FTC961 Teltonika Data Sending Parameters ID

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Main Page > Basic Trackers > FTC961 > FTC961 Teltonika Data Sending Parameters ID

FTC AVL ID's consist of these parameters groups:

Permanent I/O elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
239 Ignition 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – Ignition Off
1 – Ignition On

Permanent I/O Elements
240 Movement 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – Movement Off
1 – Movement On

Permanent I/O elements
80 Data Mode 1 Unsigned 0 5 - -

0 – Home On Stop
1 – Home On Moving
2 – Roaming On Stop
3 – Roaming On Moving
4 – Unknown On Stop
5 – Unknown On Moving

Permanent I/O Elements
21 GSM Signal 1 Unsigned 0 5 - -

Value in range 1-5

Permanent I/O Elements
200 Sleep Mode 1 Unsigned 0 4 - -

0 - No Sleep
1 – GPS Sleep
2 – Deep Sleep
3 – Online Sleep
4 - Ultra Sleep

Permanent I/O Elements
69 GNSS Status 1 Unsigned 0 3 - -

1 – GNSS ON with fix
2 - GNSS ON without fix
3 - GNSS sleep

Permanent I/O Elements
181 GNSS PDOP 2 Unsigned 0 500 0.1 Coefficient, calculation formula Permanent I/O Elements
182 GNSS HDOP 2 Unsigned 0 500 0.1 Coefficient, calculation formula Permanent I/O Elements
800 External Voltage 4 Unsigned 0 150000 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements
24 Speed 2 Unsigned 0 350 - km/h

GNSS Speed

Permanent I/O elements
205 GSM Cell ID 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - -

GSM base station ID

Permanent I/O elements
206 GSM Area Code 2 Unsigned 0 65535 - -

Location Area code (LAC), it depends on GSM operator. It provides unique number which assigned to a set of base GSM stations.

Permanent I/O elements
67 Battery Voltage 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements
68 Battery Current 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 A


Permanent I/O elements
241 Active GSM Operator 4 Unsigned 0 4294967295 - -

Currently used GSM Operator code

Permanent I/O elements
199 Trip Odometer 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - m

Trip Odometer value

Permanent I/O elements
16 Total Odometer 4 Unsigned 0 2147483647 - -

Total Odometer value in meters

Permanent I/O elements
1 Digital Input 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Permanent I/O elements
9 Analog Input 1 2 Unsigned 0 65535 0.001 V


Permanent I/O elements

179 Digital Output 1 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Permanent I/O elements
237 Network Type 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - 0 - 3G

1 - GSM
2 - 4G
3 - LTE CAT M1
99 - Unknown

Permanent I/O elements

249 Jamming detection 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

Logic: 0/1

Eventual I/O elements
252 Unplug 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – battery present
1 – battery unplugged

Permanent I/O elements

303 Instant Movement 1 Unsigned 0 1 - - Logic: 0/1 returns movement value Permanent I/O elements
641 ICCID 22 ASCII 0 22 - -

Value of SIM ICCID

Permanent I/O elements

Eventual I/O elements

Property ID in AVL packet Property Name Bytes Type Value range Multiplier Units Description HW Support Parameter Group
Min Max
250 Trip 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – trip stop
1 – trip start
From 01.00.24 fw version available with BT app new values:
2 – Business Status
3 – Private Status
4-9 – Custom Statuses

Eventual I/O elements
255 Over Speeding 1 Unsigned 0 255 - km/h

At over speeding start km/h, at over speeding end km/h

Eventual I/O elements
257 Crash trace data Variable HEX 0 1200 - - Crash trace data

FTXXXX [Expand] FTC921

251 Idling 1 Unsigned 0 1 - -

0 – moving
1 – idling

FTXXXX [Expand] FTC921

Eventual I/O elements
253 Green driving type 1 Unsigned 1 3 - -

1 – harsh acceleration
2 – harsh braking
3 – harsh cornering


Eventual I/O elements
254 Green Driving Value 1 Unsigned 0 255 acc and braking: 0.01 G
Depending on green driving type: if harsh acceleration or braking – g*100 (value 123 -> 1.23g). If Green driving source is „GPS“ – harsh cornering value is rad/s*100. If source is „Accelerometer“ – g*100.

FTXXXX [Expand] FTC921

Eventual I/O elements