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Main Page > EOL Products > FMB630 > FMB630 Manual > FMB630 Device Family Parameter list

System parameters

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Sleep Mode x000 0 3 0 - U8
0 Disable
1 Enable
2 Deep sleep
3 Online deep sleep
Sleep Timeout x001 0 9000 1 - U16
Ignition source x900 0 5 0 - U8
0 Power voltage
1 DIN 1
2 DIN 2
3 DIN 3
4 DIN 4
5 Movement
High Voltage Level(for Ignition) x901 0 30000 0 - U16
Low Voltage Level (for Ignition) x902 0 30000 0 - U16

GPRS data sending settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Server 1
GPRS Context Activation x240 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - S8
Protocol 0 (TCP) 1 (UDP) 0 - U8
Server Response Timeout 5 300 5 - U16
Domain Empty 56 char Empty - -
Target Server Port 0 65535 0 - U16
Configuring format: <Enable>,<IP>,<port>,<protocol>,<Server Reponse Tmo>
Server 2
GPRS Context Activation x242 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - S8
Protocol 0 (TCP) 1 (UDP) 0 - U8
Domain Empty 56 char Empty - -
Target Server Port 0 65535 0 - U16
Configuring format: <Enable>,<IP>,<port>,<protocol>

GPRS data limit settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Enable GPRS limits x241 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Data limit Home 1 10000 100 - U16
Data limit Roaming 1 10000 10 - U16
Configuring format: <Enable>,,

SMS security settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
SMS Login x252 Empty 5 char Empty - S8[5]
SMS Password x253 Empty 5 char Empty - S8[5]
Authorized phone numbers x260-x269 Empty 16 char Empty - S8[17]

SMS data sending settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
SMS Data x250 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
SMS Data send week time schedule x273 Binary decoding Binary decoding - - 20 byte array
Configuring format: <x1><x2><x3><x4>......<x19>

Operator list settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Preferred Operator x271 0 99999999 0 - U32
Black List Operator x272 0 99999999 0 - U32
Configuring format:
(setparam Y271 X)
X is start position. If no X is set starts from 0
Max 19 operator codes can be set (separated by comma) in one SMS command.
Reading format:
(getparam Y271 X)
X values can be 1,2,3.
If X = 1, Operator codes from 0-19 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
If X = 2, Operator codes from 20-39 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
If X = 3, Operator codes from 40-49 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
If X = any other, Operator codes from 0-19 are read from configuration and sent via SMS
*User must use X, without X value device responds that parameter is wrong or it can respond with wrong operator codes.

Data Acquisition settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Data acquisition modes x010
Min Period (in seconds) 0 9999999 600 - U32
Min Distance (in meters) 0 65535 0 - U32
Min Angle (in degrees) 0 180 0 - U16
Min Speed (in km/h) 0 400 0 - U16
Min Speed Source 0/1/2/3/4 (0-GPS, 1-LVCAN, 2-ALLCAN, 3-FMS, 4-KLINE) 0 - U8
Min Saved Records 1 25 10 - U8
Min Send Period (in seconds) 0 9999999 600 - U32
Configuring format: <minperiod>,<mindistance>,<minangle>,<minspeed>,<minspeedsource>,<minsavedrec>,<sendperiod>

Geofencing settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Frame Border (in meters) x020 0 9999999 1 1000 U32
Geofence Overspeed control x021 0 5 0 - U8
Geofence Zone #1 x030
Zone #1 Shape 0 (Circle) 1 (Rectangle) 0 - U32
Zone #1 priority 0 7 (exl. 3) 0 - U8
0 Low
1 High
2 Panic
4 SW21
5 SW22
6 SW23
7 SW24
Zone #1 Generate Event 0 3 0 - U8
0 No Event
1 On enter
2 On exit
3 On both
Min Angle (in degrees) 0 180 0 - U16
Zone #1 Longitude X1 (Rectangle) / X (Circle) -180 180 0 - Float
-180 180 0 - Float
Zone #1 Latitude Y1 (Rectangle) / Y (Circle) -90 90 0 - Float
-90 90 0 - Float
Zone #1 Longitude X2 (Rectangle) / R (Circle) -180 180 0 - Float
0 180 / 9999999.99 0 0 Float
Zone #1 Latitude Y2 (Rectangle) / None (Circle) -90 90 0 - Float
- - - - -
Configuring format: <shape>,<priority>,<generateEvent>,<fx1>,<fy1>,<fx2>,<fy2>
Geofence Zone #2 x031 Same configuration as Geofence Zone #1
Geofence Zone #3 x032
Geofence Zone #4 x033
Geofence Zone #5 x034
Geofence Zone #6 x035
Geofence Zone #7 x036
Geofence Zone #8 x037
Geofence Zone #9 x038
Geofence Zone #10 x039
Geofence Zone #11 x040
Geofence Zone #12 x041
Geofence Zone #13 x042
Geofence Zone #14 x043
Geofence Zone #15 x044
Geofence Zone #16 x045
Geofence Zone #17 x046
Geofence Zone #18 x047
Geofence Zone #19 x048
Geofence Zone #20 x049

