Configuring EYE beacons

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EYE App Configuration

Devices work constantly and are ready to perform out of the box. Default basic Sensor settings are set to:
• Transmitting at 2 dBm power.
• Data advertising at 3 second intervals.
• Eddystone protocol

If you would like to change these settings you will need to:
1) Download and install EYE APP - Teltonika application to change sensor settings.

Eye App Overview

With the application you will be able to scan for visible Teltonika EYE devices, check their statuses or connect for configuration or firmware update.

Devices in view: In this window you will see all visible devices. You have options to see devices in Short list or in default list. When looking at devices in default list you will be able to open Detailed view of devices and check transmitted data statuses. Additionaly if you are looking for specific devices you will be able to use Search function to filter search options. When in this window select a device of your choice to connect and after passing pin code (default pin code is 123456) you will go to device overview window

Overview window: In overview window you can see device details, check firmware version and update if available , go to device configuration settings. If you select to Configure device new window will open with Basic and Advanced settings.

Configure window: In this window you can check and change device configuration settings. In main tab Basic Settings you can change main settings. Change Device name, Power signal strength, Advertising interval and Packet transmition type*. For more settings go to Advanced settings tab to enable various events.

Advanced configuration window: Beacon information (iBeacon ID*, Eddystone ID). UUID/MINOR/MAJOR parameter can be changed for iBeacon ID*. Namespace ID/Instance ID can be changed for Eddystone ID

*iOS doesn't show devices with iBeacon protocol

Configuring device

Before Beacon configuration, visit how to set up your device for the very first data sending to the server: Setting up your configuration for the very first data sending to the server

These are instructions on how to easily configure EYE beacon with Teltonika Configurator on GH5200 device.

1. First the device Bluetooth®® settings need to be configured. These are the required steps:

  • Press Bluetooth®® settings
  • Turn on BT Radio by pressing Enable (hidden) or Enable (visible)

2. Press Beacon list tab.

  • Select All or Configured (for seeing only preferred beacons) in Beacon Detection options.
  • If you have selected Configured to see preferred beacons, you must add beacons to the Beacons list.
  • Select Periodic option
  • Set Periodic settings according to your needs.
  • After all these steps press Save to device to save the configuration.

To find out how to add beacons to the Beacons list, click on one of the devices: TST100 | TFT100 | GH5200 | TMT250

3. Now you can see detected Beacons in Status -> Beacons List

4. Example of the server view:

In the server view picture above, displayed:

  • The date when the packet arrived to the server
  • Device IMEI number
  • AVL ID 385 – Beacon AVL ID
  • Beacon ID and RSSI

Beacon 1 ID: 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F00020B010A
Beacon 1 Major: 020B
Beacon 1 Minor: 010A
RSSI: -60

Beacon 2 Major: 5231
Beacon 2 Minor: 010A
RSSI: -56

EYE Beacon Protocol Overview

Beacon advertising

Protocol description

At the highest-level Bluetooth®® LE advertising packet consists of Advertising Indication and Scan Response. Both packets can be maximum of 31 bytes in size. Advertising Indication packet is always broadcasted when Scan Response is broadcasted only if Observer device requests it by using Active Scan.

BTSMP1 uses Advertising Indication to send beacon data which can be configured to select between iBeacon and Eddystone protocols or to be disabled at all. In that case, data which is shown as Scan Response in protocol overview will be sent as Advertising Indication without Scan Response following it.

Scan Response is used to send device name and manufacturer specific data. Manufacturer specific data includes Teltonika Company ID (0x089A) and protocol version (0x01). It is followed by Flag Encoded Data.

Device Name has the following default value for Beacon – ID1_XXXXXXX

Flag Encoded Data

Data Size(Bytes) Description
Flags 1 Each set bit (0-7) means the presence of value (0-7). Bits:

0 – Temperature value presence
1 – Humidity value presence
2 – Magnetic sensor presence
3 – Magnetic sensor state (1 magnetic field is detected/0 magnetic field is not detected) Valid value is present only if bit 2 flag is set.
4 – Movement sensor counter
5 – Movement sensor angle
6 – Low Battery indication (if set to 1 low battery voltage detected)
7 – Battery voltage value presence
Note: only bolded bits (6 and 7) can have value 1, on BTSID1

7 - Battery voltage value presence 1 Battery Voltage

Battery voltage in mV = 2000 + VALUE * 10
Note: present only if bit 7 is set, otherwise is not being sent

GATT Characteristics

Name Service UUID Characteristic UUID Data Type Min Max Default Value Notes
Device Name e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0016-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 ASCII 0 11 Unique for each device -
Tx Power Lever 1804 00002a07-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb SINT8 -14 8 2 Possible values: -14, -11, -8, -5, -2, 2, 4, 8
Protocol Type e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0001-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 UINT8 0 4 1 for EYE_Beacon,

