FMB630 SMS/GPRS command list
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Main Page > EOL Products > FMB630 > FMB630 Manual > FMB630 SMS/GPRS command list
All commands are case sensitive. When user tries to send SMS/GPRS message to FMB630 that operates in Deep Sleep mode, it cannot arrive to FMB630 device because the GSM/GPRS module is disabled most of the time. FMB630 will receive the SMS/GPRS message when it exits Deep Sleep mode.
If FMB630 is in GPS Sleep or Online Deep Sleep mode, sent SMS/GPRS message will arrive to the device.
Common commands
Command | Description | Response |
getstatus | Modem Status information. | Yes |
getweektime | Current device time, Day of Week and amount of minutes passed since start of week. | Yes |
getops | List of currently used and available GSM operators. | Yes |
getcfgtime | Date and Time of last successful configuration | Yes |
readops# | Emergency gsm operator readout from active profile
1 – operators [1-20] |
Yes |
getnmeainfo | Nmea error debug sms. | Yes |
getcfgtime | Date and Time of last successful configuration. | Yes |
getgps | Current GPS data and time. | No |
loadprofile# | Load specified profile into RAM Engine Profile. # - number of profile to load. | Yes |
cpureset | Reset CPU. | Yes |
resetallprof | Reset all FLASH profiles to default profile. | Yes |
getver | Device / Modem / Code version information. | Yes |
getinfo | Device runtime system information. | Yes |
deleterecords | Delete all records saved on FLASH. | Yes |
getio | Readout digital inputs and outputs, analog inputs. | Yes |
readio # | Readout input value according entered ID, # - ID value. | Yes |
getgnss | Current GNSS information. | Yes |
sn x [x=0;1] | Enable/disable static navigation. | Yes |
setdigout XXXX Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 | Set digital output. 1. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT1. 2. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT2. 3. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT3. 4. # – 0 or 1 (0 - OFF or 1 – ON) for DOUT4. Y1 – timeout value for DOUT1 if needed (in seconds). Y2 – timeout value for DOUT2 if needed (in seconds). Y3 – timeout value for DOUT3 if needed (in seconds). Y4 – timeout value for DOUT4 if needed (in seconds). |
Yes |
getparam # | Readout parameter value according entered ID.
Yes |
setparam # # | Set parameter value according entered ID and Value. 1.# - ID value. 2.# - New Parameter Value. |
Yes |
flush #,#,#,#,#,#,# | Redirects device to other server. 1.# - IMEI. |
Yes |
banlist | Banlist information. | Yes |
crashlog | Crash log information. | Yes |
delete_all_sms | Delete all read SMS. | No |
delete_all_sms | Delete all read SMS. | No |
odinfo | Odometer Debug info. | Yes |
odoget | Gets saved continuous odometer value | Yes |
odoreset | Sets continuous odometer value to 0 | Yes |
odoset | Sets continuous odometer value; format: odoset # where # odometer value to be set | Yes |
prof2backup | Saves configuration to backup. | Yes |
backup2prof | Recovers saved profile. | Yes |
backupinfo | Backup information. | Yes |
Command | Description | Response |
lvcansetprog # | Set program number to LV-CAN200/ ALL-CAN300 that is connected to FMB630. # - three digit number that identity vehicle | Yes |
lvcansimpletacho # | Add or remove simpletacho start byte. # - 0 or 1 (0 – don’t add start byte, 1 – add start byte) | No |
lvcangetprog | Get program number from LV-CAN200/ ALL-CAN300 that is connected to FMB630 | Yes |
lvcangetinfo | Get information about connected LV-CAN200/ALL-CAN300 | Yes |
lvcanclear # | Clear Total Mileage (counted), Engine Work Time (counted), Fuel Consumed (counted) parameters values. # - parameter (0 – Engine work time (counted), 1 – Fuel Consumed (counted), 2 – Vehicle Mileage (counted)) | Yes |