Template:FMB640 GSM Alg Operators settings
In SIM2 Roaming/Home Operator list home operator must be added to the any part of the list that functionality works correctly. |
FMB1YX has two SIM card slots. GPRS settings and Roaming Operators can be configured separately for SIM1 and SIM2. In SIM2 Roaming/Home Operator list home operator must be added to any part of the list to enable correct functionality. Dual SIM operator search functionality works the following way:
- SIM1 and SIM2 home operators have the highest priority;
- When device is connected to home operator, manual roaming operator search is disabled;
- When device is disconnected from home operator, operator search procedure is initiated as normal every 15 minutes;
- SIM1 Roaming Operators list has higher priority then SIM2 Roaming Operator list.
- When the device finds a new operator from SIM1/SIM2 lists – it switches to new SIM according to the list and connects to the new operator.