What to do if the FM device shows old program number instead of new configured one?

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Main Page > Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ > What to do if the FM device shows old program number instead of new configured one?


In this situation, the program number saving to the device depends on the software date in the external CAN adapters or FMB140.


Here you will find the steps on how to identify the possible cause of this issue.

How to check if the program number which you are trying to set is newer than the software date in the CAN device or not

  • In the wiring scheme, check from which date the program number is valid (see the attachment named Program date in wiring scheme.png);
  • Check the software date in the CAN device:
    • using SMS/GPRS command lvcangetinfo: send the command lvcangetinfo to the device with the connected CAN device and in the response, you will find the software date.
      • 'For instance: you receive a response to the command: Prog:12668 SWDate:210809 BootVev:20 HWVer:245 SWVer:52 Opt:38 ST:0 Protocol:4 ID:0xC4C29F5C73C5C4D5D82B4972561R15
      • The bolded SWDate can be understood as:
        • 21 --> year (2021)
        • 08 --> month
        • 09 --> day
    • using Fota WEB (excluding FMX6 series devices): search the FM device in Fota WEB to which the current CAN device is connected. When you click on the line with device IMEI, on the right side of the page you will see device details together with connected CAN device details.
      • For instance: in the attachment named Software date - Fota WEB.png you will see a marked parameter named Software Date. The value of it you would need to understand in the same way as described in the example of command lvcangetinfo
  • Compare the CAN device software date and program number creation date in the wiring scheme. If the CAN device software date is older than the program number creation date, then you will not be able to save the program number to the CAN devices and need to do an update of its software date. Otherwise, you will be able to save the program number to the CAN devices.

If you are trying to save a program number that was added later than the software date which is inside LV-CAN200

  • When you send the command lvcansetprog XXXXX, you will receive a response with the old program number
  • When you send the command setparam 45002:XXXXX, you will receive a response with the program number which you tried to set but it will not be saved in the device memory.


How to update the CAN adapter software date:

  • using FOTA WEB (excluding FMx6 series devices): all steps of how to do an update of CAN adapter software date you will find HERE.
  • using Bootloader: in this case, you will need to have a bootloader cable and software tool to do an update:
    • If you do not have a bootloader cable, please contact the Sales Manager and he/she will help you to order it.
    • If you have a bootloader cable but do not have a software tool, then please feel free to let me know and I will share instructions on how to use it.