03.29.00.Rev.13 (recommended for FMC130, FMC230, FMC920)
03.27.14.Rev.00 (recommended for FMB120, FMB130, FMB920)
- 1-wire interface optimization
- New accelerometer component support added
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
03.27.13.Rev.03 (recommended for FMT100, FMB1XY, FMB0XY, FMB2XY, FMB9XY, FMM130, FMC001)
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
03.27.13.Rev.01 (recommended for FMM001)
- Manufacture testing improvements
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
03.27.12.Rev.00 (recommended for FMC001)
- Preferred Operator functionality improvements
- SLM320 modem support added
- BLE advanced beacon improvements
- Static navigation improvements
- GNSS improvements
- New OBD Data MCU support added
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
03.27.07.Rev.00 (recommended for FMB9X0, FMB204, MTB100)
- New Flash memory component support added
- Inverted DOUT functionality added
- Universal Beacons functionality added
- Added Beacon On Change functionality
- Beacons list expanded to support 50 beacon ID's
- BLE AES128 encryption added
- Added Ignition On Counter functionality
- Added BLE Efento sensor support
- Added encrypted record support (TLS)
- Added Ban list control functionality
- EGTS protocol support added
- Added configurable ACK type (TCP/AVL) source feature
- Advanced eco driving for all hardware
- Matrix3 RFID support added
- iButton list extended to 4000 iButtons
- Device records saving/sending improvements
- Towing scenario improvements
- SMS Data Sending improvements on events generation
- SMS commands setdigout and readio sending improvements
- Time synch from NTP/NITZ improvements
- Device wake up from sleep modes improvements
- HW with eSIM feature general working improvements
- Can adapters data reading on ignition off/on improvements
- Can adapters settings over SMS commands improved
- General device debug logs capture improvements
- BLE whitelist (scan stability improvements)
- Battery protection improvements
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
- internal GNSS chip firmware update
- Improved AutoAPN feature
- AutoAPN improvements
- Odometer calculation from CAN adapters data improvements
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
- Fix data type for BLE Sensor Custom
- Record data sending improvements
- Records saving and sending logic improved
- Improved system stability and fixed general bugs
- Auto APN functionality added to base firmware.
03.25.15.Rev.02 (recommended for FM30XY)
- Improved Green Driving feature parameter sending.
- Records saving and sending logic improved.
- UL202 Fuel level sensor support improvements, status IO changed from (AVL ID 328) to (AVL ID 483)
- Odometer accuracy improvements when the Odometer Calculation Source is selected as the LVCAN
- One wire data reading improvements
- Manual geofence configuration improvements
- Data sending in online deep sleep mode optimization
- DOUT Control via Ignition implementation
- OBD data reading improvements
- SMS command btgetlist improvements
- Periodic sending optimization
- Changed setdigout command response to "DOUT is disabled from CFG" if DOUT is disabled configuration
- Improved SMS responses
- Added FMB207 support
- Added FMB964 support
- Added FMB130 support
- Added BT3 auto connection mode "User ID"
- Added UL202-02 fuel sensors functionality
- Improved record sending to backup
- Added DOUT3 control for scenarios with FMB130 hardware
- Improved OBD CAN reading
- Add "Always" battery charge mode
- Added codec14 protocol support
- GPS Acquisition improvements
- Improved duplicate lvcan parameters
- OBDII improvements, for ignition off detection and protocol changing
- Add RS485 parity selection
- Improved ECO driving functionality I/O elements manipulation
- Added impulse counter support for FMB130
- Added FW downgrade protection
- Rename BT user ID I/O element text default value
- Added composed Bluetooth® name functionality
