temperature 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if there is battery over or under temperature warning. 0 – normal temperature, 1 – over-under temperature OBD
848 Regeneration Disabled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if battery regeneration is disabled. 0 – enabled, 1 – disabled. OBD
849 Battery On/Off 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if battery is on or off. 0 – Battery Off, 1 – Battery On OBD
850 Warning UnderVoltage 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if there is battery undervoltage warning. 0 – no battery undervoltage, 1 – battery undervoltage. OBD
851 Warning OverVoltage 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if there is battery overvoltage warning. 0 – No battery overvoltage, 1 – battery overvoltage. OBD
852 Warning OverCurrent 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Indicates if there is battery overcurrent warning. 0 – No battery overcurrent, 1 – battery overcurrent. OBD
853 Warning Short Circuit 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - OBD
854 User ID 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - OBD
1154 OBD Ethanol fuel percent 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Percentage of ethanol in fuel OBD
1176 Vehicle distance 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 km ELD Vehicle Total Distance OBD
1177 Engine hours 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 h ELD Total Engine hours OBD
1178 Engine pwr status 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - ELD Ignition state according to RPM OBD
1179 Parking Brake Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - ELD Parking brake switch status OBD
1180 Total Fuel Used 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 l ELD Accumulated amount of fuel used during vehicle operation OBD
1181 Engine Idle Hours 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 h ELD Accumulated time of operation of the engine while under idle conditions OBD
1182 DTC Count 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - ELD MIL-On DTCs count OBD
1183 Fuel Level Precent 2 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 % ELD Ratio of volume of fuel to the total volume of fuel in the second or right-side storage container OBD
1184 Battery Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 V ELD SLI battery terminal voltage OBD
1185 Total Idle Fuel 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 l ELD Accumulated amount of fuel used during vehicle operation while under idle conditions OBD
1186 Trip Distance 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 km ELD Distance traveled during all or part of a journey OBD
1187 Fuel Economy 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 km/l ELD Current fuel economy at current vehicle velocity OBD
1188 Ambient Air Temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 1 °C ELD Temperature of air surrounding vehicle OBD
1189 Engine Load 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 % ELD Absolute Engine Load - Percent Air Mass OBD
1190 Engine Throttle 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 % ELD The desired position of the Throttle valve 1 that is regulating the fluid, usually air/fuel mixture to the engine as commanded by the Engine Control unit. OBD
1191 Oil Temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 1 °C ELD Temperature of the engine lubricant OBD
1192 Trip Fuel Used 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 1 l ELD Fuel consumed during all or part of a journey. OBD
1193 Oil Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa ELD Gage pressure of oil in engine lubrication system as provided by oil pump OBD
1194 Seat Belt Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - ELD State of switch used to determine if Seat Belt is buckled OBD
1195 Cruise Control Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - ELD State of the PCC controller OBD
1196 Throttle Pedal Position 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 % ELD Accelerator Pedal Position OBD
1197 Engine Coolant Level 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 % ELD Ratio of volume of liquid found in engine cooling system to total cooling system volume OBD
1198 Engine Coolant Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa ELD Gage pressure of liquid found in engine cooling system OBD
1199 Transmission Oil Temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 1 °C ELD Transmission Oil Temperature OBD
1200 Brake Application Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa ELD Gage pressure of compressed air or fluid in vehicle braking system OBD
1201 Brake Pedal Position 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 % ELD Ratio of brake pedal position to maximum pedal position. OBD
1202 Ignition Switch Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 - ELD State of the ignition switch OBD
1280 TPMS Left Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar TPMS Left Tire Pressure OBD
1281 TPMS Front Right Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar TPMS Front Right Tire Pressure OBD
1282 TPMS Rear Left Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar TPMS Rear Left Tire Pressure OBD
1283 TPMS Rear Right Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar TPMS Rear Right Tire Pressure OBD
1284 Placard Front Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Placard Front Pressure OBD
1285 Placard Rear Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Placard Rear Pressure OBD
1286 Sensor ID Front Left 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Sensor ID Front Left OBD
1287 Sensor ID Front Right 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Sensor ID Front Right OBD
1288 Sensor ID Rear Left 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Sensor ID Rear Left OBD
1289 Sensor ID Rear Right 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Sensor ID Rear Right OBD
1290 DTC 128 ASCII 0 128 - - TPM System DTCs OBD
1291 Status Lamps 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Status Lamps OBD
1378 OEM Battery Min Cell Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 V OEM Battery Min Cell Voltage FMB003 OBD
1379 OEM Battery Max Cell Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 V OEM Battery Max Cell Voltage FMB003 OBD
1380 OEM Battery Current 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 A OEM Battery Current FMB003 OBD
1381 OEM Battery Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 V OEM Battery Voltage FMB003 OBD
1382 OEM Battery Max Energy 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kWh OEM Battery Max Energy FMB003 OBD
1383 OEM Battery Measured Energy 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kWh OEM Battery Measured Energy FMB003 OBD
1384 OEM Battery Pack Power 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 kWh pack power in/out FMB003 OBD
1385 OEM Battery Last Charge Energy 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kWh OEM Battery Last Charge Energy FMB003 OBD
1386 OEM Battery Min Temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C BEV or BHEV battery pack temperatu, Degrees, °C FMB003 OBD
1387 OEM Battery Max Temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C BEV or BHEV battery pack temperatu, Degrees, °C FMB003 OBD
1388 OEM Battery Lifetime Power Use 4 Unsigned 0 2147483648 1 kWh OEM Battery Lifetime Power Use FMB003 OBD
1389 OEM Battery Lifetime Charge Pw 4 Unsigned 0 2147483648 1 kWh Battery Lifetime Charge Power FMB003 OBD
1390 OEM Fast Charge Count 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 - OEM Fast Charge Count FMB003 OBD
1391 OEM Slow Charge Count 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 - OEM Slow Charge Count FMB003 OBD
1392 OEM Charger Entry Power 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kWh OEM Charger Entry Power FMB003 OBD
1393 OEM Ambient temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C Outside measured temperature FMB003 OBD
1394 OEM Total Available Power 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kW OEM Total Available Power FMB003 OBD
1395 OEM A/C Status 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - OEM A/C Status FMB003 OBD

OBD OEM elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
389 OBD OEM Total Mileage 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffff - km Total mileage received by requesting vehicle specific PID FMB003 OBD OEM elements
390 OBD OEM Fuel Level 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffff 0.1 l Fuel level in litres received by requesting vehicle specific PID FMB003 OBD OEM elements
402 OEM Distance Until Service 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffff - km Distance till next service received by requesting vehicle specific PID FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements
410 OEM Battery charge state 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – Not charging
1 – Charging

FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements
411 OEM Battery charge level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Represents battery charged level FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements
412 OEM Battery power consumption 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - kWh/100km Represents battery power consumption FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements
755 OEM Remaining distance 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - km Remaining distance until fuel tank empty or battery (EV) depleted FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements
1151 OEM Battery State Of Health 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - % Battery State of Health FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements
1152 OEM Battery Temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 - °C Battery pack temperature FMB001 FMC001 FMM001 FMB003 FMC003 FMM003 OBD OEM elements

BLE Sensors I/O elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
385 Beacon Variable HEX 0 1024 - - List of Beacon IDs Permanent I/O elements
548 Advanced BLE Beacon data 1024 HEX 0 1024 - - List of Beacon Ids and their data when advanced Beacon mode is selected Eventual I/O elements
25 BLE Temperature #1 2 Signed -4000 12500 0.01* °C

Degrees ( °C ), -40 - +125;
Error codes:
4000 - abnormal sensor state
3000 - sensor not found
2000 - failed sensor data parsing
From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32767 - sensor not found
32766 - failed sensor data parsing
32765 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
26 BLE Temperature #2 2 Signed -4000 12500 0.01* °C

Degrees ( °C ), -40 - +125;
Error codes:
4000 - abnormal sensor state
3000 - sensor not found
2000 - failed sensor data parsing
From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32767 - sensor not found
32766 - failed sensor data parsing
32765 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
27 BLE Temperature #3 2 Signed -4000 12500 0.01* °C

Degrees ( °C ), -40 - +125;
Error codes:
4000 - abnormal sensor state
3000 - sensor not found
2000 - failed sensor data parsing
From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32767 - sensor not found
32766 - failed sensor data parsing
32765 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
28 BLE Temperature #4 2 Signed -4000 12500 0.01* °C

Degrees ( °C ), -40 - +125;
Error codes:
4000 - abnormal sensor state
3000 - sensor not found
2000 - failed sensor data parsing
From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32767 - sensor not found
32766 - failed sensor data parsing
32765 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
29 BLE Battery #1 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery level of sensor #1 Bluetooth Low Energy
20 BLE Battery #2 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery level of sensor #2 Bluetooth Low Energy
22 BLE Battery #3 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery level of sensor #3 Bluetooth Low Energy
23 BLE Battery #4 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery level of sensor #4 Bluetooth Low Energy
86 BLE Humidity #1 2 Unsigned 0 1000 0.1* %RH Humidity

From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32735 - sensor not found
32734 - failed sensor data parsing
32733 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
104 BLE Humidity #2 2 Unsigned 0 1000 0.1* %RH Humidity

From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32735 - sensor not found
32734 - failed sensor data parsing
32733 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
106 BLE Humidity #3 2 Unsigned 0 1000 0.1* %RH Humidity

From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32735 - sensor not found
32734 - failed sensor data parsing
32733 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
108 BLE Humidity #4 2 Unsigned 0 1000 0.1* %RH Humidity

From firmware version 03.28.00 and up:
32735 - sensor not found
32734 - failed sensor data parsing
32733 - abnormal sensor state

Bluetooth Low Energy
270 BLE Fuel Level #1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Fuel Level Bluetooth Low Energy
273 BLE Fuel Level #2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Fuel Level Bluetooth Low Energy
276 BLE Fuel Level #3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Fuel Level Bluetooth Low Energy
279 BLE Fuel Level #4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Fuel Level Bluetooth Low Energy
306 BLE Fuel Frequency #1 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - Frequency value of BLE fuel sensor #1 Bluetooth Low Energy
307 BLE Fuel Frequency #2 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - Frequency value of BLE fuel sensor #2 Bluetooth Low Energy
308 BLE Fuel Frequency #3 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - Frequency value of BLE fuel sensor #3 Bluetooth Low Energy
309 BLE Fuel Frequency #4 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - - Frequency value of BLE fuel sensor #4 Bluetooth Low Energy
335 BLE Luminosity #1 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - lx Luminosity value of BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
336 BLE Luminosity #2 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - lx Luminosity value of BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
337 BLE Luminosity #3 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - lx Luminosity value of BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
338 BLE Luminosity #4 2 Unsigned 0 0xFFFF - lx Luminosity value of BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
331 BLE 1 Custom #1 Variable HEX 0 - - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
463 BLE 1 Custom #2 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
464 BLE 1 Custom #3 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
465 BLE 1 Custom #4 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
466 BLE 1 Custom #5 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
332 BLE 2 Custom #1 Variable HEX 0 - - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
467 BLE 2 Custom #2 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
468 BLE 2 Custom #3 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
469 BLE 2 Custom #4 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
470 BLE 2 Custom #5 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
333 BLE 3 Custom #1 Variable HEX 0 - - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
471 BLE 3 Custom #2 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
472 BLE 3 Custom #3 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
473 BLE 3 Custom #4 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
474 BLE 3 Custom #5 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
334 BLE 4 Custom #1 Variable HEX 0 - - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
475 BLE 4 Custom #2 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
476 BLE 4 Custom #3 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
477 BLE 4 Custom #4 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy
478 BLE 4 Custom #5 4 UNSIGNED LONG INT 0 4294967295 - - Custom IO element for BLE sensor Bluetooth Low Energy

CAN adapters elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
81 Vehicle Speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h Vehicle Speed LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
82 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 Unsigned 0 102 - % Value in percentages LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
83 Fuel Consumed 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 0.1 l Value in liters LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
84 Fuel Level 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 l Value in liters LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
85 Engine RPM 2 Unsigned 0 16384 - rpm Value in rounds per minute LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
87 Total Mileage 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Value in meters LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
89 Fuel level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Value in percentages LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
90 Door Status 2 Unsigned 0 16128 - -

Door status value: Min – 0, Max – 16128
Door status is represented as bitmask converted to decimal value. Possible values:
0 – all doors closed
0x100 (256) – front left door is opened
0x200 (512) – front right door is opened
0x400 (1024) – rear left door is opened
0x800 (2048) – rear right door is opened
0x1000 (4096) – hood is opened
0x2000 (8192) – trunk is opened
0x3F00 (16128) – all doors are opened
or combinations of values