Auto Geofencing settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Autogeofence x290
Deactivate By 0 (Ignition) 1 (iButton) 0 - U8
Activation Timeout (in seconds) 0 65535 60 60 U16
Min Angle (in degrees) 0 180 0 - U16
Zone #1 priority 0 7 1 1 U8
0 Low
1 High
2 Panic
4 SW21
5 SW22
6 SW23
7 SW24
Zone #1 Generate Event 0 3 0 2 U8
0 No Event
1 On enter
2 On exit
3 On both
Radius (in meters) 0 9999999 100 100 U32
Configuring format: <deactivateBy>,<tmo>,<priority>,<eventGenerating>,<radius>

Towing Detection settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Towing Detection X917 0 (Disable) 2 (High priority) 0 - U8
Activation Tmo (min) 0 1440 5 - -
Ignition Check (sec) 0 60 5 - -
Duration (ms) 100 5000 1000 1000 -
Acceleration 0.15 5 0.25 0.25 m/s^2 -
Angle (deg.) 0.5 5 1.0 1.0 U8
Make Call Number 0 9 - - -
Configuring Format <priority>,<activationTmo>,<TowingEvtTmo>,<Duration>,<Acceleration>,<TowingAngle>,<TowingCallNr>

iButton List

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Authorized iButtons 500-999 0 FFFFFFFF 0 - U64

Eco/Green driving settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Eco driving type x910 0 5 0 - U8
0 Disable
1 No DOUT control
2 DOUT1 control
3 DOUT2 control
4 DOUT3 control
5 DOUT4 control
Eco source 0 (accelerometer) 1 (GPS) 0 - U8
Max Acceleration Force 5 100 22 25 Float
Max Braking Force 5 100 25 35 Float
Max Cornering Force 5 100 21 - Float
Acceleration Active Output Duration 0 100 1 - Float
Breaking Active Output Duration 0 100 1 - Float
Cornering Active Output Duration 0 100 1 - Float
Configuring format: <Eco driving type>,<Ecosource><MaxAcceleration>,<MaxBraking>,<MaxCornering>,<AccOutputDuration>,<BrakingOutputDuration>,<CorneringOutputDuration>

Overspeeding settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Overspeeding mode x911 0 5 0 - U8
0 Disable
1 No DOUT control
2 DOUT1 control
3 DOUT2 control
4 DOUT3 control
5 DOUT4 control
Max Allowed Speed 0 300 90 - U16
Configuring format: <Overspeeding mode>,<MaxSpeed>

Immobilizer settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Immobilizer mode x912 0 5 0 - U8
0 Disable
1 No DOUT control
2 DOUT1 control
3 DOUT2 control
4 DOUT3 control
5 DOUT4 control
iButton List checking 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Ignition Timeout 1 255 30 - U16
Configuring format: <ImmobMode>,<button_enable>,<TMO>

Excessive Idling settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Excessive Idling x913 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Time to stationary 0 255 1 - U16
Time to movement 0 (Disable) 255 1 - U16
Configuring format: <Enable>,

Jamming settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Jamming Detection x914 0 5 0 - U8
0 Disable
1 No DOUT control
2 DOUT1 control
3 DOUT2 control
4 DOUT3 control
5 DOUT4 control
Sensitivity 1 (low) 3 (High) 0 - U8
Timeout 1 255 60 - -
DOUT duration 1 255 0 - U16
Configuring format: <Enable>,<Sensitivity>,<Start_TMO>,<DOUT_duration_TMO>

iButton Notification settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
iButton notification x915 0 5 0 - U8
0 Disable
1 No DOUT control
2 DOUT1 control
3 DOUT2 control
4 DOUT3 control
5 DOUT4 control
Timeout 1 65530 0 - U16
Configuring format: <Enable/Dout control>,<DOUT TMO>

