
From Teltonika Telematics Wiki

scsetconfig <arg1> <arg2> - E-Scooter's function's setup

0 - 1st instruction set
1 - 2nd instruction set

<arg2> - 2 bytes value where each bit controls separate parameter.

Instruction Bit position Comment
1st instruction set
Headlight always on/off 0x0001 Turns headlight on or off
Headlight flash 0x0002 Headlight start flashing
Taillight always on/off 0x0004 Turns taillight on or off
Taillight flash 0x0008 Taillight start flashing
External battery light on/off (ES2/ES4) / Headlight icon display switch (MAX) 0x0010 Turns external battery light on or off (ES2/ES4) / Turns headlight icon on display on or off (MAX)
No alarm when locked 0x0020 Alarm wont be enabled in case of alarm
Use mph units 0x0040 Sets mph instead of km/h
Display unit or not 0x0080 Units are shown or not
Display speed or not 0x0100 Speed is shown or not
Panel display or not 0x0200 Panel display is turned on or off
Bluetooth® broadcast or not 0x0400 When on, BT icon cannot control.

When off, BT icon can define status: flash or always

Bluetooth® icon always on or off 0x0800 BT icon is shown or not
Bluetooth® icon flash or off 0x1000 BT icon is flashing or not
Error icon on or off 0x2000 Error icon is shown or not in case of error
Temperature error icon on or off 0x4000 Temperature error icon is shown or not in case of error
Display battery level on or off 0x8000 level is shown or not
2nd instruction set
Button can change mode or not 0x0001 Button double press will change speed modes if enabled
Display speed mode or not 0x0002 Mode will be displayed or not


scsetconfig 0 42944
Binary representation of 42944 would be 1010 0111 1100 0000, where:

  • Units mph are on
  • Units are on
  • Speed is on
  • Panel display is ON
  • BT broadcast is ON
  • Error icon is ON
  • Battery level is ON

How to calculate the values shown in the example above:

1. <arg1> (0/1) is chosen depending on which parameters you would like to enable from the table. If the parameter you would like to enable is in the 1st instruction set table block, the value will be 0. If the parameter you would like to enable is in the 2nd instruction set table block - the value will be 1. The chosen parameters cannot be from both instruction tables. All parameters must be either from 1st or 2nd instruction table at the time.

2. <arg2> (Value 42944 in the example) is calculated like this:

  • Open Window's Calculator software (or any other calculator software) in Programmer mode and select BIN (Binary) as shown in the picture below:

  • Decide which parameters you would like to enable. Possible value options are:
    • 1 - ON
    • 0 - OFF
  • In the example above, parameters from 1st instruction table are chosen. Those parameters are: Display battery level is ON; Error icon is ON; Bluetooth® Broadcast is ON; Panel display is ON; Display speed is ON; Display unit is ON; Use mph units is ON.
  • When the parameters which you would like to enable are chosen, open Calculator software in Programmer mode, BIN (Binary) field again.
  • Starting from the bottom of the instruction table and moving upwards, type the values (0/1) in the Calculator depending on if the parameter should be enabled (Value 1) or disabled (Value 0).

For example, starting from the bottom of the table:
- Display speed mode or not (OFF) - Value = 0
- Button can change mode or not (OFF) - Value = 0
- Display battery level on or off (ON) - Value = 1

  • After you finish adding 0/1 binary values to Calculator, the value that will be used in scsetconfig command will be displayed in decimal. Refer to image below.