100 Program Number 4 Unsigned 0 99999 - - Value: Min – 0, Max – 99999 LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
101 Module ID 8B 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Module ID 8 Bytes LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
388 Module ID 17B 17 HEX 0 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Module ID 17 Bytes LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
102 Engine Worktime 4 Unsigned 0 1677215 - min Engine work time ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
103 Engine Worktime (counted) 4 Unsigned 0 1677215 - min Total engine work time ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
105 Total Mileage (counted) 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Total Vehicle Mileage LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
107 Fuel Consumed (counted) 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 0.1 l Total Fuel Consumed LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
110 Fuel Rate 2 Unsigned 0 32768 0.1 l/h Fuel rate ALLCAN300
111 AdBlue Level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % AdBlue ALLCAN300
112 AdBlue Level 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 l AdBlue level ALLCAN300
114 Engine Load 1 Unsigned 0 130 - % Engine Load ALLCAN300
115 Engine Temperature 2 Signed -600 1270 0.1 °C Engine Temperature LVCAN200, ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
118 Axle 1 Load 2 Unsigned 0 32768 - kg Axle 1 load ALLCAN300
119 Axle 2 Load 2 Unsigned 0 32768 - kg Axle 2 load ALLCAN300
120 Axle 3 Load 2 Unsigned 0 32768 - kg Axle 3 load ALLCAN300
121 Axle 4 Load 2 Unsigned 0 32768 - kg Axle 4 load ALLCAN300
122 Axle 5 Load 2 Unsigned 0 32768 - kg Axle 5 load ALLCAN300
123 Control State Flags 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - Control state flags ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
124 Agricultural Machinery Flags 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Agricultural machinery flags ALLCAN300
125 Harvesting Time 4 Unsigned 0 16777215 - min Harvesting time ALLCAN300
126 Area of Harvest 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m2 Area of harvest in square meters ALLCAN300
127 Mowing Efficiency 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m2/h Mowing efficiency ALLCAN300
128 Grain Mown Volume 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - kg Mown volume ALLCAN300
129 Grain Moisture 2 Unsigned 0 100 - % Grain moisture ALLCAN300
130 Harvesting Drum RPM 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - rpm Harvesting drum rpm ALLCAN300
131 Gap Under Harvesting Drum 1 Unsigned 0 255 - mm Gap under harvesting drum ALLCAN300
132 Security State Flags 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Security state flags ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
133 Tachograph Total Vehicle Distance 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Tacho Total Vehicle Distance ALLCAN300
134 Trip Distance 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Trip distance ALLCAN300
135 Tachograph Vehicle Speed 2 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h Tacho vehicle speed ALLCAN300
136 Tacho Driver Card Presence 1 Unsigned 0 3 - - Tacho Driver Card Presence ALLCAN300
137 Driver 1 States 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Driver 1 States ALLCAN300
138 Driver 2 States 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Driver 2 States ALLCAN300
139 Driver 1 Continuous Driving Time 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 1 Continuous Driving Time, minutes ALLCAN300
140 Driver 2 Continuous Driving Time 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 2 Continuous Driving Time, minutes ALLCAN300
141 Driver 1 Cumulative Break Time 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 1 Cumulative Break Time, minutes ALLCAN300
142 Driver 2 Cumulative Break Time 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 2 Cumulative Break Time, minutes ALLCAN300
143 Driver 1 Selected Activity Duration 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 1 Duration Of Selected Activity, minutes ALLCAN300
144 Driver 2 Selected Activity Duration 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 2 Duration Of Selected Activity, minutes ALLCAN300
145 Driver 1 Cumulative Driving Time 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 1 Cumulative Driving Time, minutes ALLCAN300
146 Driver 2 Cumulative Driving Time 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - min. Driver 2 Cumulative Driving Time, minutes ALLCAN300
147 Driver 1 ID High 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Driver 1 ID High ALLCAN300
148 Driver 1 ID Low 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Driver 1 ID Low ALLCAN300
149 Driver 2 ID High 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Driver 2 ID High ALLCAN300
150 Driver 2 ID Low 8 Unsigned 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - - Driver 2 ID Low ALLCAN300
151 Battery Temperature 2 Signed -600 1270 0.1 °C Battery temperature in Celsius ALLCAN300
152 HV Battery Level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Battery level in percent ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
160 DTC Faults 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - DTC faults Count ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
161 Slope of Arm 2 Signed -3276 3276 - Degrees ° Slope Of Arm ALLCAN300
162 Rotation of Arm 2 Signed -180 180 - Degrees ° Rotation Of Arm ALLCAN300
163 Eject of Arm 2 Unsigned 0 6553 - m Eject of arm ALLCAN300
164 Horizontal Distance Arm Vehicle 2 Unsigned 0 6553 - m Horizontal Distance Arm Vehicle ALLCAN300
165 Height Arm Above Ground 2 Unsigned 0 6553 - m Height Arm Above Ground ALLCAN300
166 Drill RPM 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - rpm Drill RPM ALLCAN300
167 Amount Of Spread Salt Square Meter 2 Unsigned 0 655 - g/m2 Amount Of Spread Salt Square Meter ALLCAN300
168 Battery Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 6553 - V Battery Voltage ALLCAN300
169 Amount Of Spread Fine Grained Salt 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - T Amount Of Spread Fine Grained Salt ALLCAN300
170 Amount Of Coarse Grained Salt 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - T Amount Of Coarse Grained Salt ALLCAN300
171 Amount Of Spread DiMix 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - T Amount Of Spread DiMix ALLCAN300
172 Amount Of Spread Coarse Grained Calcium 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - m3 Amount Of Spread Coarse Grained Calcium ALLCAN300
173 Amount Of Spread Calcium Chloride 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - m3 Amount Of Spread Calcium Chloride ALLCAN300
174 Amount Of Spread Sodium Chloride 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - m3 Amount Of Spread Sodium Chloride ALLCAN300
176 Amount Of Spread Magnesium Chloride 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - m3 Amount Of Spread Magnesium Chloride ALLCAN300
177 Amount Of Spread Gravel 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - T Amount Of Spread Gravel ALLCAN300
178 Amount Of Spread Sand 4 Unsigned 0 1677722 - T Amount Of Spread Sand ALLCAN300
183 Width Pouring Left 2 Unsigned 0 655 - m Width Pouring Left ALLCAN300
184 Width Pouring Right 2 Unsigned 0 655 - m Width Pouring Right ALLCAN300
185 Salt Spreader Working Hours 4 Unsigned 0 167722 - h Salt Spreader Working Hours ALLCAN300
186 Distance During Salting 4 Unsigned 0 167722 - km Distance During Salting ALLCAN300
187 Load Weight 4 Unsigned 0 16772215 - kg Load Weight ALLCAN300
188 Retarder Load 1 Unsigned 0 130 - % Retarded Load in percent ALLCAN300
189 Cruise Time 4 Unsigned 0 16772215 - min Cruise time in minutes ALLCAN300
232 CNG Status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - CNG Status LVCAN200, CANCONTROL
233 CNG Used 4 Unsigned 0 16772215 - kg CNG used LVCAN200, CANCONTROL
234 CNG Level 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % CNG Level LVCAN200, CANCONTROL
235 Oil Level 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Engine Oil Level Indicator Status ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
304 Vehicles Range On Battery 4 Unsigned 0 16777215 - m Vehicle Range on Battery ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
305 Vehicles Range On Additional Fuel 4 Unsigned 0 16777215 - m Vehicle Range On Additional Fuel ALLCAN300, CANCONTROL
325 VIN 17 ASCII 0 0xFF - - VIN number CANCONTROL
282 Fault Codes Variable - 0 128 - - DTC Fault codes LV-CAN200 + DTC
517 Security State Flags P4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Security state flags protocol 4, more information click here Flags


