Template:TAT SMS record sending

From Teltonika Telematics Wiki

SMS Record Sending

Please note:
  • This feature is implemented since firmware version 1.0.0.Rev.00

SMS Record sending feature allows the user to send records via SMS instead of sending them to the server. When enabled, device will not open GPRS context, it will not connect to the server resulting in smaller power consumption.
GPRS context will still be opened for connection to Fota or to sync time over NTP if needed.

Each SMS record has a fixed set of information depending the record type.

Record type Information in SMS Example
On Move Event
On Stop Event
Backup Tracker
Lost Beacon
* Record date and time
* Record Event AVL ID
* Movement status
* Battery voltage
* Location information (LBS or GNSS)
Sensor or other high priority IO record * Record date and time
* IO that triggered record AVL ID and value
* Battery voltage
* Location information (LBS or GNSS)
Lost Sensor * Record date and time
* Lost sensor AVL ID
* Battery voltage
* Location information (LBS or GNSS)
Record with LBS location All other information as per above
Tamper events All other information as per above