- Changed minimum & default geofence zone radius to 5 meters
- GPS status update
- Improved Eco Driving detection for FMB20X devices
- Improved baud rate change
- Change Default Time Synchronization value to Disable (GNSS only)
- getops SMS command added
- Only Half ICCID sent to server on ICCID event improvement
- bt getlist improvement
- Added BLE connection control functionality, when service id is configured
- Use speed if LVCAN/OBD speed is 0
- Improved record generating when speed source is configured as OBD/CAN
- Added speed source configuration parameter for scenarios where vehicle speed is needed
- Improved speed jump filter
- Crash trace improvements
- Changed "obdinfo" sms response - returns LAST detected OBD protocol now
- Improved OBD data reading
- Changed "obdinfo" sms response
- Improved Ultra Deep sleep mode
- Improved FMB207 support
- Improved simultaneous DNS requests issue (DNS fails if requesting at same time). Do not affects FM3/FM4 with ext modem
- Improved path creating for NMEA logging file (after sdformat)
- OBD & ELD improvements
- 1-Wire Dallas temperature sensors improvements
- Do not allow unauthorized incoming calls if any authorized number is configured
- VIN reset/change on ELD improved
- Changed default battery level sms text to "Battery level %"
- Improved CODEC12 CMD server -> RS232/RS485 data length
- CAN interrupt handling reworked
- Improvement for putting space to APN configuration then it's empty and sim is inserted
- Improved DOUT control over SMS when no DOUTs are enabled
- Reworked external modem power off/on procedures
- Changed SMS cmd "getgps" time source, to prevent zero values when GPS is OFF
- GSM numbers handling rework
- Improvement for Bluetooth® communication over BT 3.0
- Changed default configuration parameters values
- Improved SIM switch algorithm for DUAL-SIM devices (FMB125, FMB122)
- Added possibility to set LV-CAN200, ALL-CAN300, CAN-CONTROL program number using SMS command in Online Deep Sleep mode
- Improved RS485 LLS reconfiguring on different positions
- The conditions for entering sleep depend on this parameter:
Always / After Time Sync / After Position Fix
- Improved records reading and sending
- Fixed Total Odometer IO values appearing in Trip Odometer IO
- Fixed unexpected GPS LED blinking after wake up from sleep
- UDP data sending improvements
- Fixed CAN CONTROL speed I/O element value parsing
- Fixed Battery Voltage I/O coefficients
- Improved Crash Detection duration calculation
- Changed odometer configuration parameter available min value to 0, while on TCP configuration values is from 1
- Improved auto calibration algorithm
- Improved data sending algorithm
- Removed forced record sending after waking up from deep sleep
- Fixed ELD data sending via BLE
- ELD speed source selection improvements
- Fixed BLE temperature sensors I/O low level configuration
- Changed odometer source switching algorithm (OBD<->GNSS). If OBD data becomes unavailable device will not switch to GNSS source automatically
- Improved crash data packing
- Fixed SMS "odoset:" max value validation
- Fixed device restarts due too many BLE devices in range when performing scanning operation
- Improved LLS data reading stability
- Changed "Engine Oil Temperature" OBD IO element value representation from SIGNED to UNSIGNED
- Increased Odometer max value from 999999 to 4294967
- Fixed AIN1 and External Voltage swap for FMB900
- Added shadow calibration functionality
- Improved eco driving events functionality
- Improved GNSS hdop&pdop validation
- Fixed LVCAN Fuel Level value coefficient according to IO protocol
- Added Battery level % IO element
- Fixed gps fix acquisition
- Added Configurable BLE transmitting power
- Added ELD support into base OBD FW version
- Improved communication with FOTA WEB
- Reworked IO manager to properly support variable length of IO
- Improved operation in Deep Sleep
- Improved records packing
- Improved crash records generation.