518 Control State Flags P4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Control state flags protocol 4, more information click here Flags


519 Indicator State Flags P4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Indicator state flags protocol 4, more information click here Flags


520 Agricultural State Flags P4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Agricultural state flags protocol 4, more information click here Flags


521 Utility State Flags P4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Utility state flags protocol 4, more information click here Flags


522 Cistern State Flags P4 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Cistern state flags protocol 4, more information click here Flags


855 LNG Used 4 Unsigned 0 214748364 - kg Total LNG used in kilograms


856 LNG Used (counted) 4 Unsigned 0 214748364 - kg Total LNG used counted in kg


857 LNG Level 2 Unsigned 0 100 - % LNG level in proc


858 LNG Level 2 Unsigned 0 6553 - kg LNG level in kg


1100 Total LPG Used 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - l Total LPG used in liters


1101 Total LPG Used Counted 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - l Total LPG used counted in liters


1102 LPG Level Proc 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - % LPG level in proc


1103 LPG Level Liters 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - l LPG level in liters


898 SSF Ignition 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

652 SSF KeyInIgnitionLock 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No key in lock
1 - Key in lock

899 SSF Webasto 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

900 SSF Engine Working 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

901 SSF Standalone Engine 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

902 SSF Ready To Drive 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

903 SSF Engine Working On CNG 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

904 SSF Work Mode 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Private
1 - Company

905 SSF Operator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not present
1 - Present

906 SSF Interlock 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

907 SSF Engine Lock Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

908 SSF Request To Lock Engine 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

653 SSF Handbrake Is Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Handbrake inactive
1 - Handbrake active

910 SSF Footbrake Is Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Footbrake inactive
1 - Footbrake active

911 SSF Clutch Pushed 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Clutch is pushed
1 - Clutch is not pushed

912 SSF Hazard Warning Lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Hazard warning lights on
1 - Hazard warning lights off

654 SSF Front Left Door Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

655 SSF Front Right Door Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

656 SSF Rear Left Door Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

657 SSF Rear Right Door Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

658 SSF Trunk Door Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

913 SSF Engine Cover Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

909 SSF Roof Open 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

914 SSF Charging Wire Plugged 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Unplugged
1 - Plugged

915 SSF Batttery Charging 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not charging
1 - Charging

916 SSF Electric Engine State 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

917 SSF Car Closed Factory Remote 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

662 SSF Car Is Closed 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

918 SSF Factory Alarm Actuated 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not actuated
1 - Actuated

919 SSF Factory Alarm Emulated 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not emulated
1 - Emulated

920 SSF Signal Close Factory Remote 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

921 SSF Signal Open Factory Remote 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

922 SSF Rearming Signal 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

923 SSF Trunk Door Opened Factory Remote 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Open

924 SSF CAN Module In Sleep 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not in sleep
1 - In sleep

925 SSF Factory Remote 3x 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

926 SSF Factory Armed 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not armed
1 - Armed

660 SSF Parking Gear Active (automatic gear box) 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

661 SSF Reverse Gear Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

659 SSF Neutral Gear Active (automatic gear box) 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

927 SSF Drive Is Active (automatic gear box) 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

1083 SSF Engine Working On Dual Fuel 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not working
1 - Working

1084 SSF Engine Working On LPG 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not working
1 - Working

928 CSF Parking Lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

929 CSF Dipped Head lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

930 CSF Full Beam Headlights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

931 CSF Rear Fog Lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

932 CSF Front Fog Lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

933 CSF Additional Front Lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

934 CSF Additional Rear Lights 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

935 CSF Light Signal 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

936 CSF Air Conditioning 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

937 CSF Cruise Control 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

938 CSF Automatic Retarder 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

939 CSF Manual Retarder 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

940 CSF Driver's Seatbelt Fastened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not fastened
1 - Fastened

941 CSF Front Driver's Seatbelt Fastened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not fastened
1 - Fastened

942 CSF Left Driver's Seatbelt Fastened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not fastened
1 - Fastened

943 CSF Right Driver's Seatbelt Fastened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not fastened
1 - Fastened

944 CSF Centre Driver's Seatbelt Fastened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not fastened
1 - Fastened

945 CSF Front Passenger Present 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Not present
1 - Present

946 CSF PTO 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

947 CSF Front Differential Locked 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Unlocked
1 - Locked

948 CSF Rear Differential Locked 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Unlocked
1 - Locked

949 CSF Central Differential 4HI Locked 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Unlocked
1 - Locked

950 CSF Rear Differential 4LO Locked 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Unlocked
1 - Locked

951 CSF Trailer Axle 1 Lift Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

952 CSF Trailer Axle 2 Lift Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

1085 CSF Trailer Connected 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Disconnected
1 - Connected

1086 CSF Start Stop System Inactive 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

953 ISF Check Engine Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

954 ISF ABS Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

955 ISF ESP Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

956 ISF ESP Turned Off 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

957 ISF Stop Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

958 ISF Oil Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

959 ISF Coolant liquid level 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

960 ISF Battery Not Charging Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

961 ISF Handbrake System Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

962 ISF AIRBAG Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

963 ISF EPS Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

964 ISF Warning Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

965 ISF Lights Failure Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

966 ISF Low Tire Pressure Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

967 ISF Wear Of Brake Pads Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

968 ISF Low Fuel Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

969 ISF Maintenence required Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

970 ISF Glow Plug Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

971 ISF FAP Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

972 ISF EPC (Electronic Power Control) Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

973 ISF Clogged Engine Oil Filter Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

974 ISF Low Engine Oil Pressure Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

975 ISF Too High Engine Oil Temperature Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

976 ISF Low Coolant Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

977 ISF Clogged Hydraulic System Oil filter Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

978 ISF Hydraulic System Low Pressure Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

979 ISF Hydraulic Oil Low Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

980 ISF Hydraulic System High Temperature Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

981 ISF Oil Overflow In Hydraulic Chamber Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

982 ISF Clogged Air Filter Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

983 ISF Clogged Fuel Filter Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

984 ISF Water in Fuel Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

985 ISF Clogged Brake System Filter Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

986 ISF Low Washer Fluid Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

987 ISF Low AdBlue Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

988 ISF Low Trailer Tyre Pressure Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

989 ISF Wear Of Trailer Brake Lining Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

990 ISF High Trailer Brake Temperature Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

991 ISF Incorrect Trailer Pneumatic Supply Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

992 ISF Low CNG Level Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

993 ASF Right Joystick Moved Right Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

994 ASF Right Joystick Moved Left Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

995 ASF Right Joystick Moved Forward Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

996 ASF Right Joystick Moved Back Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

997 ASF Left Joystick Moved Right Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

998 ASF Left Joystick Moved Left Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

999 ASF Left Joystick Moved Forward Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

1000 ASF Left Joystick Moved Back Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

1001 ASF First Rear hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1002 ASF Second Rear hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1003 ASF Third Rear hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1004 ASF Fourth Rear hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1005 ASF First Front hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1006 ASF Second Front hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1007 ASF Third Front hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1008 ASF Fourth Front hydraulic 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1009 ASF Front Three-point Hitch 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1010 ASF Rear Three-point Hitch 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1011 ASF Front Power Take-off 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1012 ASF Rear Power Take-off 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1013 ASF Mowing Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

