Template:FMC/M9 First start config

From Teltonika Telematics Wiki

Configuration (Windows)

At first FMB1YX device will have default factory settings set. These settings should be changed according to the user's needs.
Main configuration can be performed via Teltonika Configurator software. Get the latest FMB1YX Configurator version from here. Configurator operates on Microsoft Windows OS and uses prerequisite MS .NET Framework. Make sure you have the correct version installed.

MS .NET requirements
Operating system MS .NET Framework version Version Link
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
MS .NET Framework 5.0 32 and 64 bit | .NET Framework

Downloaded Configurator will be in compressed archive. Extract it and launch Configurator.exe. After launch software language can be changed by clicking in the right bottom corner:

Configuration process begins by pressing on connected device:

After connection to Configurator Status window will be displayed:

Various Status window tabs display information about GNSS, GSM, I/O, Maintenance and etc. FMB1YX has one user editable profile, which can be loaded and saved to the device. After any modification of configuration the changes need to be saved to device using Save to device button. Main buttons offer following functionality:

  1. Load from device – loads configuration from device.
  2. Save to device – saves configuration to device.
  3. Load from file – loads configuration from file.
  4. Save to file – saves configuration to file.
  5. Update firmware – updates firmware on device.
  6. Read records – read records from device.
  7. Reboot device – restarts device.
  8. Reset configuration – sets device configuration to default.

Most important configurator section is GPRS – where all your server and GPRS settings can be configured and Data Acquisition – where data acquiring parameters can be configured. More details about FMB1YX configuration using Configurator can be found in the manual.