
Created page with "<!-- CHANGEABLE VALUES |model |TAT100_only= (true/false) |not_for_TAT100=display:none; |fw_head= |firmware_ver= |configurator_ver= |Bluenrg_ver= |Release_date= |FW_DL |..."
|TAT100_only= (true/false)

firmware_ver =55.00.16.Rev.543
configurator_ver =1.7.16_E.TAT100.R23 RELEASE
Bluenrg_ver = BlueNRG version:<br>10.3.12 for TAT100 HW ver.: 31<br>0.3.12 for TAT100 HW ver.: 62
Release_date =2022.08.08

FW_DL = firmware and BlueNRG download link for TATXY
FW_DL_HW31 = firmware and BlueNRG TAT100 HW31 download link
FW_DL_HW62 = firmware and BlueNRG TAT100 HW62 download link
CF_DL = configurator download link
DL_ALL = ALL files download link for TATXY
DL_ALL31 = ALL files download link for TAT100 HW31
DL_ALL62 = ALL files download link for TAT100 HW62
TAT100_only = Section used only in TAT100 project
not_for_TAT100 = Rows used everywhere except TAT100 project


{| width="50%"; valign="top"; align="center";|
{| class="main-table" w-100" style="height:auto; width:100%; align="center";
| style="width:25%; text-align:center; vertical-align: top;" |
{| style="width: 100%"
!colspan="2" style="width:10%; border: 1px solid #0054A6;border-bottom: 1px solid #0054A6; background: #0054A6; color: white; text-align: center;" |<font size="3">{{{fw_head|<b>fw header</b>}}}</font>
|style="color: #0054A6;text-align:left;"|<b>FIRMWARE VERSION:</b>
|style="color: #0054A6;text-align:left;"|<b>CONFIGURATOR VERSION:</b>
|style="color: #0054A6;text-align: left;"|<b>BlueNRG VERSION:</b>
|style="text-align:left;" |<b>{{{Bluenrg_ver|Bluenrg_ver</b>}}}
|style="color: #0054A6;text-align: left;"|<b>RELEASE DATE:</b><hr>
|style="text-align:left;" |<b>{{{Release_date|Release date}}}</b><hr>

| width="10%"; valign="top"; align="center";|
{| class="main-table" w-100" style="width:100%; align="center";
| style="width:25%; text-align:center; vertical-align: top;" |
{| style="width: 100%"
!colspan="2" style="width:100%; border: 1 px solid #0054A6;border-bottom: 1 px solid #0054A6; background: #0054A6; color: white; text-align: center;" |<font size="3"><b>DOWNLOAD</b></font>
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;text-align: mid;
|style={{{not_for_TAT100|}}} text-align: left; |[[Special:Redirect/file/{{{FW_DL|Firmware & BlueNRG for download}}} | Firmware & BlueNRG for [{{{model|TATXY}}}]]]
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;text-align: mid;
|style={{{only_TAT100|}}} text-align: left; |[[Special:Redirect/file/{{{FW_DL_HW31|Firmware & BlueNRG for TAT100 HW31 download}}} | Firmware & BlueNRG for [TAT100 HW31]]]
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;text-align: mid;
|style={{{only_TAT100|}}} text-align: left; |[[Special:Redirect/file/{{{FW_DL_HW62|Firmware & BlueNRG for TAT100 HW62 download}}} | Firmware & BlueNRG for [TAT100 HW62]]]
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;
|style=text-align: left; |[[Special:Redirect/file/{{{CF_DL|Configurator download}}} | Configurator]]
{| style="width: 100%"
!colspan="2" style="width:100%; border: 1 px solid #0054A6;border-bottom: 1 px solid #0054A6; background: #0054A6; color: white; text-align: center;" |<font size="3"><b>DOWNLOAD ALL</b></font>
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;
|style={{{not_for_TAT100|}}}text-align: left; | [[Special:Redirect/file/{{{DL_ALL| Download all}}} | DOWNLOAD ALL FOR [{{{model|TATXY}}}] ]]
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;
|style= {{{only_TAT100|}}} text-align: left; |[[Special:Redirect/file/{{{DL_ALL31| Download all HW31}}} | DOWNLOAD ALL FOR [TAT100 HW31] ]]
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;
|style={{{only_TAT100|}}} text-align: left; |[[Special:Redirect/file/{{{DL_ALL62| Download all HW62}}} | DOWNLOAD ALL FOR [TAT100 HW62] ]]
{| style={{{DL_FMB1|}}}"width: 100%"
!colspan="2" style="width:100%; border: 1 px solid #0054A6;border-bottom: 1 px solid #0054A6; background: #0054A6; color: white; text-align: center;" |<font size="3"><b>Backup FMB Firmware</b></font>
{|colspan="2"; class="nd-othertables" style="width:100%;
|style=text-align: left; |On request via VIP HelpDesk

|<table class="tlt-border" style="background: white; color: black;border-bottom: 10px solid #880808;border-top: 10px solid #880808; border-left: 10px solid #880808; border-right: 10px solid #880808;">
<tr style="vertical-align: top;">
<td style="background: #880808; color: white; text-align: center;">
<b>TAT100 Hardware version identification</b>
* If Serial Number [S/N] is greater than '''1122473261''', then device version: '''TAT100 HW: 62'''.<br>
* If Serial Number [S/N] is less than '''1122473261''', then device version: '''TAT100 HW: 31'''.<br><br>
<td style="text-align: center;">
<b>ORDERS AFTER 2022-03-17 WILL BE WITH TAT100 HARDWARE: 62</b><hr>
<td style="color: #880808;text-align:center;">
<b>When updating firmware via FOTA WEB, pay attention to notice above.</b><hr>


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