1014 ASF Threshing Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Inactive
1 - Active

1015 ASF Grain Release From Hopper 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1016 ASF Grain Tank Is 100% Full 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1017 ASF Grain Tank Is 70% Full 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1018 ASF Grain Tank Is Opened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Closed
1 - Opened

1019 ASF Unloader Drive 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1020 ASF Cleaning Fan Control Turned Off 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1021 ASF Threshing Drum Control Turned Off 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1022 ASF Straw Walker Is Clogged 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1023 ASF Excessive Clearance Under The Threshing Drum 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1024 ASF Low Temperature Of Drive System Hydraulics Less Than 5 Grades 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1025 ASF High Temperature Of Drive System Hydraulics Greater Than 86 Grades 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1026 ASF Ear Auger Speed Below The Norm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1027 ASF Grain Auger Speed Below The Norm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1028 ASF Straw Chooper Speed Below The Norm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1029 ASF Straw Shaker Speed Below The Norm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1030 ASF Feeder Speed Below The Norm 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1031 ASF Straw Chopper Switched On 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1032 ASF Corn Header Connected 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1033 ASF Grain Header Connected 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1034 ASF Feeder Reverse Switched On 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1035 ASF The Pressure Filter Of The Hydraulic Pump Is Clogged 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1087 ASF Adapter Pressure Filter Sensor 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1088 ASF Service 2 Required Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1089 ASF Drain Filter Clogged Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1090 ASF Section 1 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1091 ASF Section 2 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1092 ASF Section 3 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1093 ASF Section 4 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1094 ASF Section 5 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1095 ASF Section 6 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1096 ASF Section 7 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1097 ASF Section 8 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1098 ASF Section 9 Spraying 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1036 USF Spreading 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1037 USF Pouring Chemicals 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1038 USF Conveyor Belt 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1039 USF Salt Spreader's Drive Wheel 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1040 USF Brushes 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1041 USF Vacuum Cleaner 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1042 USF Water Supply 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1043 USF Spreading 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1044 USF Liquid pump 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1045 USF Unloading From The Hopper 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1046 USF Low Salt (Sand) Level In Container Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1047 USF Low Water Level in Container Indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1048 USF Chemicals 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1049 USF Compressor 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1050 USF Water Valve Is Opened 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1051 USF Cabin Moved Up Status Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1052 USF Cabin Moved Down Status Active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1099 USF Hydraulics Work Not Permitted 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - Off
1 - On

1053 CiSF Section 1 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1054 CiSF Section 1 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1055 CiSF Section 1 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1056 CiSF Section 2 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1057 CiSF Section 2 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1058 CiSF Section 2 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1059 CiSF Section 3 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1060 CiSF Section 3 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1061 CiSF Section 3 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1062 CiSF Section 4 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1063 CiSF Section 4 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1064 CiSF Section 4 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1065 CiSF Section 5 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1066 CiSF Section 5 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1067 CiSF Section 5 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1068 CiSF Section 6 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1069 CiSF Section 6 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1070 CiSF Section 6 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1071 CiSF Section 7 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1072 CiSF Section 7 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1073 CiSF Section 7 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1074 CiSF Section 8 Presence Of Fluid In The Downpipe 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No presence
1 - Present

