Template:FMB Blue-tooth settings

From Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

General functionality

Fmb120 bt general.png

General functionality configures Bluetooth to work in slave mode. This mode allows any external device to connect to FMB120.
Parameter BT Radio allows user to select if he wants to enable or disable Bluetooth. There are three different scenarios:

  1. Disabled – Bluetooth functionality will be disabled.
  2. Enable (hidden) – Bluetooth functionality will be enabled, external devices will be able to connect to FMB120, but none will be able to detect it.
  3. Enable (visible) – Bluetooth functionality will be enabled and any external device will be able to detect and connect to FMB120.
    Local Name parameter lets user to declare visible name of FMB120 to external devices.
    Local PIN parameter lets user to configure Bluetooth PIN of FMB120 device.

FMB120 Bluetooth has several different Security Modes':

  • PIN only – only Local PIN will be reacquired to complete connection to FMB120.
  • PIN + MAC list – PIN and Authorized Devices MAC List will be checked to connect to FMB120. If the external device MAC ID is in the list and correct Local PIN is entered then connection will be established, else FMB120 will reject connection.
  • MAC list only – only Authorized Devices MAC List will be checked when trying to connect to FMB120. If external device MAC ID is in the list then connection will be established, else FMB120 will reject connection.
  • None – neither Local PIN nor Authorized Device MAC List will be checked.

Auto connection functionality configures FMB120 as master device, which allows FMB120 connect to external device. FMB120 currently supports these modes:

  • None – disables auto connection functionality.
  • Hands Free or OBDII – FMB120 starts searching for an external hands free headset. If FMB120 finds a device which matches user defined External MAC or External Name then FMB120 will try to pair with that external device. If external device asks for PIN then FMB120 will send user defined External PIN. After successfull pairing FMB120 will connect to paired device.
  • Data Link – BT Data link mode is enabled by Configurator Data Link parameter: when Data Link is configured and FMB has a link with the server, paired device could send messages via Bluetooth SPP profile directly to the server. Messages will be encoded by codec12.
Bw nb.png FMB120 supports ONE connection at a time.
FMB001 can see up to 10 available devices. If there are more than 10, the list may change with each new scan.

External Name parameter works as a substring, this allows user to enter part of the full external device name. For example, if external device name is "HandsFreeHeadset" and user enters "HandsFree" in External Name parameter window then FMB120 will be allowed to connect to an external device named "HandsFreeHeadset".

How to connect Bluetooth Hands Free adapter to FMB device

Bluetooth settings
Incoming Call Action settings under SMS\Call Settings

Bluetooth settings configuration

These are instructions on how to easily create a connection between a Bluetooth Hands Free device and an FMB device. First the FMB device Bluetooth settings need to be configured for proper connection to this hands-free unit. These are the required steps:

  • Press Bluetooth settings (position 1).
  • Turn on BT Radio by pressing Enable (visible) (position 2). Local name (position 3) automatically will be "FMB120_last 7 imei digits", which can be changed.
  • Set Security Mode (position 4) to PIN only or None. PIN + MAC list or MAC list only security mode could also be selected, but in that case you need to enter external device MAC address to Authorized Devices MAC List (position 7).
  • Set connection mode to Hands Free (position 5).
  • Set External Name (position 6) as your Hands Free device name for proper identification. In the given example Hands Free headset name is "DMH10" but at least 2 characters are required to recognize it and connect to it. For better and quicker adapter identification on the network you could enter a full device name. You could check your Hands Free adapter Bluetooth name by scanning nearby Bluetooth devices using mobile phone or computer with Bluetooth adapter.
  • Go to SMS/Call Settings in main menu and set Incoming Call Action to Do Nothing as shown on next figure.
  • After all these steps press Save to device to save configuration.
  • Now FMB device can be disconnected from the configurator.

