Private/Business Driving Mode Functionality

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Main Page > General Information > Usage scenarios > Private/Business Driving Mode Functionality

Solution description

This solution will allow your company car to be used by employees for personal purposes without violating the EU General Data Protection Regulations by masking all the personal data while vehicle is used in Private mode. Moreover, self-employed people can easily convert their own car into a business asset and ensure that the data provided (Example - distance traveled) is correct and shown only working hours' driven distance, because using FMP100 is simple as it can be.

What you need for a solution?

  • For this solution we will use FMP100 device. However, any FMBXXX series device can be used (excluding FMX640 series) with this scenario depending on how you want to change the trip mode (via BLE or a button connected to DIN)
  • Teltonika Configurator to set up FM device correctly for the solution.
  • Dedicated firmware version 03.27.07.Rev.461 (please contact you sales manager for the newest version)
  • SIM card in order to get data to your server
  • FOTA WEB to remotely send the configuration to the device.


The device is easy to install, but keep in mind that although the device have high-gain antennas, it is important to mount the device with engraving on top and in metal-free space. For example if you have several 12V sockets in a van, you should not choose one in the back cabin.

Figure 1. Recommended mounting location


1. Prerequisites:

1.1. Read through First start guide

1.2. Understanding of possible Sleep modes.

2. Configuring Private/Business Mode Scenario

  • Configure the APN in GPRS settings.

  • 2001 – APN
  • 2002 – APN username (No APN username > leave the field blank)
  • 2003 – APN password (No APN password > leave the field blank)

  • Configure the server in GPRS settings.

  • 2004 – Domain
  • 2005 – Port
  • 2006 – Data sending protocol (0 – TCP, 1 – UDP)

  • Parameter ID: 113 – Codec 8 Extended (0 – Codec 8, 1 – Codec 8 Extended)

AVL parameters greater than 255 (HEX 0xFF) require “Codec 8 extended” to be sent to the server.

  • Select priority in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

  • Parameter ID: 11850 – Priority settings (0 – Disable, 1 – Low priority, 2 - High priority, 3 - Panic priority)

  • Enable Eventual Records in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

  • Choose a trigger to change trip mode in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

  • Parameter ID: 11811Triggers (16 – BTApp, 32 – NBL-1 Button1, 64 – NBL-1 Button2, 128 – FMP100 Button, 255 – Enable All)

  • Choose which position should device send when Private mode is enabled in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

  • Parameter ID: 11813GPS Data Masking (0 – Normal, 1 – Data sent as Zero, 2 – Last good known position)

  • Choose whether the distance traveled in private mode should be included in the total odometer IO element in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

  • Choose which event will deactivate Private mode and switch to Business in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

  • Parameter ID: 11816Deactivate by (0 – Disable, 1 – Towing detection, 2 – Unplug detection, 4 – Crash detection, 8 – Autogeofence, 15 – Enable All)

  • Choose a trigger type to change between Private/Business modes in Trip \ Odometer - Private/Business mode settings.

Quickstart: From default configuration to Private/Business scenario in one SMS:
Note that this SMS command does not include APN, Domain and port parameters

<SMS Login> <SMS Password> setparam 113:1;11850:1;11814:1;11811:128;11813:2;11815:1;11816:4;11849:0

You can check how this SMS configures device - Teltonika Configurator

Parsing information


1.1. Open TCP/UDP port

1.2. Read Java parser first start guide

2.Private mode periodic record parsing example

Unparsed received data in hexadecimal stream
AVL Data Packet Part HEX Code Part
Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00
Data Field Length 00 00 00 32
Codec ID 8E (Codec 8 Extended)
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 01
Timestamp 00 00 01 7E 06 5D E1 B8
Priority 00
Longitude 00 00 00 00
Latitude 00 00 00 00
Altitude 00 00
Angle 00 00
Satellites 00
Speed 00 00
Event IO ID 00 00
N of Total ID 00 03
N1 of One Byte IO 00 03
1’st IO ID 00 EF (AVL ID 239, Name: Ignition)
1’st IO Value 00
2’nd IO ID 00 F0 (AVL ID 240, Name: Movement)
2’nd IO Value 00
3’rd IO ID 01 87 (AVL ID 391, Name: Private mode)
3’rd IO Value 01 (Private mode state 1 - Private mode on)
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
N4 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
N8 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
NX of X Byte IO 00 00
Number of Data 2 (Number of Total Records) 01
CRC-16 00 00 79 3F

Zero coordinate in Private mode

3.Private mode eventual record parsing example

Unparsed received data in hexadecimal stream
AVL Data Packet Part HEX Code Part
Zero Bytes 00 00 00 00
Data Field Length 00 00 00 32
Codec ID 8E (Codec 8 Extended)
Number of Data 1 (Number of Total Records) 01
Timestamp 00 00 01 7E 06 5F 22 08
Priority 01
Longitude 0F 0E 58 80
Latitude 20 9A AF 5E
Altitude 00 BF
Angle 00 D1
Satellites 14
Speed 00 00
Event IO ID 01 87 (AVL ID 391, Name: Private mode)
N of Total ID 00 03
N1 of One Byte IO 00 03
1’st IO ID 00 EF (AVL ID 239, Name: Ignition)
1’st IO Value 00
2’nd IO ID 00 F0 (AVL ID 240, Name: Movement)
2’nd IO Value 00
3’rd IO ID 01 87 (AVL ID 391, Name: Private mode)
3’rd IO Value 00 (Private mode state 0 - Private mode off)
N2 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
N4 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
N8 of Two Bytes IO 00 00
NX of X Byte IO 00 00
Number of Data 2 (Number of Total Records) 01
CRC-16 00 00 D1 82

Private mode off

Demonstration in platform

TAVL: Open TAVL application → Select Client → Select Device → In "Track" tab Select the date interval → Select Advanced → Press Show button. All the information will appear in left down corner.

WIALON: Open WIALON → Open Messages → Select your device → Select the date interval → Select Message (data messages) → Select execute and you will see all the information.

Enabling and Disabling private mode via SMS command

After appropriate configuration, private mode can be toggled with privatemode SMS command:

<sms login><sms password>privatemode <option>

Option Effect Return on success
ON Turns private mode on Privatemode ON
OFF Turns private mode off Privatemode OFF
? Check private mode state Privatemode ON


Privatemode OFF


  • Command privatemode must be lower case, followed by one space. The options ON and OFF must be upper case, otherwise Wrong arguments error is returned.

  • The privatemode command for all arguments is disabled if Trigger Type is Weekly Schedule. Sending the command returns error Weekly Schedule is Active! Can’t control Privatemode state.