Crash Detection settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Scenario x918 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Acceleration Threshold 16 8000 4000 - U8
Duration 0 600 10 - U8
Configuring format: <Scenario>,<Threshold>,< Duration>

Trip settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Trip x280 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Start Speed 0 255 5 - U8
Ignition Off Timeout 0 65536 60 - U16
Remember iButton ID,

while Trip detected

0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Trip Mode 0 (Between) 1 (Continous) 0 - U8
Configuring format: <Enable>,<StartStopSpeed>,<IgnitionOffTimeout>,<RememberiButton>,<Mode>

Global and External devices parameters

Parameter ID Possible Parameter Value Default Value
Profile Change On Event 100 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
Prefered records saving destination 101 0/1 (0 – internal memory, 1 – SDcard) 10
Analog Input 1-2 Type 105 0/1 ( 0 – 10 V, 1 – 30 V) 0
Analog Input 3 Type 106 0/1 ( 0 – 10 V, 1 – 30 V) 0
Static Navigation On/Off 107 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 1
Records Sorting 108 0/1 ( 0 – from newest, 1 – from oldest) 0
Active Data Link Timeout 109 0 – 259200 (time in seconds) 5
Accelerometer Filter Start Value 112 1 – 10 (time in seconds) 1
Accelerometer Filter Stop Value 113 1 – 255 (time in seconds) 30
Total Odometer source 114 0/1/2/3/4/5 (0 – GPS, 1 – GPS, 2 – LVCAN, 3 – ALLCAN, 4 – FMS, 5 – KLINE) 0
J1708 Enable parameter 115 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
GNSS Satellite System 116 0/1/2/3/4 (0 – all available, 1 – GPS, 2 – GLONASS, 3 – GNSS (all available) + SBAS, 4 – GPS + SBAS) 0
NTP mode 129 0/1/2/3 (0 – disable, 1 – NTP + NITZ2, 2 – NTP Only, 3 – NITZ Only) 0
GNSS TMO For NTP 121 0-300 0
Garmin Ping filter 117 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
Garmin Unicode filter 118 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 1
COM1 baudrate 119 0 – 115200
COM1 Mode 120 0-255 (5 - Silent,97 – LLS Mode,98 – LCD Mode,

99 – RFID Mode, 100 – RFID MF7 Mode, 101 – Garmin Mode, 161 – COM TCP Link Mode, 177 – COM TCP Link Mode Binary, 203 – DTO 1731, 204 –SE500, 10-11 – reserved)

COM2 Baudrate 122 0 – 115200 115200
COM1 start byte 123 0 - 255 0
COM2 Mode 124 0 – 255 (5 - Silent, 13 - FM Log, 15 – NMEA,

97 - LLS, 98 - LCD, 99 - RFID, 100 - RFID M7, 101 - Garmin, 161 - COM TCP Link, 177 - COM TCP Link binary)

TCP Link mode buffering 125 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
COM1 end byte 126 0 - 255 0
COM2 start byte 127 0 - 255 0
COM2 end byte 128 0 - 255 0
COM1 Timestamp 151 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
COM1 CMD ID 152 0 – 255 6
COM2 Timestamp 153 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
COM2 CMD ID 154 0 – 255 6
Network Ping Timeout 155 0 – 259200 1
Network Ping Mode 156 0 - disabled 1 - 0xFF 2 - Empty Codec 12 0
Records saving/Sending 157 0/1/2 (0 – After GNSS fix,1 – Always, 2 – After time synchronization) 0
SMS Event number 222-231 SMS Event number „“
SMS Event ID 300-499 SMS Events
Authorized iButtons 500-999 Authorized iButtons FFFFFFFF -
RS485 Activate 232 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
RS485 Baudrate 233 0 – 115200 115200
RS485 Mode 234 0 – 255 (5 – Silent, 13 – Log mode, 15 – NMEA, 97 – LLS Mode, 161 – TCP link mode,

