FMA202 I/O settings

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Main Page > EOL Products > FMA202 > FMA202 Configuration > FMA202 I/O settings

FMA202 sends SMS event message when a configured I/O property enters and/or exits its configured High/Low boundaries or Hysteresis event generation is chosen (Monitoring does not generate event, so SMS event could not be configured).

Every IO element SMS event can be configured to send individual message to different numbers.

When no I/O element is enabled, AVL packet comes with GNSS information only. After enabling I/O element(s) AVL packet along with GNSS information contains current value(s) of enabled I/O element.

Permanent I/O elements (are always sent to server if enabled)
No. Property Name Description
01 Digital Input Status 1 Logic: 0 / 1
02 Digital Input Status 2 Logic: 0 / 1
03 Digital Input Status 3 Logic: 0 / 1
04 Analog Input 1 Voltage: mV, 0 – 30 V
05 Digital Output 1 Logic: 0 / 1
06 Digital Output 2 Logic: 0 / 1
07 GNSS PDOP Probability * 10; 0-500
08 GNSS HDOP Probability * 10; 0-500
09 External Voltage Voltage: mV, 0 – 30 V
10 GNSS Status States:
0 – off state (when GPS module is off)
1 – Reserved
2 – GPS ready (antenna is working, but with no GPS fix)
3 – GPS working (antenna is working and has GPS fix)
4 – GPS sleep (when device is in GPS sleep mode)
5 – Overcurrent (The only condition to get value 5, then antenna is damaged and short circuit)
11 Movement Sensor 0 – not moving, 1 – moving.
12 Trip distance Distance between two records: m
13 GSM Operator Currently used GSM Operator code
14 Speed (Km/h) Value in km/h, 0 – xxx km/h
15 iButton ID iButton ID number
16 Mode 0 – home on stop, 1 – home on move, 2 – roaming on stop, 3 – roaming on move, 4 – unknown on stop, 5 – unknown on move
17 GSM Signal GSM signal level value in scale 1 – 5
18 Deep Sleep 0 – not deep sleep mode, 1 – deep sleep mode
19 Cell ID GSM base station ID
20 Area Code Location Area code (LAC), it depends on GSM operator.
It provides unique number which assigned to a set of base GSM stations.
Max value: 65536
21 Dallas Temperature 1 10 * Degrees (°C), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
22 Battery Voltage Voltage: mV
23 Battery Charging Current Current: mA
24 Ignition Ignition status indication. Logic: 0 / 1
25 Total distance Distance which device has been traveled with ignition ON: m
26 Reserved IO 1 Reserved for future use
27 Reserved IO 2 Reserved for future use
28 Dallas Temperature 2 10 * Degrees (°C), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
29 Dallas Temperature 3 10 * Degrees (°C), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
30 Dallas Temperature 4 10 * Degrees (°C), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
31 Dallas temperature ID1 1st connected dallas temperature sensor ID
32 Dallas temperature ID2 2nd connected dallas temperature sensor ID
33 Dallas temperature ID3 3rd connected dallas temperature sensor ID
34 Dallas temperature ID4 4rd connected dallas temperature sensor ID
Eventual I/O elements (generate and send record to server only if appropriate conditions are met)
35 Geofence zone 01 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
36 Geofence zone 02 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
37 Geofence zone 03 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
38 Geofence zone 04 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
39 Geofence zone 05 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
40 Auto Geofence Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
41 Trip 1 – trip start, 0 – trip stop
42 Immobilizer 1 – iButton connected
43 Authorized driving 1 – authorized iButton connected
44 Green driving type 1 – harsh acceleration, 2 – harsh braking, 3 – harsh cornering
45 Green driving value Depending on green driving type: if harsh acceleration or braking – g*100 (value 123 -> 1.23g), if harsh cornering – degrees (value in radians)
46 Over Speeding At over speeding start km/h, at over speeding end km/h

Note: There are two types of operations with Permanent I/O elements: simple monitoring and event generating. Monitoring method is used when current I/O information needed with regular GNSS coordinates. Event generating method is used when additional AVL packet is needed when current value of I/O exceeds predefined High and Low levels. I/O settings allow defining I/O event criteria.

Enabled or disabled field – allows enabling I/O element so it is added to the data packet and is sent to the server. By default all I/O element are disabled and FMA202 records only GNSS coordinates.

Priority (AVL packet priority) can be low, high or panic. Regular packets are sent as Low priority records. When low priority event is triggered, FMA202 makes additional record with indication that the reason for that was I/O element change. When High priority is selected, module makes additional record with high priority flag and sends event packet immediately to the server by GPRS. Panic priority triggers same actions as high priority, but if GPRS fails, it sends AVL packet using SMS mode if SMS is enabled in SMS settings.

High and Low levels – define I/O value range. If I/O value enters or exits this range, FMA202 generates event. “Generate event” parameter defines when to generate event – when value enters defined range, exits it or both.

Averaging constant – it is an I/O event delay parameter. In some applications there is no need to generate events on every I/O range enter/exit immediately. Sometimes it is necessary to wait some time interval before event generating. Averaging constant allows setting I/O event delay (averaging). If I/O value is entering or leaving predefined range, it must have same value for Averaging constant time. 1 Averaging constant value equals about 30 miliseconds. In Deep Sleep mode there is no Averaging.

Note: Note: I/O element’s “Movement sensor” Averaging constant is interpreted as Start Move Timeout in seconds (from 1 to 59). Start Move Timeout – is a time interval required for movement sensor to be in the moving state, to consider vehicle as moving.


I/O monitoring starts after enabling I/O element and setting up I/O parameters as it is shown below:

Event generating

Events happen when the value of enabled I/O intersects thresholds (enter, exit or on both) predefined by High and Low level thresholds. Table below defines all available values of I/O settings.

Setting Value
Priority low, high
High level maximum threshold
Low level minimum threshold
Generate event on interval enter, on interval exit, on both enter and exit
Average constant 1 – 232 (4 Bytes)


I/O elements can generate events according to hysteresis algorithm. If I/O event operand “Hysteresis” is selected, events will be generated as it is shown in the illustration below (I/O speed is taken as I/O value example):