4 for EYE_Sensor

0 - iBeacon

1 - EddyStone 2 - EYE Sensor 3 - iBeacon + EYE Sensor 4 - Eddsytone + EYE Sensor

Advertising Interval e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0002-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 UINT16 20 10000 1000 miliseconds
Sub Advertising Interval e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0003-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 UINT16 20 1000 100 Used by repeats, miliseconds
Advertising Repeats e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0004-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 UINT16 1 10 1 Repeats work only if Advertising Interval is more than 2000 ms and Repeats set to more than 1
iBeacon ID e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0005-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 BYTE ARRAY 20 bytes 20 bytes Unique for each device 16 B - UUID

2 B - major 2 B - minor

Eddystone ID e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0006-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 BYTE ARRAY 16 bytes 16 bytes Unique for each device 10 B - Namespace

6 B - Instance

Password e61c0000-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0008-7df2-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 BYTE ARRAY 4 bytes 4 bytes 123456 Always 6 Digits
Manufacturer 180A 2A29 BYTE ARRAY - - Not Configurable Read Only. Ex. "Teltonika"
Model 180A 2A24 BYTE ARRAY - - Not Configurable Read Only. Ex. "BTSID1"
Serial 180A 2A25 BYTE ARRAY - - Not Configurable Not used
Hardware 180A 2A27 BYTE ARRAY - - Not Configurable Read Only. Ex. "Table:1 Volt:325
Firmware 180A 2A26 BYTE ARRAY - - Not Configurable Read Only. Ex. "1.1.0-beta"
System ID 180A 2A23 BYTE ARRAY - - Not Configurable Not used
MAC 180A 652143dc-dec6-4fb1-bd46-3e919d2410a6 BYTE ARRAY 6 6 Not Configurable Read Only. ex. 112233445566 -> 11:22:33:44:55:66
Scan Response Data e61c0000-7df3-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 e61c0001-7df3-4d4e-8e6d-c611745b92e9 BYTE ARRAY 17 17 Not Configurable Scan Response Data, see picture for detail view of data structure

Packet parsing example

Beacon AVL ID:385 has the following structure:

AVL ID 385 Parsing
Data part BLE beacon flags #1 Beacon ID #1 Signal Strength #1 Beacon data #2
1 Byte 1 Byte 20/16 Bytes 1 Byte
First half byte – current data part

Second half byte – total number of data parts

Bitwise parameter, specify BLE beacon type and parameters.

Two options available are:

21 iBeacon with RSSI

01 Eddystone with RSSI

Beacon – 20B (UUDI, major, minor)

Eddystone – 16B (Namespace, Instance ID)

Signed 2's complement

Eddystone example with 1 beacon

AVL Data Packet
AVL Data Packet Part HEX Code Part
Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00
Data Field Length 00 00 00 40
Codec ID 8E (Codec8 Extended)
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 01
AVL Data Timestamp 00 00 01 70 1F 9B 3F A9 (GMT: Friday, 07 February 2020 12:23:53.001)
Priority 01
Longitude 0F 0E 50 2A
Latitude 20 9A B4 61
Altitude 00 74
Angle 00 C6
Satellites 0E
Speed 00 00
Event IO ID 01 81 (385)
N of Total ID 00 01
N1 of One Byte IO 00 00
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
N4 of Four Bytes IO 00 00
N8 of Eight Bytes IO 00 00
NX of X Bytes IO 00 01
N’th IO ID - AVL ID. 01 81 (385)
Length of Variable Length IO 00 13
Value of Variable Length IO 1101E39B606AA38255AA8E460B154E2D0055CF
Number of Data 2 (Number of Total Records) 01
CRC-16 00 00 00 56

iBeacon example with 2 beacons

AVL Data Packet
AVL Data Packet Part HEX Code Part
Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00
Data Field Length 00 00 00 5A
Codec ID 8E (Codec8 Extended)
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 01
AVL Data Timestamp 00 00 01 6B 69 B0 C9 51(GMT: Tuesday, 18 June 2019 08:25:22.001)
Priority 00
Longitude 00 00 00 00
Latitude 00 00 00 00
Altitude 00 00
Angle 00 00
Satellites 00
Speed 00 00
Event IO ID 01 81 (385)
N of Total ID 00 01
N1 of One Byte IO 00 00
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
N4 of Four Bytes IO 00 00
N8 of Eight Bytes IO 00 00
NX of X Bytes IO 00 01
N’th IO ID - AVL ID. 01 81 (385)
Length of Variable Length IO 00 2D
Value of Variable Length IO 11216B817F8A274D4FBDB62D33E1842F8DF8014D022B
Number of Data 2 (Number of Total Records) 01
CRC-16 00 00 3E 5D