
Initial page
The 'How to Check Top-up Usage with IoT Platform' page provides detailed instructions on how to create report to check current Top-Up usage.

==Please follow this tutorial to check the number of Top-ups used==

Checking used Top-Ups is a simple procedure with a few steps. Spreadsheet editing software (like Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc) is needed:

1.    Open the IoT Platform at and log in.

2.    Navigate to the "Reports" menu and select "Rate Plans Activations" as the Report type (Picture 1)
[[File:Reports_menu_Rate_Plans_Activations.png|thumb|none|Picture 1. '''Reports menu'''|link=Special:FilePath/Reports_menu_Rate_Plans_Activations.png]]

3.    In the "SIM Cards" tab select the option — "All SIM cards" (Picture 2)
[[File:SIM cards menu.png|thumb|none|Picture 2. '''SIM cards menu'''|link=Special:FilePath/SIM cards menu.png]]

4.    In the "Time scale" tab select the following options (Please refer to picture nr. 3):

* Granularity — Monthly.
* Custom range from data of Top-ups purchased to the current date, or any older date.
* Press the "Finish" button to generate the report
[[File:Time scale.png|thumb|none|Picture 3. '''Time scale menu'''|link=Special:FilePath/Time scale.png]]

5.    After the report has been generator export the data by clicking on the "Export Data" button (Picture 4)
[[File:Export Data.png|thumb|none|Picture 4. '''Exporting Data'''|link=Special:FilePath/Export Data.png]]

6.    Open the spreadsheet that has been exported and do the following steps:
* Select column "A".
* Open the "Data" tab
* Select the function "Text to columns"
[[File:Text to columns2.png|thumb|none|Picture 5. '''Text to columns'''|link=Special:FilePath/Text to columns2.png]]

7.    Choose "Delimited" and press the "Next >" button
[[File:ttc12.png|thumb|none|Picture 6. '''Text to columns step 1'''|link=Special:FilePath/ttc12.png]]

8.    Select "Comma" and press the "Next >" button
[[File:ttc22.png|thumb|none|Picture 7. '''Text to columns step 2'''|link=Special:FilePath/ttc22.png]]

9.    Press the "Finish" button
[[File:ttc32.png|thumb|none|Picture 8. '''Text to columns step 3'''|link=Special:FilePath/ttc32.png]]

10.    Select the first row with the Top-up state and press "CTRL + Arrow Down" to go to the bottom of the list.

11.    In the free cell under the last Top-Up State, please enter the following formula:<br>
<code>=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("F2:F" & ROW() - 1); TRUE)</code>
[[File:Formula_Top_Up.png|thumb|none|Picture 10. '''Calculating total outbound SMS value'''|link=Special:FilePath/Formula_Top_Up.png]]

The value should indicate the used Top-Ups, and You will be able to compare the value with the bought number of Top-Ups to check the amount of Top-Ups, which are left. <br>
Additionally, You may refer to the following wiki page to get more information about the Auto Top-Up rules and Low Data notification: [[Creating_Auto_Top_Up_/_Low_Data_notification_rule_(Truphone)|Auto Top-Up rules and Low Data notification]]