FMB640 SMS/GPRS command list

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Main Page > EOL Products > FMB640 > FMB640 Manual > FMB640 SMS/GPRS command list

All commands are case sensitive. When user tries to send SMS/GPRS message to FMB640 that operates in Deep Sleep mode, it cannot arrive to FMB640 device because the GSM/GPRS module is disabled most of the time. FMB640 will receive the SMS/GPRS message when it exits Deep Sleep mode.
If FMB640 is in GPS Sleep or Online Deep Sleep mode, sent SMS/GPRS message will arrive to the device.

Common commands

Command Description Response
getstatus Modem Status information. Yes
getcfgtime Date and Time of last successful configuration Yes
getgps Current GPS data and time Yes
getnmeainfo Nmea error debug sms. Yes
cpureset Reset CPU. Yes
resetallprof Reset profile FLASH to default. Yes
getver Device / Modem / Code version information. Yes
getinfo Device runtime system information. Yes
deleterecords Delete all records saved on FLASH. Yes
getio Readout digital inputs and outputs, analog inputs. Yes
banlist Banlist information. Yes
crashlog Crash log information. Yes
delete_all_sms Delete all read SMS. Yes
braminfo BatRam info. Yes
getgnss Current GNSS information. Yes
resetlimits Resets data counters. Yes
readio # Enable/disable static navigation. Yes
setdigout XXXX Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Set digital output.
1. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT1.
2. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT2.
3. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT3.
4. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT4.
Y1 – timeout value for DOUT1 if needed (in seconds).
Y2 – timeout value for DOUT2 if needed (in seconds).
Y3 – timeout value for DOUT3 if needed (in seconds).
Y4 – timeout value for DOUT4 if needed (in seconds).
getparam # Readout parameter value according entered ID.
# - ID value.
setparam #:# Sets selected parameter value.

1.# - first ID value.
2.# - New first Parameter Value.
3.# - second ID value.
4.# - New second Parameter Value.
5.# - third ID value.
6.# - New third Parameter Value.
SMS command is limited to 160 characters.

setparam #:#;#:#;…
flush #,#,#,#,#,#,# Redirects device to other server.

1.# - IMEI.
2.# - APN.
3.# - LOGIN.
4.# - PASS.
5.# - IP.
6.# - PORT.
7.# - MODE (0-TCP/1-UDP).


Commands related to features

Command Description Response
odoset:# Set total odometer value.
# - new odometer value in km.
odoget Display current odometer value. Yes