DSM Configuration

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Device configuration

Data protocol.gif

  • In RS232\RS485 settings under RS232 Settings navigate to COM1 settings and in Mode parameter selection, open the drop-down menu and select DSM, please also keep the baudrate set to default which is 115200

Dsm rs232.gif

  • Make sure to change DSM I/O feature Priorities to Low, High or Panic (Based on your needs). Also set operand and low/high settings in order to receive events based on specific conditions, e.g.: Yawning - Low priority - Low/High level 0 - Operand On Exit. This would mean that if the person yawns, the camera will detect this scenario, the parameter level will jump from 0 to 1 and will exit the configured high level which is set on exit. This will generate an event and send it to the configured server.

Dsm io.gif

  • In order to receive event data, a server has to be configured. Navigate to GPRS settings and enter the server details under Server #1 Settings. Details such as domain name and port number are required to be entered.

DSM server.jpg

General settings

Dsm gensettings.jpg

  • Measurement Units - can either be metric or imperial, Global standard are metric units while in some cases like US and UK - measurement standard is Imperial units.
  • Volume level - sets the volume level of DSM camera alerts
  • Camera block repeat alarm - DSM camera will release a warning sound if the camera is blocked. This setting allows the camera to repeat warnings until the camera view is clear.

Image/recording settings

Dsm img-recsettings.jpg

  • Voice recording -
  • Overlay text -
  • Mirror display -
  • Video format -
  • Recording ratio -
  • G-sensor sensitivity -

Event settings

Dsm event-settings.jpg

  • Working speed source -
  • Automatic transmit (global) -


Dsm drowsiness.jpg

  • Activation -
  • Vibration -
  • Automatic transmit -


Dsm distraction.jpg

  • Activation -
  • Vibration -
  • Automatic transmit -


Dsm phone.jpg

  • Activation -
  • Vibration -
  • Automatic transmit -


Dsm smoking.jpg


Dsm yawning.jpg

File upload settings

Dsm file-upload.jpg