Inateck BCST-70 First Start

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Inateck Barcode Scanner Configuration

Configure Scanner to use Enter as Suffix

Power on Inateck BCST-70 by toggling switch from OFF to ON.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Inateck Scanner could not scan Barcodes through screen/monitor, barcodes should be printed as hard copy to proceed on the configuration.

  1. Scan the "Enter Setup" barcode

  2. Scan the "Apply Enter as Stop Character" barcode

  3. Scan the "Exit with Save" barcode

Configure Scanner to SPP Mode

BCST-70 has Bluetooth® capability that supports data transmission under HID and SPP two modes. When under HID mode, the BCST-70 connects your phone or computer automatically after pairing successfully. When under SPP mode, the BCST-70 can only finish connecting your phone or laptop with help of serial debugging tools after pairing successfully. For connection with Teltonika FM devices, scanner must use SPP Mode.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If scanner does not use SPP mode, Teltonika FM device would not detect the scanner under the Bluetooth® tab

  1. Scan the "Enter Setup" barcode

  2. Scan the "Apply Enter as Stop Character" barcode

  3. Scan the "Exit with Save" barcode