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The issues in document: In codec-13 Hexadecimal stream: 00000000000000170D01050000000F0A81C320676574696E666F0100006855


Server Command Server Command Part HEX Code Part Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00 Data Size 00 00 00 17 Codec ID 0D Command Quantity 1 01 Command Type 05 Command Size 00 00 00 07 Timestamp 0A 81 C3 20 Command 67 65 74 69 6E 66 6F Command Quantity 2 01 CRC-16 00 00 68 55

The command size in stream is 15 and in parsed is 7. but really is 11 the data size in stream and parsed is 0x17. but it is more than 0x17 in document told that Time stamp is in millisecond, but it is no possible millisecond in 4 bytes.

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