Custom Scenarios

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Feature preview versions > Custom Scenarios

Introduction to Custom Scenarios functionality

To meet the diverse and evolving needs of our clients, we have developed the Custom Scenarios feature. This solution allows users to define specific conditions using customizable parameters to generate events or control a device’s digital outputs. By connecting the device to peripherals like alarms, buzzers, or relays, this functionality can notify drivers or perform targeted actions seamlessly.

The feature enables the device to operate autonomously based on predefined conditions, eliminating the need for constant monitoring of device status or complex backend integrations. With Custom Scenarios, any data the device can send becomes a potential input for controlling digital outputs, providing flexibility and efficiency.

Custom Scenarios description

Figure 1. “Custom Scenarios” functionality logic

The Custom Scenarios functionality enables configuration of up to three independent scenarios, each with up to three unique triggers. Triggers are defined using data as source from various I/O elements, such as: Fuel Level, Engine RPM, Seatbelt Status, DTC Faults, Movement Status, Ignition State, GSM Signal Level, 1-Wire or Bluetooth sensor temperature and etc. Each source is configured with specific logic operands, threshold values, and an activation delay timer, which specifies how long a value must remain within the defined range before the trigger is activated.

When all triggers of a scenario are 'true', the scenario becomes active. This can generate a record and/or control the Digital Output by toggling it on or off based on the active conditions. Additionally, if configured for continuous operation, the DOUT remains active as long as the conditions are met.

Key features include:

  • Support for dynamic trigger logic based on selected operands and conditions.
  • Autonomous device operation, even in low-power or deep-sleep modes, provided compatible I/O sources are used.
  • Adjustable ON/OFF durations or permanent output control, enabling versatile device behaviors such as blinking or continuous activation.
  • Custom Scenarios operate independently from the I/O menu, with priority management ensuring that higher-priority scenarios take precedence in controlling the DOUT when multiple scenarios are configured.

Custom Scenarios configuration and parameters

Configuration UI

Figure 2. “Custom Scenarios” functionality UI

Configuration parameters

Parameter Name Parameter ID Value Range Default Value Value Value Definition Description Version Introduced
Custom Scenario 1 ID Custom Scenario 2 ID Custom Scenario 3 ID Min Max
Priority 19101 19131 19161 0 3 0 0 None No priority is set for the scenario, eventual records will not be generated. 03.28.06.Rev.260
1 Low Low priority is set for the scenario.
2 High High priority is set for the scenario.
3 Panic Panic priority is set for the scenario.
Output Control 19100 19130 19160 0 3 0 0 None Specifies that no DOUT is controlled by the scenario. 03.28.06.Rev.260
1 DOUT1 Specifies that DOUT1 is controlled by the scenario.
2 DOUT2 Specifies that DOUT2 is controlled by the scenario.
3 DOUT3 Specifies that DOUT3 is controlled by the scenario.
Permanent Output Control 19124 19154 19184 0 1 0 0 Disabled DOUT will be controlled continuously on and off according to DOUT ON Duration and DOUT OFF Duration parameters. 03.30.01.Rev.60
1 Enabled DOUT will be constantly ON while scenario is active.
DOUT ON Duration 19102 19132 19162 100 65000000 200 - milliseconds Duration for which DOUT remains turned ON 03.28.06.Rev.260
DOUT OFF Duration 19103 19133 19163 0 65000000 200 - milliseconds Duration for which DOUT remains OFF. If Permanent Output Control and DOUT OFF Duration values are set to 0, DOUT will be turned on for the period configured in DOUT ON Duration parameter. 03.28.06.Rev.260
Source #1 19105 19135 19165 - - Device-specific - Calculated ID Data source for primary trigger for the scenario. This trigger cannot be ignored. 03.28.06.Rev.260
Source #2 19110 19140 19170 - - Device-specific - Calculated ID Data source for secondary trigger for the scenario. This trigger can be ignored. 03.28.06.Rev.260
Source #3 19116 19146 19176 - - Device-specific - Calculated ID Data source for tertiary trigger for the scenario. This trigger can be ignored. 03.28.06.Rev.260
Operand 19106 19136 19166 0 6 0 0 On Exit Trigger activates on exit of the defined condition. 03.28.06.Rev.260
1 On Entrance Trigger activates on entrance of the defined condition.
2 On Both Trigger activates on both entrance and exit of the condition.
3 On Hysteresis Trigger activates on hysteresis of the condition.
4 On Change Trigger activates on any change in the condition.
5 On Delta Change Trigger activates on a specified delta change.
6 Is Trigger activates as long as source value is in range between Low and High. 03.29.00.Rev.294
Low Level 19107 19137 19167 Dynamic Dynamic 0 - - Sets the lower threshold value for the trigger. 03.28.06.Rev.260
High Level 19108 19138 19168 Dynamic Dynamic 0 - - Sets the upper threshold value for the trigger. 03.28.06.Rev.260
Activation Delay Timer 19109 19139 19169 0 65535 0 - seconds Time the trigger must remain true for activation of the scenario. 03.28.06.Rev.263
Ignore 19114 19144 19174 0 1 1 0 No The trigger will not be ignored and is actively checked. 03.28.06.Rev.260
1 Yes The trigger will be ignored and will not affect scenario activation.
Logic 19115 19145 19175 0 1 1 0 OR Trigger evaluation logic: any enabled trigger activates the scenario. 03.28.06.Rev.263
1 AND Trigger evaluation logic: all enabled triggers must be true to activate the scenario.