171 – Binary mode)

LLS 1-5 adress 256-260 0,255 0
SIM1 GPRS APN 240 All character range
SIM1 GPRS USER 241 All character range
SIM1 GPRS PASS 242 All character range
SIM2 GPRS APN 243 All character range
SIM2 GPRS USER 244 All character range
SIM2 GPRS PASS 245 All character range
Tachograph ignition source 158 1/2/3/4 3
Tachograph device 159 0 - DTC0 1381, 1 - SE5000 0
Tacho web 160 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
Tacho web domain 161 Maximum 56 Char Empty
Tacho web port 162 0 - 65535 0
Tacho web start delay 174 0 – 255 (Min) 5
Bluetooth Power 164 0/1/2 (0-disable,1-enable hidden,2-enable visible) 0
Bluetooth Name 165 String
Bluetooth DINx call trigger 170-173 0/1 (0 – disable, 1 – enable) 0
Bluetooth DINx call trigger number index 166-169 0 – 9 (numbers from predefinedfined list) 0

CAN parameters

Parameter name ID Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Value type
CAN 1 Enable parameter 146 0 2 1 U8
CAN 1 Baud Rate 147 0 1000 250 U32
CAN 1 operational mode 148 0 1 0 U8
CAN 2 Enable parameter (Used for tachograph) 149 0 2 1 U8
CAN 2 Baud Rate 150 250 500 250 U32
CAN 2 operational mode 163 0 1 0 U8

CAN#0 I/O properties (ID=x406):
CAN#0 I/O parameter priority Parameter defines CAN I/O element priority. Enable or Disable.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 2 0 CAN#0 I/O CAN Type ID

CAN#0 I/O OutputDataMask


Parameter defines CAN element ID length. CAN element ID could be 11 or 29 bits length.
For 11 bits ID parameter value is 0, for 29 bits ID – 1.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 1 1 CAN#0 I/O Priority

CAN#0 I/O OutputDataMask


CAN#0 Output data mask
Parameter defines CAN data mask. This parameter is 8 bit length and indicates which data bytes of CAN message are sent for calculation and which are ignored. Bit value 1 means that CAN data byte will be preceded and sent to server.

Example: 00110011 is 51 integers.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 255 - CAN#0 I/O Priority



Parameter defines CAN identifier. ID can be 11 or 29 bits length.
Example: 18FEE925 (total fuel used)

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 FFFFFFFF - CAN#0 I/O Priority

CAN#0 I/O OutputDataMask


To configure CAN#0 I/O element every value above should be separated with comma. For example, SMS should look like:
“ setparam 1406 1,0,51,18FEE925” (“ setparam 1406 <priority>,<CANTypeID>,<outputDataMask>,<CANID>)

  • 51 is output data mask converted from binary 00110011
  • Above SMS example will configure first profile CAN#0 I/O element with CAN type ID 29 bits,

output data mask 51 (must be written after converting in decimal from binary),CAN ID FEE9 - total fuel used.
The rest CAN elements are configured in the same sequence. CAN elements and parameters ID’s are listed below.

Manual CAN1 Element Number CAN1 Element parameters Manual CAN 2 Element Number CAN2 Element parameters
CAN#0 x406 CAN#0 x504
CAN#1 x407 CAN#1 x505
CAN#2 x408 CAN#2 x506
CAN#3 x409 CAN#3 x507
CAN#4 x410 CAN#4 x508
CAN#5 x411 CAN#5 x509
CAN#6 x412 CAN#6 x510
CAN#7 x413 CAN#7 x511
CAN#8 x414 CAN#8 x512
CAN#9 x415 CAN#9 x513

There are only 14 I/O parameters that could use Averaging Constant:

Digital Inputs (1-4); Analog Inputs (1-4); Battery Voltage; Battery Current; External Voltage; PDOP; HDOP; Speedometer. I/O parameters: “Current Profile”, “Fuel level meter” (1-2), “Fuel temperature” (1-2), “GNSS Status”, “Network Type”, “Movement”, “Active GSM Operator”, “iButton ID”, “Odometer”, “GSM Signal”, “Deep Sleep”, “Cell ID”, “Area Code”, “PCB Temperature”, “Dallas temperature Sensor 0..2”, “Fuel Counter” and “RFID ID” cannot use Averaging constant functionality.