- Improved FW startup speed
- Increased Trip status reading from BTAPP rate
- Improved Idling functionality
- Fixed duplicated record issue
- Improved Bluetooth® scanning functionality
- Added OBD DTC, LVCAN DTC IO elements
- Improved Power consumption in sleep mode
- Fixed incomming call detection
- Improved records saving scenario
- Added MIN SPEED protections for ECO DRIVING
- Improved RS232 operation after device initialization
- Improved TZBT data reading
- Improved eco/green driving and crash detection functionalities
- Max packet size increased from 1024 bytes to 1280 bytes
- Improved LiPo battery detection
- Fixed FOTA WEB hardware detection
- Improved SMS/GPRS command "setdigout" with speed parameter according to documentation (do not trigger DOUTx if GNSS FIX unavailable)
- Added ELD VIN number validation
- Fixed OBD and LVCAN IO current value showing in configurator
- Fixed record sending if mode was changed and send period “0”
- Added FMB125 BLE DualSIM HW support
- Added TZ-BT05B sensor support
- Improved BLE scanning
- Improved data sending scenario
- Fixed configuration loading after download via FOTAWEB issue
- Improved DOUT functionality
- Added CAN-CONTROL support
- Changed LVCAN Engine Temperature and LVCAN Fuel Level value coefficient (according IO protocol)
- Added new SMS/GPRS command "getimsi" for IMSI number reading
- Added ELD functionality
- DNS support improvement
- Stability improvements
- Improved FOTA WEB functionality
- Improved odometer value calculating from LVCAN (km->m)
- Improved 1-wire operation with long wires
- Improved Bluetooth® functionality
- Improved OBD data reading
- Improved Static Navigation filter
- Improved Crash Detection scenario
- Improved device connection to configurator after FW update
- Updated LVCAN protocol to support 4 and 5 digits numbers
- BT functionality optimization
- Improved simultaneous use of several Bluetooth® connections
- Fixed IO elements High/Low config parameters negative values saving
- Improved OBD communication
- Improved Outgoing Call trigger conditions
- Improved VIN reading
- Record saving optimization
- Improved iButton expire time calculation
- OBD pinout for FM3 improvement
- Improved data sending
- Improved FOTA WEB configuration sending
- Changed GPS state values reporting in SMS "getinfo" according documentation
- Improved Crash Detection
- Added GPRS OPEN timeout for FOTA WEB
- Improved UNLOCK key generation for keyword restoring
- LiPo battery charging optimization
- Added FMB2YX hardware support
- Improved record storing and sending algorithm
- Improved communication with accelerometer
- Improved firmware update handling with internal flash memory
- BLE functionality added
- Improved OBD request functionality
- Improved record search and sending scenario
- Fixed SD storage (used/total) info displaying
- Added OBD stuck protection
- Improved logging
- Improved movement detection in sleep modes
- Added SMS "getrecord" for High prio record generation
- Added fix for GPRS authentication pap/chap
- Added Ultra Deep Sleep functionality
- Improved LiPo charging algorithm
- Added support of FM30XY hardware
- New parameter for SMS event compositor: %gmap – provides Google Maps link in SMS event message
- Improvement for OBD data display in Configurator Status window
- Improved Ignition and Movement detection by CAN data (OBD/LVCAN)
- Improved iButton IO event generation after sleep mode
- Fixed Trip odometer precision when counting mode is “Between records”
- Fixed “setdigout” command usage on FMB9YX
- Added iButton ID inversion to solve incompatibility with FMA
- Added additional iButton family ID’s
- Improved backup server triggering if main server DNS request fails
- Removed Ios generation in deep/online sleep for EcoScore, Dallas Temp/ID, iButton, RFID, LLS
- Enabled GSM I/O’s in online sleep
- Added setdigout dependency on speed. DOUT change is not executed while speed is too high.
- GPS version string truncated in “getver” SMS response
- Movement detection sensitivity decreased
- Improvement in records manager to prevent records corruption
- High priority events are not checking to send period now
- Towing IO reset on feature reactivation added
- Fixed FOTA WEB issue when APN has login and password
- Major stability improvement patch!
- Added immobilizer state restore on startup
- SMS sending is now aborted after 3 unsuccessful attempts
- SMS events text composition added. You can add additional parameters to SMS text
- Improved HID RFID reading in FMB125
- Added Green Driving Duration IO element (AVL ID: 243)
- Fixed SIM PIN change via Bluetooth®*RS232 buffered modes added
- Updated GPS FW (Galileo satellites are used now too)
- Auto calibration procedure improved
- Added new LV-CAN200 parameters: CNG Status, CNG Used, CNG Level, OIL Level, Engine Temperature
- Added “getimeiccid” SMS/GPRS command
- IMEI packaging for UDP fixed
- Crash Trace fixed
- BTAPP application improvement
- OBD PID data requesting when VIN unavailable fixed
- Fake overspeeding events are now filtered out
- Fixed BT name autogenerating if empty
- Fixed records sending via UDP
- Autoconnect to FotaWeb on power ON and after “cpureset“ added
- OBD protocol detection improvements
- GNSS (used for records) data while device is in GPS sleep / deep sleep / online deep sleep fixed
- Changed BT DEFAULT name autogeneration by device type
- Improved SD present and mounted state detection
- Removed check for AIN min value 500mV
- Records sending by min saved records fix
- New feature: NMEA via Bluetooth®*New feature: Read records
- New feature: iButton reading notification via DOUT.
