FMC150 LED status

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Main Page > CAN Trackers & Adapters > FMC150 > FMC150 Manual > FMC150 LED status

This section is an explanation of LED indications on an FMC150 device.

Navigation LED Indications

Behaviour Meaning
Permanently switched on GNSS signal is not received
Blinking every second Normal mode, GNSS is working
Off GNSS is turned off because:
Device is not working
Device is in sleep mode
Blinking fast constantly Device firmware is being flashed

Status LED Indications

Behaviour Meaning
Blinking every second Normal mode
Blinking every two seconds Sleep mode
Blinking fast for a short time Modem activity
Off Device is not working
Device is in boot mode

CAN Status LED indications

Behaviour Meaning
Blinking very fast FW is being flashed for CAN IC
Fast blinking The flashed FW image is corrupted or not found
Short blink and long wait No CAN configuration uploaded in device
2 short blinks and long wait CAN configuration is loaded for parsing CAN data
3 short blinks and long wait Data is being read from CAN bus