Parameter name ID Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Value type
LVCAN mode 903 0 2 0 U8
Send data with 0, if ignition is off 904 0 1 1 U8
LVCAN/ALL-CAN300 I/O elements
Parameter name ID
[LVC Vehicle Speed] x399
[LVC Acce Pedal Position] x400
[LVC Fuel Consumed] x401
[LVC Fuel Level Liters] x402
[LVC Engine RPM] x403
[LVC Total Mileage] x404
[LVC Fuel Level Percent] x405
[LVC Program Number] x452
[LVC ModuleID] x453
[LVC Engine Work Time] x454
[LVC Engine Work Time (counted)] x455
[LVC Total Mileage (counted)] x456
[LVC Fuel Consumed (counted)] x457
[LVC Fuel Rate] x458
[LVC AdBlue Level (percent)] x459
[LVC AdBlue Level (liters)] x460
[LVC Engine Load] x461
[LVC Engine Temperature] x462
[LVC Axle 1 Load] x463
[LVC Axle 2 Load] x464
[LVC Axle 3 Load] x465
[LVC Axle 4 Load] x466
[LVC Axle 5 Load] x467
[LVC Control State Flags] x468
[LVC Agricultural Machinery Flags] x469
[LVC Harvesting Time] x470
[LVC Area of Harvest] x471
[LVC Mowing Efficiency] x472
[LVC Grain Mown Volume] x473
[LVC Grain Moisture] x474
[LVC Harvesting Drum RPM] x475
[LVC Gap Under Harvesting Drum] x476
[LVC Security State Flags] x477
[LVC Tacho Total Vehicle Distance] x478
[LVC Trip Distance] x479
[LVC Tacho Vehicle Speed] x480
[LVC Tacho Driver Card Presence] x481
LVC Driver1 States] x482
[LVC Driver2 States] x483
[LVC Driver1 Continuous Driving Time] x484
[LVC Driver2 Continuous Driving Time] x485
[LVC Driver1 Cumulative Break Time] x486
[LVC Driver2 Cumulative Break Time] x487
[LVC Driver1 Duration Of Selected Activity] x488
[LVC Driver2 Duration Of Selected Activity] x489
[LVC Driver1 Cumulative Driving Time] x490
[LVC Driver2 Cumulative Driving Time] x491
[LVC Driver1 ID High] x492
[LVC Driver1 ID Low] x493
[LVC Driver2 ID High] x494
[LVC Driver2 ID Low] x495
[LVC Battery Temperature] x496
[LVC Battery Level (percent)] x497
[LVC Door Status] x498
[DTC Errors] x514
[CNG Status] x515
[CNG Used] x516
[CNG Level] x517
[DTC Codes] X518
Configuration Format <priority>,<HighLevel>,<LowLevel>,


Example: ' setparam 3400 1,0,0,3,10' Acce Pedal Position is set on low priority in profile 3


Category name Element ID Element name
Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed 346 Brake switch
347 Wheel based speed
348 Cruise control active
349 Clutch switch
350 PTO state
Electronic Engine Controller #2 351 Accelerator pedal position 1 X
352 Engine Percent Load At Current Speed X
Fuel Consumption 353 Engine total fuel used
Dash Display 354 Fuel level 1 X
Electronic Engine Controller #1 355 Engine speed X
Vehicle Weight ** 356-370 Axle location
Tire location
Axle weight
Engine Hours, Revolutions: HOURS 371 Engine total hours of Operation X
Vehicle Identification 372 Vehicle identification number X
FMS Standard interface 373 SW-version supported X
374 Diagnostics supported X
375 Requests supported X
High Resolution Vehicle Distance 376 High resolution total vehicle distance X
Service Information 377 Service distance
Tachograph 378 Vehicle motion X
379 driver 2 working state X
380 driver 1 working state X
381 Vehicle overspeed
382 Driver 1 time rel. states
383 Driver 2 time rel. states
384 Driver 1 card X
385 Driver 2 card X
386 Direction indicator
387 Tachograph performance X
388 Handling information X
389 System event X
390 Tachograph vehicle speed X
Engine Temperature 1 391 engine coolant temperature X
Ambient Conditions 392 Ambient Air Temperature X
Driver’s Identification 393 Driver 1 ID
Driver’s Identification 394 Driver 2 ID
Fuel Economy 395 Fuel rate
396 Instantaneous Fuel Economy
PTO Drive Engagement 397 At least one PTO engaged
PTO Drive Engagement 397 At least one PTO engaged
High Resolution Fuel Consumption (Liquid) 398 High resolution engine total fuel used
Combined vehicle weight 503 The total weight of the truck and all attached trailers

