Template:FMM640 iButton Read Notification

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iButton Read Notification

Output control parameter lets the user choose which DOUT will iButton blink. After connecting iButton, DOUT will blink for a period of time, which is configured in DOUT ON Duration parameter. The iButton List checking parameter configures whether the device reads the iButton ID from iButton list or not. For example if configured as Enabled, device will not blink DOUT unless the iButton is in the iButton list. If Depend on Ignition parameter is enabled, then Output will be triggered only if ignition is off (in addition to being in a list if iButton List Checking is also enabled). Output control examples when iButton is detected (if None is selected in Output Control – all of the following steps will be skipped):

  • If both iButton List Checking and Depend on Ignition are disabled – Output is triggered.
  • If iButton List Checking is enabled and Depend on Ignition is disabled – Output is triggered only if iButton is in the list.
  • If iButton List Checking is disabled but Depend on Ignition is enabled – Output is triggered only if ignition is off.
  • If both iButton List Checking and Depend on Ignition are enabled – Output will trigger if iButton is in the list and ignition is off.

iButton Read Notification parameters:

  • Output control – available scenario settings for module Digital output activation/deactivation
  • DOUT ON duration – a value in seconds, for how long DOUT1/DOUT2/DOUT3 should be active.
  • iButton List checking - parameter configures that device reads the iButton ID from list or not.
  • Depend on Ignition - Output will be triggered only if ignition is off