1075 CiSF Section 8 Filled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

1076 CiSF Section 8 Overfilled 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 - No
1 - Yes

397 Check Engine 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - - CAN adapters
398 Low Tire Pressure 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - - ALLCAN300
399 Maintenance 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - - CAN adapters
400 Distance to Next Service 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - - - ALLCAN300
450 CNG Level Kg 2 Unsigned 0 65535 10 Kg CNG Level Kg (appears only if CNG level percentage is not available) CAN adapters
859 Distance from need of service 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - km Service - distance elapsed since the occurrence of the need for servicing ALLCAN300
860 Distance from Last Service 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - km Service - Distance from the Last Service CAN adapters
861 Time to Next Service 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - day Service - Time to Next Service CAN adapters
862 Time from Need of Service 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - day Service - Time Exceeded Since the Occurrence of the Need for Servicing CAN adapters
863 Time from Last Service 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - day Service - Time Elapsed Since the Last Service CAN adapters
864 Distance to Next Oil Service 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - km Service - Distance to Next Oil Service CAN adapters
865 Time to Next Oil Service 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - day Service - Time to Next Oil Service ALLCAN300
866 LVCAN Vehicle Range 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - km Information about Vehicle Range CAN adapters
867 LVCAN Total CNG Counted 4 Unsigned 0 65535 - kg Information about Total CNG Used in Counted Mode CAN adapters
868 LVCAN Avg RPM Value 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Average RPM Value CAN adapters
869 LVCAN Max RPM Value 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Max RPM Value CAN adapters
870 LVCAN Avg RPM Value with Acc 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Average RPM Value with Acceleration CAN adapters
871 LVCAN Max RPM value with acc 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Max RPM value with acceleration CAN adapters
872 LVCAN secs of PRM in range 0 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in x<700 RPM range since last record CAN adapters
873 LVCAN secs of PRM in range 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in 700>=x<1000 RPM range since last record CAN adapters
874 LVCAN secs of RPM in range 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in 1000>=x<1500 RPM range since last record CAN adapters
875 LVCAN secs of RPM in range 3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in x>=1500 RPM range since last record CAN adapters
876 LVCAN secs of acc in range 0 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent with accelerator pedal in x<50 % range since last record CAN adapters
877 LVCAN secs of acc in range 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent with accelerator pedal in 50>=x<70 % range since last record CAN adapters
878 LVCAN secs of acc in range 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent with accelerator pedal in 70>=x<95 % range since last record CAN adapters
879 LVCAN secs of acc in range 3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent with accelerator pedal in 95>=x<100 % range since last record CAN adapters
880 LVCAN brake pedal depressions 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Brake pedal depressions since last record CAN adapters
881 LVCAN Inertia Ecoroll 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in x<1000 RPM range while accelerator is depressed and speed >= 30km/h since last record CAN adapters
882 LVCAN Inertia Coasting 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in 1000>=x<1500 RPM range while accelerator is depressed and speed >= 30km/h since last record CAN adapters
883 LVCAN Inertia Braking 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in x>=1500 RPM range while accelerator is depressed and speed >= 30km/h since last record CAN adapters
884 LVCAN secs of speed in range 0 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent in x<30km/h speed since last record CAN adapters
885 LVCAN secs of speed in range 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent at 30>=x<50km/h speed since last record CAN adapters
886 LVCAN secs of speed in range 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent at 50>=x<75km/h speed since last record CAN adapters
887 LVCAN secs of speed in range 3 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent at 75>=x<100km/h speed since last record CAN adapters
888 LVCAN secs of speed in range 4 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Time spent at x>=100km/h speed since last record CAN adapters
889 LVCAN fuel used on idle 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 0.1 l Fuel consumed on idle since last record CAN adapters
890 LVCAN accel depresions with CC 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - s Accelerator pedal depresions with CC active since last record CAN adapters
891 LVCAN distance without accel 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Distance travelled without accelerator since last record CAN adapters
892 LVCAN distance while braking 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - m Distance travelled while braking since last record CAN adapters
893 LVCAN accel-brake fast shifts 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Accelerator-Brake fast shift within 3 secs since last record CAN adapters
894 LVCAN Brake Pedal Position 1 Unsigned 0 102 0.1 % Value in percents with 0,4% accuracy CAN adapters
896 LVCAN accelerator 1 Unsigned 0 102 0.1 % Average accelerator position since last record CAN adapters
897 LVCAN time until end of charge 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - minutes Time left until the end of the battery charge (0x00BA cmd) CAN adapters
1203 LVCAN SSF CarLockedFactRem 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - - CAN adapters
1205 LVCAN RSF SpeedLimitSign 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Information if road sign "Speed limit with value" is recognized/canceled CAN adapters
1206 LVCAN RSF EndOfSpeedLimitSign 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Information if road sign "End of speed limit with value" is recognized/cancelled CAN adapters
1207 LVCAN RSF SpeedExceeded 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Information if speed is exceeded indicated by road sign "Speed limit with value" CAN adapters
1208 LVCAN RSF TimeSpeedLimitSign 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Information if road sign "Conditional time-specific speed limit with value" is recognized/cancelled CAN adapters
1209 LVCAN RSF WthrSpeedLimitSign 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Information if road sign "Speed limit with value due to weather conditions" is recognized/cancelled CAN adapters
1211 LVCAN SSF FrontLeftWindowOpen 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Front Left Window is Open = 1
Front Left Window is Closed = 0
CAN adapters
1212 LVCAN SSF FrontRightWindowOpen 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Front Right Window is Open = 1
Front Right Window is Closed = 0
CAN adapters
1213 LVCAN SSF RearLeftWindowOpen 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Rear Left Window is Open = 1
Rear Left Window is Closed = 0
CAN adapters
1214 LVCAN SSF RearRightWindowOpen 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Rear Right Window is Open = 1
Rear Right Window is Closed = 0
CAN adapters
1215 Water Level for Fire Fighting 2 Unsigned 0 100 0.1 % Level of water in the tank for fire fighting CAN adapters
1216 Foam Level for Fire Fighting 2 Unsigned 0 100 0.1 % Level of foam in the tank for fire fighting CAN adapters
1217 Pressure Pump Level for Fire Fighting 2 Unsigned 0 100 0.1 - Level of pressure in fire fighting pump CAN adapters
1218 Wind Speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - m/s Wind speed information in m/s CAN adapters
1219 Temperature outside 1 Signed -60 127 - °C Temperature outside in °C CAN adapters
1220 Gross Combination Vehicle Weight 2 Unsigned 0 65535 10 kg Combination vehicle weight in kg CAN adapters
1221 Drive System Temperature 1 Unsigned 0 255 - °C Drive System Temperature, offest -60 CAN adapters
1222 Rotation Speed of Auger Conveyor 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - RPM Rotation Speed of Auger Conveyor in RPM CAN adapters
1223 Rotation Speed of Grain Auger 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - RPM Rotation Speed of Grain Auger in RPM CAN adapters
1224 Rotation Speed of Chopper 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - RPM Rotation Speed of Chopper in RPM CAN adapters
1225 Rotation Speed of Straw Shaker 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - RPM Rotation Speed of Straw Shaker in RPM CAN adapters
1226 Rotation Speed of Fan 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - RPM Rotation Speed of Fan in RPM CAN adapters
1227 Rotation Speed of a Feeder 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - RPM Rotation Speed of a Feeder in RPM CAN adapters
1228 Speed of Reel 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - km/h Speed of Reel in km/h CAN adapters
1229 Amount of Cargo in the Grain Elevator 2 Unsigned 0 100 0.1 % Amount of Cargo in the Grain Elevator in % CAN adapters
1230 Hours of Work With Threshing Drum On 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - s Current hours of harvester's work with threshing drum on CAN adapters
1231 Overall Hours of Combine With Threshing 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - s Overall hours of combine harvester's work with threshing drum on CAN adapters
1232 Current Trip Distance 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 5 m Current trip dinstance in meters(factor 5) CAN adapters
1233 Overall Distance Covered During Work 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 5 m Overall distance covered during work in meters CAN adapters
1234 Current Distance Covered During Work 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 5 m Current distance covered during work time in meters CAN adapters
1235 Current Harvest Area 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - m Current Harvest Area in meters CAN adapters
1236 Total Harvest Area 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - m Total Harvest Area in meters CAN adapters
1237 Hydraulic Oil Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - bar Hydraulic oil pressure CAN adapters
1238 HV Battery Average Power Consumption 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - kWh/100km HV battery average power consumption in kWh/100km CAN adapters
