We strongly recommend all clients to use Codec 8 Extended protocol, in order to be able to use all device features.
Reason to choose Codec 8 Extended
Codec 8 supports max I/O elements up to 255 AVL ID. Although this standard is older, it was left as an option for clients that have already integrated this protocol into their platforms.
Codec 8 Extended supports 2 bytes, 65 535 AVLs.
For example, Codec 8 does not support AVL ID 385, which is an ID for Beacon ID, while Codec 8 Extended supports all ID's that are listed on AVL ID page.
For more information about Codec 8 Extended protocol visit: Codec 8 Extended
Differences between Codec 8 and Codec 8 Extended
Codec8 Extended
Codec ID
AVL Data IO element length
1 byte
2 bytes
AVL Data IO element total IO count length
1 byte
2 bytes
AVL Data IO element IO count length
1 byte
2 bytes
AVL Data IO element AVL ID length
1 byte
2 bytes
Variable size IO elements
Does not include
Includes variable size elements
Note: Both Codec 8 and Codec 8 Extended are transferring periodic data.
Setting up your configuration to use Codec 8 Extended protocol
System panel
Set Data Protocol to Codec 8 Extended. This way, the device will be able to include 2 byte length AVL IO elements instead of 1 byte, so more parameters whose AVL ID is higher than 255 could be included to the packet.
Save the changes to the device.
System panel
More information about System panel and it's parameters for each device can be found here: