How to manually Top-up SIM Cards (Truphone)

From Teltonika Telematics Wiki


Often there's a need to refresh Truphone SIM Cards data plan as it reached it's limit or wasn't assigned at all. Here you will find easy steps on how you can manually Top-up your SIM Cards without creating additional rules.

Manual SIM cards Top-up

If your Truphone account has rights to change Rate Plan, you can TOP UP SIM cards manually as long as you have TOP UP's available and the SIM card has no Rate plan attached below you can find three easy steps on how to manually top up your SIM Card:

  1. Press Change Rate plan to and select the Rate Plan you want to apply to this SIM card (currently there is one Teltonika - Global PREPAID - 500MB - 5Years plan). Uncheck the Next billing cycle checkbox to apply changes immediately (if you leave the checkbox the new Rate Plan will apply only on the next billing cycle)

Step 1: Go to List, find the SIM card you want to TOP UP manually and press on the ICCID Step 2: Scroll down and press Change Rate Plan

Step 3: Press Change Rate plan to and select the Rate Plan you want to apply to this SIM card (currently there is one Teltonika - Global PREPAID - 500MB - 5Years plan). Uncheck the Next billing cycle checkbox to apply changes immediately (if you leave the checkbox the new Rate Plan will apply only on the next billing cycle)