FMB flush

From Teltonika Telematics Wiki

Initiates all data sending by GPRS to specified target server. Comma separated parameters go as numbered:

  1. # - IMEI
  2. # - APN
  3. # - GPRS LOGIN
  5. # - IP
  6. # - PORT
  7. # - MODE (0-TCP/1-UDP)

user psw flush 353976012555151,banga,,,,12050,0

FLUSH SMS Accepted. 11 records found on FLASH. Minimum Records to Send: 1. GPRS Enabled: 1. Time Sync: 1

Response details Description Description
FLUSH SMS Accepted FLUSH SMS Accepted FLUSH SMS Accepted
# records found on FLASH Number of records found on FLASH 11 records found on FLASH
Minimum Records to Send: # Number of minimum saved records to send Minimum Records to Send: 1
GPRS Enabled: # State of the GPRS connection:

0 – Disabled
1 – Enabled

GPRS Enabled: 1
Time Sync: # Indicates time synchronization on the device:

0 – Not synchronized
1 – Synchronized

Time Sync: 1

NOTE! Parameters are separated by comma (no spaces needed). In case you do not need to enter parameter (APN Login/APN Pass) – do not put space, simply put comma and enter next parameter.