Output control and eventual record logic

Records are generated when all enabled trigger conditions are met, and the scenario activates, also controlling the configured DOUT state. If the priority is set to "None", no record will be created; however, the scenario will still control the DOUTx if it is configured your configuration. For more details on priority, refer to this page

Eventual record AVL ID list

Custom Scenario AVL ID DOUTx State Record Value
Custom Scenario 1 1163 OFF -> ON 1
ON -> OFF 0
Custom Scenario 2 1164 OFF -> ON 1
ON -> OFF 0
Custom Scenario 3 1165 OFF -> ON 1
ON -> OFF 0

Output control priority management

Custom scenarios can be configured to use the same or different digital outputs. When multiple scenarios are assigned to the same digital output, the scenario with the highest priority takes control when active. Custom Scenario 1 has the highest priority, while Custom Scenario 3 has the lowest. The priorities of all device scenarios:

Priority Scenario
#2 Towing
#3 Immobilizer
#4 Private Mode
#5 DOUT Control Via Ignition
#6 Call
#7 Authorized Read Notification
#8 Green Driving
#9 Jamming
#10 Overspeeding
#11 Idling
#12 DOUT Control via SMS
#13 Custom Scenario 1
#14 Custom Scenario 2
#15 Custom Scenario 3
#16 GNSS Jamming
#17 Diagnostic Tool Maintenance

Overide digital output using remote commnands

“setdigout” can override Digital Output status if controlled by Custom Scenarios and if required “cleardigoutprio” can be used for Custom Scenarios be capable of controlling the DOUT again.

Logic using inverted digital output

If inverted digital output mode is enabled and the same digital output is configured for a custom scenario, the digital output operates in inverted mode when the custom scenario is inactive. When the custom scenario becomes active and has higher priority, it overrides other controls, and the digital output switches to normal mode. Once the custom scenario is inactive, the digital output reverts to inverted mode.

Source value calculation

Source value is the calculated parameter value ID of the selected source. The possible sources depend on the hardware. The sources are based on the I/Os, their parameter value IDs (which are needed when setting sources via commands) can be calculated:

Parameter value ID = (I/O Element AVL ID - I/O Group First Element AVL ID) * 10 + I/O Group AVL ID

I/O Group Name I/O Group AVL ID I/O Group First Element AVL ID
Base 50000 0
LVCAN 45100 478
OBD 40100 398

For example: IButton I/O AVL ID is 39, so parameter value ID will be (39 - 0) * 10 + 50000 = 50390. It can be set using “setparam“ command to remotely change configuration of Custom Scenarios source to be IButton remotely. To check element AVL ID list refer to this page.

Examples of use cases

Monitoring vehicle refrigiratoring compartment temperature and informing driver

Configure a Custom Scenario to monitor and respond to abnormal temperature readings in a vehicle compartment:

Scenario Setup:

  • 1Monitor a Bluetooth sensor for temperature readings.

Set the condition to trigger when the value exits a specific range (e.g., Low Level = 170, High Level = 330). Use the "On Exit" operand to detect when the temperature leaves the defined range.

Activation Delay: Configure a delay timer (e.g., 60 seconds) to prevent triggering on small fluctuations. The condition becomes active if the temperature stays out of range for the specified time. Logical Conditions:

Add a second condition for the scenario. Set the logical operator to: AND: All conditions must be true for activation. OR: Any condition can activate the scenario. Example: Monitor ignition status ("Is" operand, Low/High Level = 1) to ensure the vehicle is active. Action:

Control Digital Output for 5 seconds ON and 5 seconds OFF cycles while conditions are met. This configuration ensures that Digital Output is controlled only when the vehicle is active, and the temperature exceeds the specified range for 60 seconds.

Driver indentification with notification steps

Set up a multi-stage notification system to ensure driver authorization:

Initial Stage:

Conditions: iButton is not attached. Ignition is ON. Activation delay: 60 seconds to provide initial time for authorization. Action: Control Digital Output 1 with a blink rate of 5 seconds ON/OFF. Second Stage:

Activation delay: 120 seconds to allow time for authorization. Action: Increase the blink rate of Digital Output 1 to 2 seconds ON/OFF. Notify the driver that time is running out. Final Stage:

Activation delay: 180 seconds for maximum allowable time. Conditions remain the same, but a different Digital Output is used. Action: Activate an alarm (e.g., connected buzzer) for 30 seconds ON. This configuration ensures a gradual escalation of notifications and triggers an alarm if the driver fails to authorize within 3 minutes.