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Firmware errata

Firmware errata for FMX125

03.28.04.Rev.104 2022-11-29
  • Added SBD message buffer limit of 300 messages
  • Fixed part of SBD records that were of empty size
  • Fixed Iridium initialization
  • Fixed incorrect timestamp from SBD Buffer
  • Added ability to use SBD buffer in transmitting
  • Added ability to generate SBD records with AVL id
  • Added ability to read messages from SBD Buffer
  • Added ability to save messages to SBD Buffer
  • Fixed Iridium not detecting GSM connection
  • Fixed Iridium communication issues
  • Fixed incorrect data usage calculation
03.28.04.Rev.100 2022-06-17
  • Added data usage limit for sending via Iridium
  • Added Iridium data sending logic
  • Added Iridium FSM for parsing iridium edge terminal messages
  • Added Irdium RS232 support
  • Added SBD Record format
  • Added implementation of configuration parameters for Iridium Edge control
03.28.04.Rev.00 2022-03-17
  • Fixed Lipo battery max voltage limit increased
  • Fixed no SMS response to short number
  • Fixed parameter 11712 cannot be configured with value 10
  • Added cpureset command to only work with external power
  • Added iButton file open/close traces
  • Fixed FMP100 LED constantly on after fw update
  • Added road sign CAN elements
  • Fixed security states P2 bitfield map fix
  • Fixed Jamming records saved as low priority
  • Fixed Fluid Market GGPS command
03.28.03.Rev.01 2021-09-17
  • Initial release

Firmware errata for FMX640/641

(Latest firmware release version for FMX640)
  • Improvements for manufacturing process. (No any functionality improvements made)
01.02.18.Rev.00 2022-12-23
  • Added advanced BLE Advertisement data are not send on server completely.
  • Fixed no ID [1077]: 4 event generated after "Time TO Clear ID" timer ran out.
  • Fixed event ID [1077]: 4 generation and DOUT setting to '1' on key clear timer exparation code added.
  • Fixed FMB640 DOUTs bug fix, when DOUTs turns on for a moment after startup.
  • Fixed CAN2 bus normal mode is not working.
  • Added no BT changes and version/mod fix.
  • Fixed after DriverAuthorization device does not send SMS bug fix.
  • Added Contipressure new parameters.
  • Fixed device reset after configuration saving
  • Added Iridium Edge support Fixed AVL unnecessary records after restart.
01.02.17.Rev.00 2022-05-24
  • Fixed FMC640 Improve gprs context opening.
  • Fixed FMC640 Improve new gprs configuration for BG96.
  • Added LVCAN adapter compatibility over RS232 functionality.
  • Fixed periodic AVL packet sending (when connecting to DDD server).
  • Fixed RS232 Buffered long message when SD storage is used
  • Added periodic total odometer value save (if moving).
  • Added total odometer value save (on stop).
01.02.16.Rev.00 2022-05-24
  • Added allow not available (3,7) value for tachoraph IO.
  • Fixed scenarios are saving records even if not enabled
  • Fixed unstable additional beacons
  • Fixed FMC64 stability (try socket connection once)
  • Fixed jamming detection for FMC64 devices
01.02.15.Rev.00 2022-04-15
  • Initial release