Template:TAT SMS/GPRS Commands

From Teltonika Telematics Wiki

Command Description Response HW Support Parameter Group
getinfo Device runtime system information. Yes Common commands
getver Returns code version, device IMEI, modem app version, RTC time, Init time, Uptime and BT MAC address. Yes Common commands
getstatus Modem Status information. Yes Common commands
getgps Current GPS data, date and time. Yes Common commands
cpureset resets device device modem No Common commands
fwstats Get data about FW and restarts Yes Common commands
getrecord SMS command initiates saving and sending of high priority record No Common commands
getimeiccid # Response is sent to SMS/GPRS command sender and also to GSM number provided.

1.# GSM number using international format e.g. 37069012345

Yes Common commands
getimsi Sends the IMSI number of the SIM card inserted as a response to the sender. Yes Common commands
allver Responds with information about hardware and modem firmware version and storage space Yes Common commands
getparam # Returns selected parameter value.

1.# - first ID value.
2.# - second ID value.
3.# - third ID value.
SMS command is limited to 160 characters.

Yes Common commands
getparam #;#;…
setparam #:# Sets selected parameter value

[Parameter ID] : [New Parameter Value] ; [Parameter ID] : [New Parameter Value]...

SMS command is limited to 160 characters.

Yes Common commands
setparam #:#;#:#;…
flush #,#,#,#,#,#,# Redirects device to other server.

1.# - IMEI.
2.# - APN.
3.# - LOGIN.
4.# - PASS.
5.# - IP.
6.# - PORT.
7.# - MODE (0-TCP/1-UDP).

Yes Common commands
countrecs Returns records number. Yes Common commands
web_connect Connect to Fota WEB after receives the command. TAT100 receives GPRS/SMS commands after it wakes up. Yes Common commands
deleterecords Delete all records from SD card. Yes

Common commands
wdlog Returns all information about 'watch dogs' Yes Common commands
defaultcfg Load default configuration. Yes Common commands
setkey # # Add new or change current configuration keyword. If device is locked, keyword cannot be changed.

1.# - old keyword (if adding new keyword space).
2.# - new keyword.

Yes Common commands
delkey # Remove existing keyword (If device is locked, keyword cannot be changed).

1.# - old keyword.

Yes Common commands
bbread # Return black box information (HEX value of event ID and HEX value of custom data field (optional)).

1.# - returns entered number of latest events. When # is omitted the latest events are packed to single SMS.

Yes Common commands
bbinfo # Return same information as bbread command but additional all events timestamp is written in HEX.

1.# - returns entered number of latest events. When # is omitted the latest events are packed to single SMS.

Yes Common commands
sdformat Format SD card. Yes Common commands