- New SMS/GPRS command: getvin (Returns vehicle VIN number. Aplicable for FMB001, or other FMB devices with connected OBDII dongle)
- BTAPP protocol updated
- Improvements in records sending (fixes increased traffic usage)
- Improved configuration saving time
- Improved overall device stability
- Fixed Bluetooth® Data Link.
- Fixed Bluetooth® name auto-generating if empty.
- Fixed Bluetooth® clear all Paired device list from configurator.
- Fixed records sending via UDP.
- Fixed IMEI packaging for UDP.
- Improved SMS login/pass validator. All characters are now allowed.
- Added protection for OBD Odometer value reset.
- Added protection for IMEI corruption.
- Fixed bad records detector.
- Added call functionality (when event detected) in Deep Sleep mode.
- Restart protection fixed.
- Improvements in SIM PIN setting.
- Changed default FOTA WEB Domain.
- Fixed OBD PID data requesting when VIN unavailable.
- OBD protocol detection improvements.
- Modem power ON improvements.
- NTP improvements.
- Added “getimeiccid” SMS/GPRS command.
- SMS/GPRS command “sdformat” improvements.
- SMS Login/Pass validator improvements.
- Removed check for AIN min value 500mV.
- Added additional IO High/Low-level setter by ParamID.
- Fixed SMS processing state check in modem SLEEP mode setter.
- FOTA functionality improvement.
- Added protections by GSM number and text length.
- IO event External Voltage DeltaChange improvements.
- Fixed issues with double records, bad records, record search.
- Fixed microSD to RAM switching for records saving.
- Added retries for unsuccessful outgoing call.
- Fixed Crash detection functionality.
- Battery charging improvement.
- Record sending via UDP fixed.
- Record sending in DeepSleep improvement.
- FOTA WEB functionality improvement.
- Added protection for IMEI corruption.
- Added FOTA WEB functionality
- Optimization of power consumption in sleep modes
- GNSSS IO Text "GNSSpower" changed to "GNSSStatus"
- Added zero filling the ibutton values
- Enabled IOs GNSS, Total Odometer in dsleep mode
- Improved getio SMS response for FMB125
- Added CCID validity check before PIN registration
- Minimized power consumptions in sleep modes
- Added SD card check before it’s usage
- Changed excessive idling default/max values
- DUAL SIM functionality implementation
- PIN Entering to second SIM improvement
- SMS/GPRS getgps command improvement
- Added dual server support
- Operator Black list implementation
- Authorized GSM numbers list increased to 200
- Unplug feature improvement
- SMS command 'sdformat' – deletes all internal memory
- SMS command ‘deleterecords’ – deletes Avl records from memory
- Faster GPS FIX after leaving sleep mode
- ‘odoset’ SMS command fixed
- Excessive Idling functionality improvement
- DOUT state is restored on startup
- Towing activation timeout max value increased
- Averaging now works in Deep Sleep mode too
- Minor OBD improvements
- Bluetooth® pairing improvements
- FMB962/FMB964 hardware support added
- Records sending when link is open fixed
- Added 5 geozones functionality
- IO elements ICCID and SD Status are added
- Added Keyword functionality
- Crash detection improvement, now it detects consecutive events
- Towing Detection improvement
- Unplug detection improvement
- GPRS connection stability improvement
- Improved Unplug detection – now detects “plug” events too
- Data sending without microSD card
- getgps SMS commands format fixed
- Default configuration changed – allow sending in roaming and unknown modes
- Improved connection to GSM operators
- Improved LiPo battery charger state interpretation
- Updated GPS firmware version
- Hardware detection improvement
- Corrected “Green driving” values: “m/s2” conversion to “g”
- SIM PIN entering fixed.
- SMS Reading improved. Don't go to DeepSleep if there are SMS to read in memory.
- GPS Fuel Counter fix.
- Jamming detection improvement.
- AutoGeofence functionality improvement.
- Entering to DeepSleep fixed
- IO elements “event only” parameter fix
- Improvement in connection to GSM operator
- Added SD card drive capacity parameter to Status window
- Added BeiDou satellite numbers
- Trip odometer I/O calculation improvement.
- OBD data, VIN, DTC error count reading, DTC PID's requests, DTC delete via Bluetooth®*Fixed GPS no fix lock-up
- Bluetooth® Voice call added
- Accelerometer axis values XYZ as IO elements
- Configuration send/save over Bluetooth®*NTP+NITZ Time synchronization
- EcoDriving auto-calibration