FMB640 DDD files configuration via Front Panel K-Line

Main Page > EOL Products > FMB640 > FMB640 Manual > FMB640 DDD files configuration via Front Panel K-Line

From firmware version FM63.Ver.00.02.108 it is possible to get DDD data via front panel. To do this Connect K-Line to front panel K-Line and configure device as follows:

FMB640 Front Panel.gif

It allows to download DDD file data from tachograph front interface K-Line (Pin2 in front connector). To configure the device simply select "Front Panel" to be DDD download source.

In order to download DDD files from Front Panel, you will also need to activate the front interface file download functionality of the tachograph. This can be done with Tachograph Update cards.
•A2C59512046 - 10 activations.
•A2C59516603 - one activation.

In order to check if the connection/activation/configuration is correct, "tachocheck" SMS command have to be sent. If connection is correct, the device will reply:

•KLN:111,0000, K-Line:0
The ones mean the same as in CAN_2:111,.... tachocheck response:
CAN_2:[TRC],[ABCD], K-Line:[K]

[T] – Tachograph presence on bus:
• 0 – Tachograph doesn’t respond on bus;
• 1 – Tachograph responds on bus.

[R] – Response to Open Remote Session validity check:
• 0 – Wrong or unknown response (failed to open Remote Session);
• 1 – Tachograph responds positively (Remote Session opened successfully).

[C] – Response to Close Last Authentication Session validity check:
• 0 – Wrong or unknown response (failed to close last authentication session);
• 1 – Last authentication session closed successfully, device is ready to open new authentication session.

The other values will always be zero because there is no FMS data and the K-line is used for front download.

NOTE: Majority of 12V Tachographs only support download from Front Panel. To check which DDD download method is supported and which baudrate should be used, use Tachograph Lookup tool