FMX6 getinfo

From Teltonika Telematics Wiki

"INI:2022/10/25 11:25 RTC:2022/10/26 17:53 RST:1 ERR:1 SR:152 BR:0 CF:0 FG:0 FL:0 TU:21/0 UT:0 SMS:6 NOGPS:0:4 GPS:3 SAT:15 RS:3 RF:0 SF:1678 MD:5"

Response details Description
INI Init time.
RTC RTC time.
RST Device restarts for any reason.
ERR Modem restarts since startup.
SR Records sent since startup.
BR Bad records counter since startup.
CF Obsolete always 0.
FG Failed GPRS connect, counter since startup.
FL Failed connection to AVL data server, counter since startup.
TU Time until data send counter "main/backup - servers".
UT UDP server response timeout, counter since startup.
SMS Sent SMSs since startup.
NOGPS No GNSS fix time, counter since startup.
GPS GNSS module status.

0 – OFF
1 - GNSS ON, no GPS antenna
2 – ON without fix
3 – ON with fix
4 – Sleep mode
5 - Overcurrent

SAT GNSS satellites in use.
RS Device reset cause.
RF Not send records found in device memory.
SF Failed to access SD card counter.
MD Current active mode.