Command: getinfo
RTC:2017/6/16 7:13 Init:2017/6/16 5:44 UpTime:4744s PWR:PwrVoltage RST:0 GPS:2 SAT:0 TTFF:0 TTLF:0 NOGPS: 1:18 SR:0 FG:200 FL:0 SMS: 3 REC:42 MD:1 DB:0
Response details | Description | Example |
RTC | RTC time. | RTC:2017/6/16 7:13 |
Init | Device initialization time. | Init:2017/6/16 5:44 |
UpTime | Total up time (in seconds). | UpTime:4744s |
PWR | Last restart reason. | PWR:PwrVoltage |
RST | Total abnormal restarts count. | RST:0 |
GPS | GPS receiver state. 0 – OFF |
GPS:2 |
SAT | Satellites in use. | SAT:0 |
TTFF | Time To First Fix. | TTFF:0 |
TTLF | Time To Last Fix. | TTLF:0 |
NOGPS | How much time no GPS fix (h:min). | NOGPS: 1:18 |
SR | Number of Sent Records. | SR:0 |
FG | Failed GPRS counter. | FG:200 |
FL | Failed link counter. | FL:0 |
SMS | Sent SMS counter. | SMS :3 |
REC | Records Found – number of records in the memory. | REC:42 |
MD | Data Mode state. 0 – Home and Stop |
MD:1 |
DB | DB Values:
0 – SD Card used for records |
DB:0 |