Template:FMB640 Accelerometer Features settings

From Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

Excessive Idling

Fmb640 excessive idling.png

When vehicle stops for a specific amount of time the scenario is activated, a record will be generated and digital output status will be changed to 1 when configured. You can configure the time it takes to turn on this scenario (Time to Stopped). Scenario is activated until the vehicle starts moving (movement is detected only by the accelerometer) and keeps moving for an amount of time that is configured. You can configure the time it takes to turn off this scenario (Time to Moving).

Towing Detection

Fmb640 towing.png

Towing Detection feature helps to inform the driver about unexpected car movement when it was parked. FMB640 generates an event when car is being towed or lifted, for example, in a case of vehicle evacuation. FMB640 activates towing function when following conditions are met:

  1. Ignition (configured Ignition Source) is OFF.
  2. Activation Timeout is reached.

When towing function is engaged FMB640 monitors accelerometer data. If acceleration Threshold or Angle reach configured values for a configured Duration, and Ignition is still OFF for a period of time that is longer than Event Timeout, then an event is generated. When configured, Make Call To and Send SMS To functions make a call or send an SMS to a predefined phone number. Towing function will be reactivated after FMB640 detects a change of Ignition state from ON to OFF.

Crash Detection

Fmb640 crash.png

If Crash Detection is enabled, it monitors acceleration on each axis which helps detecting an accident. Threshold and Duration values are set depending on the impact that is required to be detected. FMB640 can detect events ranging between a slight tapping on the device (Threshold = 100 mG, Duration = 1 ms) and a severe accident (Threshold = 4000 mG, Duration = 5 ms).

DOUT controls

Please refer to DOUT controls.