1239 HV Battery Pack Health 2 Unsigned 0 100 - % HV battery pack health in % CAN adapters
1240 Electric Engine Work Time(counted) 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - s Electric Angine Work Time in seconds CAN adapters
1241 Wheel Speed Sensor Impulse(counted) 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Wheel Speed Sensor Impulse(counted) in impluses CAN adapters
1242 Electric Engine Consumed kWh 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 0.01 kWh Electric Engine Consumed kWh with 0.01 factor CAN adapters
1243 Trailer Axle 1 Load 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.5 kg Trailer Axle 1 Load, factor 0.5 CAN adapters
1244 Trailer Axle 2 Load 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.5 kg Trailer Axle 2 Load, factor 0.5 CAN adapters
1245 Trailer Axle 3 Load 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.5 kg Trailer Axle 3 Load, factor 0.5 CAN adapters
1246 Trailer Axle 4 Load 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.5 kg Trailer Axle 4 Load, factor 0.5 CAN adapters
1247 Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 1 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 1 in bars CAN adapters
1248 Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 1 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 1 in bars CAN adapters
1249 Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 2 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 2 in bars CAN adapters
1250 Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 2 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 2 in bars CAN adapters
1251 Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 3 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 3 in bars CAN adapters
1252 Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 3 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 3 in bars CAN adapters
1253 Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 4 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Left Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 4 in bars CAN adapters
1254 Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 4 1 Unsigned 0 255 0.1 bar Right Front Tire Pressure Trailer Axle 4 in bars CAN adapters
1255 CNG Level 2 Unsigned 0 255 0.01 bar CNG level in bars CAN adapters
1256 Engine Work Time on CNG 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 1 s Engine work time on CNG in seconds CAN adapters
1257 Trailer VIN Number 17 ASCII 0 0xFF - - Trialer VIN number CAN adapters
1258 Trailer Axle Load Sum 2 Unsigned 0 65535 2 kg Trailer Axle load sum in kg (factor = 2) CAN adapters
1259 Total Treated Area 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 0.0001 ha Total treated area CAN adapters
1260 Level of Liquid in Tank 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 L Level of Liquid in Tank in liters CAN adapters
1261 Spray pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Spray pressure in bars CAN adapters
1262 Actual Dose of Liquid 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 L/ha Actual dose of liquid in L/ha CAN adapters
1263 Total Amount of Liquid Used 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 0.1 L Total amount of liquid used CAN adapters
1264 Area Treated Until Tank is Empty 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 0.0001 ha Area that can be treated until tank is empty CAN adapters
1265 Distance Remaining Until Tank is Empty 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 0.1 m Distance Remaining Until Tank is Empty in meters CAN adapters
1266 Engine Work Time on Primary Fuel 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 1 s Engine work time on primary fuel from the moment of gas system installation CAN adapters
1267 Engine Work Time on Duel Fuel 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 1 s Engine work time on dual fuel from the moment of gas system installation CAN adapters
1268 Total weight if spread material 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 1 kg Total weight of spread material in kg CAN adapters
1269 Weight of Material for Spreading 4 Unsigned 0 0xffffffffffffffff 1 kg Weight of Material for Spreading in kg CAN adapters
1270 Engine Oil Temperature 1 Signed -60 127 1 °C Engine oil temperature, °C CAN adapters
1271 Rear Power Take-off Rotation speed 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 RPM Rear Power Take-off Rotation speed in RPM CAN adapters
1272 Front Power Take-off Rotation speed 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 RPM Front Power Take-off Rotation speed in RPM CAN adapters
1273 Amount of Chemicals per square meter 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 g/m2 The amount of chemicals per square meter CAN adapters
1274 Spread Width 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 m Spread Width (factor 0.01) CAN adapters
1275 Active Gear Number 1 Unsigned 0 255 - - Active Gear Number CAN adapters
1276 Front Left Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Front Left Tire Pressure CAN adapters
1277 Front Right Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Front Right Tire Pressure CAN adapters
1278 Rear Left Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Rear Left Tire Pressure CAN adapters
1279 Rear Right Tire Pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.01 bar Rear Right Tire Pressure CAN adapters
1331 Transmission selected gear 1 Signed -125 125 1 - Transmission selected gear CAN adapters
1332 Transmission current gear 1 Signed -125 125 1 - Transmission current gear CAN adapters
1333 Steering wheel turn counter 1 Signed -32 29 1 - Steering wheel turn counter CAN adapters
1334 Steering wheel angle sens. typ 1 Unsigned 0 2 1 - SW angle sensor type CAN adapters
1335 Exhaust fluid tank level 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 % Exhaust fluid tank level CAN adapters
1336 Bellow pressure FR axle 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kPa Bellow pressure FR axle CAN adapters
1337 Bellow pressure FL axle 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kPa Bellow pressure FL axle CAN adapters
1338 Bellow pressure RR axle 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kPa Bellow pressure RR axle CAN adapters
1339 Bellow pressure RL axle 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kPa Bellow pressure RL axle CAN adapters
1340 Heavy duty flags 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Flags that are related to heavy duty vehicles CAN adapters
1341 Gaseous fuel rate 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 kg/h Gaseous fuel rate CAN adapters
1342 Axle 6 Load 2 Unsigned 0 32768 - kg Axle 6 load, kg CAN adapters
1343 Engine fuel temperature 2 Signed -40 210 1 °C Engine fuel temperature CAN adapters
1344 Cruise control set speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 km/h Cruise control set speed CAN adapters
1345 Instant fuel economy 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 km/l Instant fuel economy CAN adapters
1346 Powertrain flags 8 HEX 0 0xffffffffffffffff - - Flags related to the powertrain of a vehicle CAN adapters
1347 PTO speed 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 RPM PTO speed CAN adapters
1348 Service brake air press circ 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa Service brake air press circ 1 CAN adapters
1349 Service brake air press circ 2 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa Service brake air press circ 2 CAN adapters
1350 Front axle speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 km/h Front axle speed CAN adapters
1351 Barometric pressure 1 Unsigned 0 255 1 kPa Barometric pressure CAN adapters
1352 Engine air intake pressure 2 Unsigned 0 65535 1 kPa Engine air intake pressure CAN adapters
1353 Engine intake air temperature 2 Signed -40 210 1 °C Engine intake air temperature CAN adapters
1354 Keyswitch battery potential 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.1 V Keyswitch battery potential CAN adapters
1355 LVCAN CSF SeatOccupancyFL 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF SeatOccupancyFL CAN adapters
1356 LVCAN CSF SeatOccupancyRL 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF SeatOccupancyRL CAN adapters
1357 LVCAN CSF SeatOccupancyRR 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF SeatOccupancyRR CAN adapters
1358 LVCAN CSF SWDirectionLeft 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF SWDirectionLeft CAN adapters
1359 LVCAN CSF SWDirectionRight 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF SWDirectionRight CAN adapters
1360 LVCAN CSF Eco switch 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF Eco switch CAN adapters
1361 LVCAN CSF Ramp Wheelchair lift 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF Ramp Wheelchair lift CAN adapters
1362 LVCAN HDF PosStatOfAllDoors 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF PosStatOfAllDoors CAN adapters
1363 LVCAN HDF Vehicle motion 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Vehicle motion CAN adapters
1364 LVCAN HDF Vehicle overspeed 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Vehicle overspeed CAN adapters
1365 LVCAN HDF Direction indicator 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Direction indicator CAN adapters
1366 LVCAN HDF Alternator status 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Alternator status 1 CAN adapters
1367 LVCAN HDF Alternator status 2 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Alternator status 2 CAN adapters
1368 LVCAN HDF Alternator status 3 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Alternator status 3 CAN adapters
1369 LVCAN HDF Alternator status 4 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN HDF Alternator status 4 CAN adapters
1370 LVCAN CSF CC limiter active 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF CC limiter active CAN adapters
1371 LVCAN CSF CC standby 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF CC standby CAN adapters
1372 LVCAN RSF Lane departure 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN RSF Lane departure CAN adapters
1373 LVCAN SSF Door 1 lock status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN SSF Door 1 lock status CAN adapters
1374 LVCAN SSF Door 2 lock status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN SSF Door 2 lock status CAN adapters
1375 LVCAN SSF Door 3 lock status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN SSF Door 3 lock status CAN adapters
1376 LVCAN SSF Door 4 lock status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN SSF Door 4 lock status CAN adapters
1377 LVCAN SSF Door 5 lock status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN SSF Door 5 lock status CAN adapters
1396 Ambient Air Temperature 1 Signed -60 127 1 °C Ambient Air Temperature in celsius degrees CAN adapters
1397 LVCAN CSF Traction Ctrl En 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - LVCAN CSF Traction Ctrl En CAN adapters

Cold Chain

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
1128 Thermoking Touchlog Probe 1 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking Touchlog Probe 1 Cold Chain
1129 Thermoking Touchlog Probe 2 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking Touchlog Probe 2 Cold Chain
1130 Thermoking Touchlog Probe 3 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking Touchlog Probe 3 Cold Chain
1131 Thermoking Touchlog Probe 4 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking Touchlog Probe 4 Cold Chain
1132 Thermoking Touchlog Probe 5 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking Touchlog Probe 5 Cold Chain
1133 Thermoking Touchlog Probe 6 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking Touchlog Probe 6 Cold Chain
1134 Thermoking S1 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking S1 Cold Chain
1135 Thermoking S2 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - Thermoking S2 Cold Chain

Scooter I/O elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
339 Serial number 14 ASCII 0 0xFF - - Scooter serial number TST100 Scooter I/O elements
340 FW version of master control 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Scooter's PCB and FW versions. First 4 bits (MSB) describe PCB version and the rest 12 bits - FW version. For example, IO value is 0x1101, it means PCB version is 1 and FW version V1.0.1. TST100 Scooter I/O elements
341 Error code 1 Unsigned 10 50 - - Scooter error code from 10 to 50. See documentation for error codes meanings. TST100 Scooter I/O elements
342 Alarm code 1 Unsigned 9 12 - - 9 - alarm for being pushed in lock mode
12 - alarm for high recoil energy during brake
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
343 Speed limit status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Scooter speed limit off
1 - Scooter speed limit on
Note! The meaning of this IO element is not yet clear.
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
344 Lock status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Scooter is unlocked
1 - Scooter is locked
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
345 Buzzer alarm status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Scooter's buzzer is not active
1 - Scooter's buzzer is active
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
346 External battery status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Scooter don't have external battery connected
1 - Scooter has external battery connected
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
347 Charging status 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - Not charging
1 - Charging
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
348 Current operation system 1 Unsigned 1 2 - - 1 - Operation system 1
2 - Operation system 2
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
349 Current operation mode 1 Unsigned 0 2 - - 0 - Scooter Normal mode
1 - Scooter Eco mode
2 - Scooter Sport mode
TST100 Scooter I/O elements
350 Volume of storage battery 1 2 Unsigned 0 42000 - mV Scooter's internal batteryt voltage TST100 Scooter I/O elements
351 Volume of storage battery 2 2 Unsigned 0 42000 - mV Scooter's external battery voltage TST100 Scooter I/O elements
352 Battery % of the scooter 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Scooter's battery level TST100 Scooter I/O elements
353 Actual remaining mileage 4 Unsigned 0 327670 - m Actual mileage with remaining battery power TST100 Scooter I/O elements
354 Predicted remaining mileage 4 Unsigned 0 327670 - m Predicted mileage with remaining battery power TST100 Scooter I/O elements
355 Current speed 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h Current scooter's speed TST100 Scooter I/O elements
356 Total mileage 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - m Scooter's total mileage TST100 Scooter I/O elements
357 Single mileage 4 Unsigned 0 327670 - m Sinble mileage TST100 Scooter I/O elements
358 Total operation time 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - sec Scooter's total operation time TST100 Scooter I/O elements
359 Total riding time 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - sec Scooter's total riding time TST100 Scooter I/O elements
360 Single operation time 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - sec Single opearation time TST100 Scooter I/O elements
361 Single riding time 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - sec Single riding time TST100 Scooter I/O elements
362 Scooter temperature 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C Scooter temperature TST100 Scooter I/O elements
363 Internal battery temperature 1 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C Internal battery temperature 1 TST100 Scooter I/O elements
364 Internal battery temperature 2 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C Internal battery temperature 2 TST100 Scooter I/O elements
365 External battery temperature 1 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C External battery temperature 1 TST100 Scooter I/O elements
366 Voltage of central control 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - mV Supply voltage of the central control (system driving voltage) TST100 Scooter I/O elements
367 External battery temperature 2 2 Signed -32768 32767 0.1 °C External battery temperature 2 TST100 Scooter I/O elements
368 Motor phase current 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - mA Motor phase current TST100 Scooter I/O elements
369 Average speed 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - km/h Average speed TST100 Scooter I/O elements
370 External battery version num 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Scooter's external battery/Built-in/Instrument panel PCB and FW versions. First 4 bits (MSB) describe PCB version and the rest 12 bits - FW version. For example, IO value is 0x1101, it means PCB version is 1 and FW version V1.0.1. TST100 Scooter I/O elements
371 Built-in version number 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Scooter's external battery/Built-in/Instrument panel PCB and FW versions. First 4 bits (MSB) describe PCB version and the rest 12 bits - FW version. For example, IO value is 0x1101, it means PCB version is 1 and FW version V1.0.1. TST100 Scooter I/O elements
372 Instrument panel FW version 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - Scooter's external battery/Built-in/Instrument panel PCB and FW versions. First 4 bits (MSB) describe PCB version and the rest 12 bits - FW version. For example, IO value is 0x1101, it means PCB version is 1 and FW version V1.0.1. TST100 Scooter I/O elements
373 Power 2 Unsigned 0 32767 - W Sceeter's remaining battery power TST100 Scooter I/O elements
374 Internal battery capacity 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Current residual capacity percentage TST100 Scooter I/O elements
375 External battery capacity 1 Unsigned 0 100 - % Current residual capacity percentage TST100 Scooter I/O elements
376 Scoot CPU ID C 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - TST100 Scooter I/O elements
377 Scoot CPU ID D 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - TST100 Scooter I/O elements
378 Scoot CPU ID E 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - TST100 Scooter I/O elements
379 Scoot CPU ID F 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - - TST100 Scooter I/O elements