Wialon and EYE proximity

From Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS


Teltonika Eye Beacons have two new scenarios related to RSSI value. RSSI means “Received Signal Strength Indicator” and this value can be use as distance indicator, or to know if the Beacon is detected by the FM tracker.

Following sections describe Proximity and Lost & Found Scenarios.

Eye Beacon Configuration

Devices work constantly and are ready to perform out of the box. Default basic Sensor settings are set to:

  • Transmitting at 2 dBm power.
  • Data advertising at 3 second intervals.
  • Eddystone protocol

However, these parameters can be changed. Transmitting power can be set from -14dBm to 8dBm – higher transmitting power equates to a larger beacon range. Data advertising interval can be selected from the range 20ms to 10s, shorter data advertising intervals ensure a more stable signal. However, increasing power or reducing the advertising interval affects the battery life of the Eye Beacon.

EYE Beacon / BTSID1 EYE Sensor / BTSMP1
2+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 1 s)

1+ year

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 1 s)

5+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 3 s)

2.5+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 3 s)

8+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 5 s)

4+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 5 s)

10+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 10s)

5+ years

(Tx=2 dBm; interval: 10s)

More information can be found here All configuration of the Eye Beacon will be done via EYEapp. On the app, wanted protocol can be selected, transmitting power, advertising interval and Beacon ID can be easily configured. Below is an example configuration.

Eye Beacon configuration.gif

Teltonika Configurator

Common Settings

We need to set up proper Protocol and Bluetooth settings in order to have beacons information

  1. In System Settings Enable Codec8 Extended.
  2. In Bluetooth® settings Enable Bluetooth®, set this setting as either "Enable (hidden)" or "Enable (visible)", otherwise Bluetooth® will be disabled.

Proximity Scenario

EYE beacon Proximity events is a functionality which creates three different types of records, depending on the captured Beacons RSSI level. This functionality is only supported with Teltonika EYE beacons. Proximity events consist of near, away and lost events:

  • When EYE beacon RSSI level is below the first configured threshold, the beacon will be added to Near Beacon Record (AVL ID: 10828)
  • When EYE BEACON RSSI level is between the second and first configured threshold, beacon is added to Away Beacon record (AVL ID: 10829)
  • When EYE Beacon RSSI level is lower than the second configured threshold, beacon is added to Lost Beacon record (AVL ID: 10831). In the case of EYE Beacon disappearing from the environment and not being detected by the FM tracker anymore, the beacon will be added to Lost Beacon record and will be removed from Beacon list.

Event modes

  • Disabled – Record generating is disabled for the selected range
  • Periodic – Records will be periodically generated for the selected range, according to the configured record period on move or on stop value.
  • On Change – Records will be generated as soon as the Eye Beacon number changes for the selected range.

Averaging Timeout

This parameter specifies how long it will take current RSSI value to reach new RSSI value. For example, current EYE Beacon RSSI value is -40 dBm. FMB captures same EYE Beacon with RSSI value of -60 dBm. If averaging timeout is configured to be 10 seconds, it will take 10 seconds for RSSI value to reach -60 dBm from -40 dBm. Keep in mind that this is assuming perfect conditions and subsequent EYE Beacon RSSI.

Lost & Found Scenario

Lost & found.png

Purpose of this functionality is to periodically generate records with all EYE Beacon list (AVL ID: 10828) and create eventual On Change records only when EYE Beacon is lost (AVL ID: 10831) or found (AVL ID: 10829).

Lost and Found Beacon records only include EYE Beacon which was lost or found, not the full Beacon list.

  • If multiple EYE Beacons were found or lost at the same time, multiple will be included into the record.
  • If Visible Beacon List is enabled, Beacon records containing the list of visible beacons will be generated according to the configured period parameters Record Period on Move and Record Period on Stop

Advanced Beacon protocol is being used to send Lost & Found records.

Note:Same AVL ID’s as for Proximity events are being used, since two features cannot work at the same time.

  • AVL ID: 10828 Visible Beacon List (periodic)
  • AVL ID: 10829 Found Beacon List (On Change)
  • AVL ID: 10831 Lost Eye Beacon List (On Change)

Parsing Data

Proximity Parsing

Received data in hexadecimal stream:


AVL Data Packet
AVL Data Packet Part HEX Code Part Decoded
Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00
Data Field Length 00 00 00 BD 189 bytes
Codec ID 8E Codec8 Extended
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
AVL DATA Timestamp 00 00 01 8D 14 68 C1 1B 2024/01/16 - 22:33:46.001
Priority 00 HIGH
Longitude E4 2C C9 08 -466827000
Latitude F1 F4 75 CC -235637300
Altitude 00 00 0
Angle 00 00 0
Satellites 03 3
Speed 00 00 0
Event IO ID 2A 4C 10828
N of Total ID 00 01 1
N1 of One Byte IO 00 00 0
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00 0
N4 of Four Bytes IO 00 00 0
N8 of Eight Bytes IO 00 00 0
NX of X Bytes IO 00 01 1
N’th IO ID - AVL ID. 2A 4C 10828
Length of Variable Length IO 00 14 20
Value of Variable Length IO 10831 01 12 00 01 E5 0F 06 7C D9 F4 01 EF 77 0D 01 00 0E 02 0B FE
AVL DATA Timestamp 00 00 01 8D 14 68 C1 25 2024/01/16 - 22:33:46.001
Priority 00 0
Longitude E4 2C C9 08 -466827000
Latitude F1 F4 75 CC -235637300
Altitude 00 00 0
Angle 00 00 0
Satellites 03 3
Speed 00 00 0
Event IO ID 2A 4D 10829
N of Total ID 00 01 1
N1 of One Byte IO 00 00 0
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00 0
N4 of Four Bytes IO 00 00 0
N8 of Eight Bytes IO 00 00 0
NX of X Bytes IO 00 01 1
N’th IO ID - AVL ID. 2A 4D 10829
Length of Variable Length IO 00 14 20
Value of Variable Length IO 10831 01 12 00 01 C8 0F 06 7C D9 F4 02 55 BE 0D 01 00 0E 02 0B F4
AVL DATA Timestamp 00 00 01 8D 14 68 C1 2F 2024/01/16 - 22:33:46.001
Priority 00 0
Longitude E4 2C C9 08 -466827000
Latitude F1 F4 75 CC -235637300
Altitude 00 00 0
Angle 00 00 0
Satellites 03 3
Speed 00 00 0
Event IO ID 2A 4F 10831
N of Total ID 00 01 1
N1 of One Byte IO 00 00 0
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00 0
N4 of Four Bytes IO 00 00 0
N8 of Eight Bytes IO 00 00 0
NX of X Bytes IO 00 01 1
N’th IO ID - AVL ID. 2A 4F 10831
Length of Variable Length IO 00 14 20
Value of Variable Length IO 10831 01 12 00 01 B9 0F 06 7C D9 F4 00 4B 49 0D 01 00 0E 02 0B FE
Number of Data 2 (Number of Total Records) 03 20
CRC-16 00 00 86 BA

Near example (AVL ID - 10828)

Received data in hexadecimal stream:


AVL Data Packet
AVL Data Packet Part HEX Code Part Decoded
Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00
Data Field Length 00 00 00 BD 189 bytes
Codec ID 8E Codec8 Extended
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 03 3