Inateck BCST-70 First Start
Inateck Barcode Scanner Configuration
Configure Scanner to use Enter as Suffix
Power on Inateck BCST-70 by toggling switch from OFF to ON.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Inateck Scanner could not scan Barcodes through screen/monitor, barcodes should be printed as hard
copy to proceed on the configuration.
- Scan the "Enter Setup" barcode
- Scan the "Apply Enter as Stop Character" barcode
- Scan the "Exit with Save" barcode
Configure Scanner to SPP Mode
BCST-70 has Bluetooth® capability that supports data transmission under HID and SPP two modes. When under HID mode, the BCST-70 connects your phone or computer automatically after pairing successfully. When under SPP mode, the BCST-70 can only finish connecting your phone or laptop with help of serial debugging tools after pairing successfully. For connection with Teltonika FM devices, scanner must use SPP Mode.
IMPORTANT NOTE : If scanner does not use SPP mode, Teltonika FM device would not detect the scanner under the Bluetooth® tab