K-Line parameters

Name Parameter name Configuration ID Available Values
KLINE Driver Recognize Priority X050 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 1 working state Priority X051 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 2 working state Priority X052 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Overspeed Priority X053 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 1 card Priority X054 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 2 card Priority X055 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 1 rel time states Priority X056 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 2 rel time states Priority X057 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Vehicle speed Priority X058 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level 0 – 255 km/h
Low level 0 – 255 km/h
Generate event 0 – On range exit
1 – On range entrance
2 – On both
3 – Monitoring
4 – Hysteresis
5 – On change
KLINE Odometer Priority X059 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Distance Priority X060 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Tacho Timestamp - X061 -
KLINE Driver 1 ID Priority X062 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Driver 2 ID Priority X063 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Vehicle Identification Number Priority X065 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Vehicle Registration Number Priority X066 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Card 1 issuing number state Priority X067 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
KLINE Card 2 issuing number state Priority X068 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver1 Continuous Driving Time Priority X600 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver2 Continuous Driving Time Priority X601 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver1 Cumulative Break Time Priority X602 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver2 Cumulative Break Time Priority X603 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver1 Duration Of Selected Activity Priority X604 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver2 Duration Of Selected Activity Priority X605 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver1 Cumulative Driving Time Priority X606 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
LVC Driver2 Cumulative Driving Time Priority X607 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change
Data source Priority X608 0 – disable
1 – low
2 – high
High level N/A
Low level N/A
Generate event 3 – Monitoring
5 – On change

Tachograph Priority Parameters

Tachograph Data front panel supported with Firmware version 01.00.xx All the data that can be read from FMS/Tachograph/K-line/LV-CAN|ALL-CAN is moved to one tab "Tachograph data" you can choose from what interface the data will be read by choosing the priority of an interface. For example if you have FMB6 connected to FMS and K-line and you wish to get data about "Driver 1 Card" from K-line set the K-line priority to 1 and FMS priority to 2 or disable this interface.

  • 1 - highest priority 4 - lowest priority

Name Parameter name Configuration ID Available Values
K-Line Periodic Timeout MinPeriod in Seconds X011 Min. 0
Max. 9999999
KLINE Priority Priority X012 0 – disable
1 - Priority 1
2 - Priority 2
3 - Priority 3
4 - Priority 4
All Can Priority Priority X013 0 – disable
1 - Priority 1
2 - Priority 2
3 - Priority 3
4 - Priority 4
Tacho Can Priority Priority X014 0 – disable
1 - Priority 1
2 - Priority 2
3 - Priority 3
4 - Priority 4
FMS Priority Priority X015 0 – disable
1 - Priority 1
2 - Priority 2
3 - Priority 3
4 - Priority 4

IO Properties

I/O properties are additional data sources, which are recorded along with usual GPS data.
IO#0 (ID=x300)
I/O#0 priority
Parameter defines I/O property type of priority: 0 is disabled, 1 is low, 2 – high, 3 – panic, 4 – SW21, 5 – SW22, 6 – SW23, 7 –SW24.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 7 (ex.3) 0 I/O#0 property parameter
I/O#0 High level
I/O#0 Low level
I/O#0 logic operand
I/O#0 averaging constant

I/O#0 High level

Parameter defines high value of triggered I/O property. This parameter is used to set thresholds for I/O properties to generate events.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 9999999 1 I/O#0 property parameter - priority
I/O#0 Low level
I/O#0 logic operand
I/O#0 averaging constant

I/O#0 Low level

Parameter defines Low value of triggered I/O property. This parameter is used to set thresholds for I/O properties to generate events.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 9999999 1 I/O#0 property parameter - priority
I/O#0 High level
I/O#0 logic operand
I/O#0 averaging constant

I/O#0 Logic operand

Parameter defines when event is sent: 0 is event on exit, 1 – on entrance, 2 – on both, 3 – monitoring, 4 – hysteresis, 5 – on change.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
0 5 2 I/O#0 priority

I/O#0 High level
I/O#0 Low level
I/O#0 averaging constant
IO#0 (ID=x300)


I/O#0 Averaging constant

Parameter defines I/O property sample length to average. If no averaging needed default value is 10.

