How to capture CAN adapter log from FMX1YX

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Main Page > Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ > How to capture CAN adapter log from FMX1YX

Solution applies for these devices

FMB110 FMB120 FMB122 FMB125 FMB130 FMB140 FMB150 FMB225 FMB230 FMB240
FMC125 FMC130 FMC150 FMC225 FMC230
FMM125 FMM130 FMM150 FMM230

Here are steps how to capture LV-CAN200, ALL-CAN300, CAN-CONTROL log from FMB1YX series devices.

This functionality is available after 03.08.00 firmware version.

  1. Make sure that the CAN adapter is connected properly to the vehicle and to the FMB1YX series device.
  2. Start vehicle engine.
  3. Send following SMS commands to FMX1YX device:
    • If you have set SMS login and password:login pass log2sdfilterset 0;2;3;4;1
    • If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: aalog2sdfilterset 0;2;3;4;1

      If command log2sdfilterset was sent correctly you should receive SMS Response:Enabled Trace Filters:5 then you can restart the device

  4. If FW version is 03.27.10 or higher cpureset command is not necessary to enable the filters. On lower versions cpureset is mandatory.
    • If you have set SMS login and password: login pass cpureset

    • If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command:aacpureset

  5. After the SMS response message CAN adapter log capturing has been started.
  6. Wait at least 5 minutes to get enough CAN bus data and turn off vehicle engine.
  7. Download captured log (dump) files.

Using Teltonika Configurator

Please check Status info→Maintenance→Log/Dump and download dump


Enter FOTA WEB → Press on Devices tab → Select your device and press Task typeReceive internal log (10) (10 files. Each log size up to 1 MB) → Begin Download: From OldestFiles to Download 10.

To start download process at once send following SMS command:

    • If you have set SMS login and password: login pass web_connect
    • If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: aaweb_connect

      If command was sent correctly you should receive SMS Response:web_connect resp:OK

      To find downloaded log press on Tasks tab→Find your device by IMEI and Task type Received internal log→Download as showed below:

  1. After you have downloaded log files send following SMS command to FMX1YX device:
    • If you have set SMS login and password: login pass log2sdfilterset 0
    • If SMS login and password are not set leave two spaces before command: aalog2sdfilterset 0

      If command was sent correctly you should receive SMS Response:Enabled Trace Filters:1

  2. These log (dump) files can be read only with special software. Provide these files to your Teltonika Telematics Sales manager or Teltonika Telematics Support team for further investigation.