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, 08:27, 30 December 2022
== '''Setup your AWS account and Permissions''' ==
Refer to the online AWS documentation at Set up your AWS Account. Follow the steps outlined in the sections below to create your account and a user and get started:<br>
* [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/setting-up.html#aws-registration Sign up for an AWS account and]
* [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/setting-up.html#create-iam-user Create a user and grant permissions]
* [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/setting-up.html#iot-console-signin Open the AWS IoT console]
Pay special attention to the Notes.
== '''Create Resources in AWS IoT''' ==
Refer to the online AWS documentation at Create AWS IoT Resources. Follow the steps outlined in these sections to provision resources for your device:
* [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/create-iot-resources.html#create-iot-policy Create an AWS IoT Policy]
* [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/create-iot-resources.html#create-aws-thing Create a thing object]
Pay special attention to the Notes.
== '''Provision the Device with credentials''' ==
Whole device, AWS IoT and testing information can be downloaded in PDF format [https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/images/c/c5/MQTT_AWS_IoT_Custom_Configuration_Guide_V1.pdf here.]
=== ''AWS IoT Core Configuration'' ===
==== ''Setting up AWS IoT Core'' ====
When logged in the AWS console, click on Services on the top left hand side screen, to access IoT core.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 1. Accessing AWS IoT core from AWS console</div>
After accessing AWS IoT core, select Manage on the sidebar on the left side, then select Things (Manage- >Things). And click on Create things.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 2. Accessing Things</div>
Afterwards for select Create single thing and click Next.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 3. Creating single thing</div>
After creating single thing, enter Thing’s name and in the Device Shadow tab select Unnamed shadow (classic). Then click Next.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 4. Specifying thing properties</div>
Then when selecting Device certificate, select Auto-generate a new certificate and click Next
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 5. Selecting Certificate</div>
After this select Create policy to create it and attach it to Certificate. In the Create Policy window, enter Policy name. In the Policy document (1) tab for Policy Action (2) select * and for Policy resource enter * .
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 6. Creating policy for Certificate</div>
After creating policy, return to Certificate tab (Seperate tab after pressing Create policy should‘ve popped out). Then select the created policy to attach it to the certificate and thing. After that click Create thing
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 7. Attaching created certificate and creating thing</div>
Then window with Certificate files and key files download options should pop out. It‘s recommended to download all files, because later some of them will not be available for download. The files that are required for usage with FMX devices are: Device certificate (1), private key(2), and Amazon Root CA 1 file(3), but it‘s recommended to download them all and store them in secured place.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 8. Certificate files download window</div>
==== ''Finding device data endpoint (server domain)'' ====
To receive server domain (in AWS endpoint) click on the side bar on the left Settings.
Or click on the side bar on left side Things, select the created thing, after it click Interact->View Settings. Whole path - (Things->*YourThingName*->Interact->ViewSettings). Page containing endpoint will open. Copy the whole endpoint address.
Port for accessing this endpoint is 8883.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 9. Device data endpoint</div>
=== ''Configuring the device'' ===
==== ''Security and certificates'' ====
Find Certificate file ending with extension pem.crt Private key file and AmazoonRootCA1 file (no need to change filenames). These file should have been downloaded when creating Thing in AWS IoT Core.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 10. Certificate files</div>
Upload the mentioned files in the Security tab in the Teltonika Configurator.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 11. Uploading certificates</div>
After uploading certificates, go to System tab and in Data protocol section select - Codec JSON.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 12. Selecting Data Protocol</div>
==== ''Device GPRS configuration for AWS IoT Custom MQTT settings'' ====
In the GPRS tab, under Server Settings select:
# Domain – Endpoint from the AWS, Port: 8883
# Protocol – MQTT
# TLS Encryption – TLS/DTLS
In the MQTT Settings section select:
# MQTT Client Type – AWS IoT Custom
# Device ID – enter device IMEI (optional)
# Leave Data and Command Topics unchanged.
Save the configuration to the device.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 13. GPRS Settings for MQTT AWS IoT Custom</div>
== '''Run the demo'''==
The data received from the device can be found in the MQTT test client, which can be found in the bottom of sidebar on the left.
To see incoming data, subscribe to topic - *DeviceImei*/data . Or subscribe to # to see all incoming outgoing data in the Topics.
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 14. Subscribing to data topic</div>
Incoming data is received in JSON format, for e.g.:
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 15. Received data format</div>
To send SMS/GPRS commands to the device, in the same MQTT test client window select Publish to a topic. Enter topic name - *DeviceIMEI*/commands . In the Message payload enter wanted GPRS/SMS command in following format and press Publish:
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 16. Sending Command in AWS IoT Core</div>
The response to the command will be shown in the Data topic:
<div style="text-align: center;">Figure 17. Response to a command in the data topic, the command was published in command topic</div>