Minimum value Maximum value Recommended value Goes with (Depends on) parameters Value type
1 99999999 1 IO#0 (ID=x300)

I/O#0 priority
I/O#0 High level
I/O#0 Low level
I/O#0 logic operand


To configure I/O#0 element every value above should be separated with comma. For example, configuring first profile I/O#0 element by SMS, SMS should look like: “ setparam 3300 1,0,0,1,1” (“ setparam <profile number>300 <priority>,<HighLevel>,<LowLevel>,<Operand>,<AvgC onstant>”)

Other I/O property elements can be configured in the same logic. All I/O element parameters are listed below.

I/O Element Number I/O element parameters I/O Element Number I/O element parameters
I/O#0 – Digital input 1 x300 I/O#31 – Dallas ID 2 x327
I/O#1 – Digital input 2 x301 I/O#32 – Dallas Temp. 2 x328
I/O#2 – Digital input 3 x302 I/O#33 – Dallas ID 3 x329
I/O#3 – Digital input 4 x303 I/O#34 – Dallas Temp. 3 x330
I/O#4 – Digital output 1 x304 I/O#35 – Dallas ID 4 x331
I/O#5 – Digital output 2 x305 I/O#36 – Dallas Temp. 4 x332
I/O#6 – Digital output 3 x306 I/O#37 – Dallas ID 5 x499
I/O#7 – Digital output 4 x307 I/O#38 – Dallas Temp. 5 x500
I/O#8 – Analog input 1 x308 I/O#39 – Dallas ID 6 x501
I/O#9 – Analog input 2 x309 I/O#40 – Dallas Temp. 6 x502
I/O#10 – Analog input 3 X445 I/O#41 – Fuel Counter x333
I/O#11 – Profile x310 I/O#42 – Ignition x334
I/O#12 – Battery voltage x311 I/O#43 – RFID COM1 x335
I/O#13 – Battery Current x312 I/O#44 – Total Odometer x519
I/O#14 – GPS PDOP x313 I/O#45 – RFID COM2 x520
I/O#15 – GPS HDOP x314 I/O#46 – Aixis X X521
I/O#16 – Ext. Voltage x315 I/O#47 – Aixis Y X522
I/O#17 – GNSS Status x316 I/O#48 – Aixis Z X523
I/O#18 – Movement sensor x317 I/O#49 – IMSI code x524
I/O#19 – Trip Odometer x318 I/O#50 – CCID code x525
I/O#20 – GSM Operator x319 I/O#51 – SD Status X526
I/O#21 – Speed x320 I/O#52 – LLS #1 Fuel x336
I/O#22 – iButton ID x321 I/O#53 – LLS #1 Temp. x337
I/O#23 – GSM Signal level x322 I/O#54 – LLS #2 Fuel 338
I/O#24 – Network Type x447 I/O#55 – LLS #2 Temp. x339
I/O#25 – Cell ID x450 I/O#56 – LLS #3 Fuel x340
I/O#26 – Area Code x451 I/O#57 – LLS #3 Temp. x341
I/O#27 – Deep Sleep x323 I/O#58 – LLS #4 Fuel x342
I/O#28 – PCB Temp. x324 I/O#59 – LLS #4 Temp. x343
I/O#29 – Dallas ID 1 x325 I/O#60 – LLS #5 Fuel x344
I/O#30 – Dallas Temp. 1 x326 I/O#61 – LLS #5 Temp. x345

Camera Settings

Parameter ID Parameter value Value type
MIN MAX Default Recommended
Camera Power DOUT x064 1 (Enable) 4 (Teltonika cable) 0 (Disable) - U8
Timeout 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Timeout value 60 65535 3600 s. - U16
Digital Input 1 event 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Digital Input 2 event 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Digital Input 3 event 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Digital Input 4 event 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
ECO/Green Driving Event 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Excessive Idling 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Overspeeding 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Send In Roaming 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Crash 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Towing 0 (Disable) 1 (Enable) 0 - U8
Picture Burst 1 10 1 - U8
Time between burst events 3 15 3 - U8