Connecting Bluetooth Hands Free adapter

Turn on Hands Free device and then turn on its Bluetooth connection for pairing following your model instructions. Hands Free adapter should make a specific sound in the speakers or its LED identification should change to inform about a successful connection. To check if the adapter is successfully connected, call the FMB device and the Hands Free device should start ringing. If you later restart FMB device it will automatically reconnect to this adapter.

Logging the FMB120 device using your mobile phone

Bluetooth starts automatically when the FMB device is on. Take your mobile phone, go to Settings->Bluetooth and turn it on. Scan for nearby devices, find the device in list, distinguish the device by last IMEI digits on device module. Press pair, wait until device will ask to enter pairing password, type: 5555 (as in the example on the figures). Paired device will show up in the paired device list. Download a terminal for Bluetooth e.g. BlueTerm from Play Store/App store. Run app, click Find->Connect to your paired device. Now we need to send a command to FMB120 from Bluetooth terminal, type: ".log:1"
Device will respond "Debug enabled" and FMB120 log will show up. Do not forget to save the log file to mobile phone.

Device debug over Android smartphone

Fmb120 bt general vis.png

In order to pair FMB device with Android smartphone, make sure that BT radio is enabled (visible) in device configuration. It can be checked via SMS command too:
getparam 800
The answer has to be 2, which means “Enabled and visible”.

Android bt.png
  • Scan for visible BT devices using your Android smartphone and connect to your FMB device.
    Default FMB BT name: MB1YX_last_7_imei_digits.
    Default PIN code: 5555.

Android bt serial.png
  • Run Bluetooth Terminal. In menu press “Connect” button and select paired FMB device. To start log check CR and enter the command in terminal: .log:1.
  • Wait ~10 minutes and press “Save” button in menu. You will find saved log file in device folder (My Files/Bluetooth Terminal), select log files and press button Share via Email and send them to the Teltonika support.

Bw nb.png Unfortunately it is not possible to do the same on iPhone, because there is no native SPP Bluetooth profile support in iPhone.

How to connect OBD II Bluetooth Dongle to FMB device

Bluetooth settings configuration

Fmb120 bt odbii settings.png

These are instructions how to easily prepare Bluetooth Dongle connection to FMB device. First we need to configure FMB device Bluetooth settings for proper connection to this unit. These are required steps:

  • Go to Bluetooth section similarly to as shown in the figure to the right.

When device configuration is loaded press Bluetooth settings (position 1).

  • Turn on BT Radio by pressing Enable (visible) (position 2). “Local name” (position 3) automatically will be “FMB120_last 7 imei digits”, you can leave it or type your own name.
  • Set Security Mode (position 4) to PIN only or None (you could select PIN + MAC list or MAC list only security mode but in this case you need to type external device MAC address in Authorized Devices MAC List (position 7).
  • Set connection mode to OBDII (position 5).
  • Set External Name as your Bluetooth OBD II device name for proper device identification and connection to it. In this example OBD II device name is „DONGLE“ but at least 2 characters are needed to recognize it and connect to it. For better and faster adapter identification in network you could enter a full device name. You could check your OBD II adapter Bluetooth name by scanning nearby Bluetooth devices using mobile phone or computer with Bluetooth adapter.
  • Go to OBD II (Bluetooth) in left menu and select priority and others parameters visible in the following figure.
Fmb120 odbii settings.png
  • After all these steps press Save to device to save configuration (position 8 in the top right hand figure).
  • Now you can disconnect FMB device from a configurator.

Connecting to Bluetooth OBD II dongle

After this configuration you could connect your car OBD II dongle to FMB device. Turn on ignition then turn on its Bluetooth connection. For pairing follow your dongle instructions. OBDII device notification about paired Bluetooth connection depends on specific model. If you later restart FMB device it will automatically connect to this dongle.

Supported Bluetooth OBD II dongles

FMB module works with Bluetooth OBD II dongles which are made with ELM327 or STN1110 chips.
Comparison of these chips is presented in the image below:

Elm317 stn1110 comp.png